Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1054

Jingrui is smiling in his heart, but there is no expression on his face. He just asks, "where does she sleep at night with you? What do you have to eat? What are you wearing? "

Shuyin takes a look at the little girl. Her clothes are in a mess, and her shoes are dirty. She combs all Jingxi's hair. Jingrui and Jingzhi can't braid. She is a good little beauty, but she has been nurtured by two big men.

She said in a low voice: "it's OK. I'll buy some more clothes for Xi Xi and change them. You can also find some things Xi Xi likes to bring. If I eat, I can buy her something nutritious and sleep... "

The problem of sleeping is not easy to solve, because Shuyin's student apartments are all single beds and can't sleep for two people.

"I can buy another cot for hee."

In fact, Shu Yin didn't want Jingxi to live with her. She has her brother here and her cousin here, so she can't have an outsider to take care of her.

However, Jingxi felt so poor for her today. The little girl liked her so much that she was rarely accompanied by someone. Some of them were reluctant to let Jingxi leave.

She began to think carefully about what to buy for the little girl. Anyway, when she cooperated with Jing Rui, she got a lot of money. Jingxi could buy anything she liked.

Jing Rui sees her bow head to think seriously appearance, light way: "need not."

Shu Yin raised his head and frowned slightly: "do you not agree that Xi Xi Xi lives with me?"

Jingxi also glared at his brother and said firmly: "brother, I don't like you any more! I'm going to live with my sister. She's kind to me and combs my hair. Unlike you and my second brother, in order not to comb my hair, but to cut off my braids, you are too bad! "

The two brothers did persuade Jingxi to cut her hair into short hair to take care of it. Jingxi has always been haunted by this matter!

She has a baby for her hair. She has kept it for several years. How can it be cut off because of two big idiots?

Jing Rui looks indifferent, and his tone is very reasonable: "I agree that Xi Xi Xi lives with you, but not in school, but in my home."

"How can this work?"

Shu Yin doesn't want to go back to Jingrui to live there. His name is not right and his words are not smooth. At most, they are half friends. What's the matter with him?

"Why not? Xixi is now growing up, need to supplement a variety of nutrients, follow you to eat outside is certainly not good. As for your cooking Xixi can't eat it. And living with me can solve the problem of sleeping directly, and it's safer than school. "

Jingxi understood his brother's intention in an instant!

Oh, it turns out that her brother is darker than her heart!

He has to let Shu Yin live back!

If two people live together, it is possible for anything to happen!

Brother can also use his beauty, seduce sister Shu Yin, perhaps she will soon be called sister-in-law!

Seeing Shu Yin's disagreement, Jingxi couldn't help holding her arm and being coquettish: "sister, my brother doesn't have time to take care of me. Would you like to live with me? I come to school with you during the day and sleep next to you at night! My mother used to coax me to sleep, but when you had an accident, my brother immediately took me to North America to save you. Otherwise, I am still in my mother's arms! You can't leave me

Shu Yin was reminded by her, which just remembered that Jing Rui and Jing Xi came to North America because of her!

Although she didn't know why Jing Rui came to save her, it was a fact that Jing Xi had not been home for a long time.

She was guilty of kissing Jingxi's small face and promised her, "OK, I'll coax you to sleep and play with you until you go home."

Shu Yin thinks that it is impossible for Jingxi to stay here for too long. Two days ago, Jingrui also said that he wanted to send Jingxi back to city A. It was only a few days. He had better go to Jingrui to live there.

Jing Rui is right. He needs to be safer there.

Deep in her heart, she was nervous, but inexplicably excited.

Shu Yin slightly lowered his head, but some do not dare to see Jing Rui!

Jingxi is still a child after all. She is so happy that she can't help but push Shuyin into her brother's arms immediately!

But this is too deliberate, easy to let Shu Yin doubt.

She sat there with her chin in her hands, her eyes rolling, and she had an idea.

Jingxi covered his stomach with his little hand, and suddenly "ouch," wrinkled his face and said, "sister, I have a stomachache

Shuyin was shocked and hurriedly held Jingxi on her lap. She asked her nervously, "Xi Xi, what's going on? Did you eat something bad? I'll take you to the hospital now! "

She had dinner with Jingxi this afternoon. She was worried that there was something wrong with the food, which made Jingxi's stomach and intestines uncomfortable.

Jingxi is not sick at all, go to the hospital to help!

She shook her head and pretended to be pitiful: "I'm ok, sister, would you help me rub my stomach? Mom used to rub it for meShu Yin doesn't know that this little girl can lie so much. She can only knead her stomach for Jingxi and ask for help from Jingrui.

"What? Xi Xi has a stomachache! I took her to have pizza at noon. Is there something wrong with the pizza? "

"It's OK. Just rub it!"

Although Jing Rui doesn't know what kind of moth her sister is going to produce, he knows that she must be pretending, so his answer is quite casual.

There's a kind of impulse to beat people up!

How can there be such a perfunctory brother!

Children do not understand, said knead is good, to really eat bad stomach, kneading is useless!

How did this elder brother become? No wonder Xi Xi had to follow her and refused to let Jing Rui and Jing Zhi take care of her!

Shuyin found Jingrui unreliable and had to persuade Jingxi: "Xixi, can I take you to the hospital? Let the doctor show you and it won't hurt! "

Jing Xi has a stomachache. Shu Yin is not in the mood for class at all. The old professor is sitting under the podium and discussing with a group of students around him a topic that was originally her interest in the field of genetics, but now she has nothing to do with it.

However, Jingxi refused to accept it. He was afraid of injections or taking medicine. At last, even the doctors were afraid and refused to go to the hospital.

"When my brother rubs my stomach, it hurts for me! Why don't you care about me? "

Jing Rui has no choice but to cooperate with the little girl in acting and reaches out to rub her stomach.

Jingxi is only eight years old, and there is no way for them to knead together.

She put her brother's big hand on Shuyin's, and asked innocently, "sister, if brother holds your hand, will you be pregnant? My mother said, "if my father holds her hand, she will have me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!