Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1055

Shuyin's white face quickly turned into a ripe red apple!

Obviously, Jingxi's mother is lying to her, shaking hands can't be pregnant!

Originally with Jing Rui's hand together, has already let Shu Yin blush and heartbeat, coupled with Jingxi's words

Shuyin wants to find a crack to get in now!

Her hand is on Jingxi's stomach, and Jingrui's big hand covers her hand, and Jingxi's two small hands are all pressed on Jingrui's hand.

Shuyin tried to pull his hand out, but he didn't succeed at all!

Jingxi is still reluctant to ask: "sister, will you be pregnant? Will you also have a baby? "

Shu Yin doesn't dare to see Jing Rui's expression at the moment. She can only use a calm voice as far as possible: "handshake won't be pregnant..."

"How can I get pregnant?"

Shu Yin opened her mouth and couldn't say anything!

How could she explain it to an eight year old girl!

She doesn't want to cheat Jingxi. She can't let her think that she will get pregnant by holding a hand or a very simple touch. How bad it is to mislead her!

But I can't tell you the truth!

Jing Rui looks at Shu Yin, who is embarrassed by her sister, almost goes to the bottom of the table. Finally, he pulls back and looks at Jing Xi's light way: "don't monkey around. I'll send you home again."

His voice is very light, but can let Jingxi realize his seriousness.

Jing Xibai took a look at him and scolded him in his heart: smelly brother, she helped so hard that he didn't appreciate it. He even thought she was a fool!

Hum! When sister Shuyin is robbed, there will be time for him to cry!

Shu Yin's hand is separated from Jing Rui's, and the blazing heat disappears. She is at ease at last.

"Hi hee, do you still have a stomachache?"

"It's much better, sister. It's very useful for you to knead it for me."

Jingxi smiles at Shuyin sweetly, thinking, sorry, sister Shuyin, you are destined to be my sister-in-law. Let my brother take advantage of it first. Anyway, you will be his person sooner or later!

However, after still do not pretend to be ill, Shu Yin just so anxious, Jingxi himself is quite guilty.

Little girl did not know, her brother did not know how many times to touch Shu Yin's hand!

Today's situation is absolutely nothing!

To this extent, there is no way to continue the class.

And Jing Rui is sitting beside Shu Yin. Even if he just sits there, doesn't speak and doesn't have any expression, he's already a luminous body that can shine blind people's eyes!

Shu Yin has no way to ignore him. Several female students in the class are eager to try, so they can't afford to discuss the topic with the professor.

Most of the students in the classroom are European and American. Jing Xi also noticed that there are several girls with blonde hair and blue eyes discharging towards her brother.

Although the elder brother is an insulator and is indifferent to the girls who discharge electricity, Jingxi doesn't want Shu Yin to misunderstand her brother.

She cleanly pulls Shu Yin to walk, and Jing Rui follows them to go out.

Three people walking in the quiet campus, in the strong demand of Jing Xi, Jing Rui and Shu Yin one side, holding her small hand, walking on the shady path.

The greening of the campus is very good. The tall trees have sprouted out green buds, and the grass on the ground has also sprouted out. The spring breeze is blowing on the face, and the spring is full of vitality.

Shu Yin seldom goes out for a walk like this. She used to be alone. In addition to studying and doing experiments, she had no intention of playing.

Today, I was walking in the campus with Jingrui and Jingxi, and suddenly found that life can be so beautiful!

She is relaxed and happy, around a big and a small, she likes, and can let her trust, she does not have to hide themselves, do not have to worry about, want to laugh, want to make trouble!

This is the youth of eighteen!

After a while, Jingxi "cluck cluck" and ran forward with a smile. Shu Yin chased her behind and picked up a feather to scratch her.

Jingxi is out of breath with a smile. He runs all over the campus. He picks up a feather and goes to scratch Shuyin.

Shuyin was very ticklish, so they started laughing.

Jingrui is not slow to follow two people behind, and is willing to be their protector.

At this moment, he has never had a relaxed and happy.

Under the sun, white clouds floating in the blue sky, crisp laughter from time to time, the figure of two people shuttle between the tall trees, like two happy birds.

Jingrui knows that his sister doesn't have many playmates.

She is a gifted little girl with a very special identity. Even if there are so many students in school, none of them can play with her.

She is very happy today!

Although Shu Yin is ten years older than Jingxi, they are surprisingly similar in temperament, so good to stay and play together!The sun shines through the branches of the trees, casting golden light on the grass. It is dreamy and beautiful.

Jingrui looks at Shuyin holding Jingxi up and laughing. He can't help but feel that when he has a child, he will take the child out to play.

For the first time, he felt like a child.

He also realized for the first time that if he couldn't have children, it would be a bad problem.

Shucheng mountain, he can never let Shu Yin know, but if there is not a child he and Shu Yin, this will be a lifelong regret!

Jing Rui looks at Shu Yin's beautiful and delicate face from afar. He wants a daughter. He'd better look like Shu Yin.

He went to the two men and handed a bottle of water to his sister, and then to Shuyin.

Shu Yin took it with a smile and her voice was clear and cheerful: "Jingxi, her brother, thank you!"

Obviously, she was in a good mood, better than ever!

She likes children!

Shuyin side of Jingxi learning Shu tone toward Jingrui: "Jingxi her brother, thank you!"

Narrow minded!

Jingrui laughs, reaches out and rubs Jingxi's small head. The other hand naturally rubs Shuyin's head.

Shuyin suddenly froze. The water she had just drunk choked for a moment, and then she coughed violently.

Jing Rui looks natural to pat her back: "more adults, drink water can also choke, Xi Xi is OK."

Jing Xi grinned to Shu Yin and saw that she didn't cough, Parrot said: "more adults, drink water can choke, Xi Xi Xi is OK."

The meaning of her banter is obvious. Shu Yin's face turned red because of choking. Her face was even redder when her brother and sister laughed at each other again and again.

He poured some water into the palm of his hand, and then sprinkled it on Jingrui's face. He did not forget to sprinkle Jingxi on his face.

"Oh, my sister, you sneak in!"

Jingxi laughs and yells, and then learns to pour water into her hands and sprinkle it on her face.

"Brother, come and avenge me! Let's take a cold bath for sister Shuyin, ha ha... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!