Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1053

Jing Rui approaches and follows them quietly.

Shuyin and Jingxi, who were joking in front of them, didn't notice that someone was following them. They were still laughing and talking.

“…… Brother now looking at the cold light, in fact, he was even worse than me when he was a child! Sister, you don't know. Two days ago, the second uncle told me that my brother framed him intentionally when he was a child, lifted a sister's skirt, and then put the blame on the second uncle. He told people that he was asked to do so by the second uncle! "

Follow behind the king Rui facial expression suddenly a stiff, this wench in the end is he kiss younger sister!

Do you have your brother's so dark?

Shuyin's tears of laughter are coming out!

Today, Jingxi told her a lot of interesting stories about Jingrui's childhood. She listened with great interest and thought that time passed quickly.

How could she have never imagined that Jing Rui would be so funny when she was young.

It seems that Jing Xi's naughty and boisterous character is not without a reason. Her brother is just like this, but now he has grown up and become mature and indifferent.

"He's so bad. He seems to be more obedient than he is. But let's call him and tell him you're here, OK? Otherwise, your brother can't find you. You should be worried. "

Shuyin long hair shawl, wearing a pair of light blue jeans, a simple white coat, holding books in one hand, holding Jingxi's small hand in the other, walking slowly on the campus path.

Her voice is extremely rare gentle, with a thick smile, the whole person seems to be full of youth.

In the afternoon, the warm sunshine shines on two girls, one big and one small. It is warm and happy, which makes people feel happy and beautiful with the help of their emotions.

Jing Rui, who is following them, suddenly feels that maybe she can really send her sister to Shu Yin's side. The picture they have together is too beautiful. Jing Rui believes that Shu Yin likes her sister very much, and there is no problem taking care of Jingxi with her ability.

However, the only thing that Jing Rui worries about is that his sister is not reliable. He likes to say that his embarrassing things don't say, and he always makes trouble. In case Shuyin is pulled into the water, it will be in trouble!

"Sister, are you going to take me back? But I like you and I don't like my brother. Don't you send me back

One second before Jingxi was still smiling, talking about his brother's embarrassment, the next second he changed his face, sad and miserable, with tears in his big eyes, like an abandoned kitten. It looked so pitiful!

Looking at her sister's side face, Jingrui knows that she has started acting again, but Shu Yin doesn't know. She is frightened by Jingxi's crying appearance. She quickly squats down and reaches for Jingxi's arms.

"Why don't you take me back to the classroom

Shu Yin is not a soft hearted and unprincipled person. On the contrary, she is actually a ruthless woman, so cruel that she can be cruel to herself.

But to Jing Xi, she was completely soft hearted.

Children's world is simple without impurities, they have no utilitarian heart.

Especially for a little girl like Jingxi, she looks lovely and beautiful. Sometimes she is naughty, but also full of childlike interest. She is a smart little cute baby. Shuyin only has the will to protect her and has no intention to drive her away.

She did not have a good childhood, did not love her parents, especially want to let Jingxi's childhood happy, hope her life is full of love.

Of course, Jingxi knows that Shu Yin likes her. One of her goals here is to make Shu Yin like her. It's easier for her to be her sister-in-law!

Shu Yin so easily agreed to let her stay, Jingxi is very happy, and jump with Shuyin forward.

Jingrui follows behind them, and doesn't speak. Looking at his sister and Shu Yin together, he just feels inexplicably soft at the bottom of his heart.

My sister is like a happy bird, chattering and chattering. She listens patiently with a smile on her lips. She also asks questions to Jingxi from time to time, and Jingxi says more.

Jingrui smiles and no longer follows them. He goes back to his car and waits for Shuyin to take the initiative to find him.

My sister is at Shuyin's place. Shuyin will certainly look for him.

It has to be said that Jingxi's method is too good, which is simply to let Shu Yin take the initiative to get closer to him.

After a while, Jing Rui received a message from Shu Yin: Xi Xi is here with me. I'll take her to play today. You can pick her up later.

Jing Rui lips slightly Yang, but only a short return of a word: good.

Just, half an hour later, Jing Rui appeared in front of Shu Yin.

Shu Yin was listening to a gray haired old professor with Jingxi. When she turned her head, she saw that there were more people next to her!

The classrooms in North American universities are very free. Professors never call names in class. Students can leave the classroom freely if they have something or don't like to listen to. Of course, they can also come in and participate in the discussion.

So Jing Rui doesn't attract Shu Yin's attention at all. Her attention is basically on Jing Xi.Because the little girl is so smart, she can understand a lot of biology knowledge that the professor talks about!

Shu Yin widened his eyes and whispered, "how did you come?"

"Didn't you let me?"

"I I want you to come later! "

"I came half an hour late. It's not" late ", it's a lot late."

Shuyin is suddenly angry!

He clearly knew what she meant, but he had to distort it. How could he not have found him so bad before?

Of course, Jingxi also saw Jing Rui. She blinked her big eyes and complained to Shu Yin: "sister, don't you like me? Are you going to send me back to the wolf's nest? My brother knows that he is busy every day. No one cares about me. Do you want to take care of me? "

Jingxi said, tears began to fall.

Shuyin can't stand this!

She quickly hugged the little girl, while wiping her tears and comforting her: "no, no, how can I not like you? I was afraid that you would be worried if your brother could not find him, so I gave him a peace report. Who knows he came so soon. It's OK. Don't worry. If you don't want to go back, stay here with me! "

Shu Yin comforted the little one and turned to the big one and said, "if you don't have time, don't let her live with me for a few days. I will take good care of her."

Jing Rui is quite helpless. It seems that his opposition is useless now?

One must follow and the other likes to be followed. If he forcibly separates them, he will have to bear two complaints!

He looked at Jing Xi faintly, and saw that her big eyes were full of cunning, which made him laugh secretly.

How little girl is more active than him!

She likes Shu Yin so much?

Or afraid that Shuyin will be taken away by others? , the fastest update of the webnovel!