Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1052

The smile on Jingrui's face freezes instantly, and then his sharp eyes sweep to Jingzhi like a knife.

Jingzhi immediately shook his head and said, "it has nothing to do with me! She guessed it herself! Xi Xi recently learned the word "roll the bed sheet." she likes to use it everywhere. In fact, she doesn't know what it means

Jingxi immediately took down the stage without any politeness: "who said I didn't know? Rolling sheets means that a man and a woman take off their clothes on the bed... "

Before she finished her words, Jing Zhi immediately covered her mouth and took her away from Jing Rui's arms.

Jing Rui has no choice but to take his sister. Now he is sure that Jing Zhi has made his secret known to the public!

Otherwise, Jingxi would never ask such a question.

Jing Rui has not understood until today how troublesome it is to have a gifted child at home!

Although he was much more obedient than Jingxi when he was a child, he understood all the things that should and should not be understood when he was very young!

At that time, he only felt that he was very powerful. Now when he saw his sister was like this, he only felt a headache!

"Well, Xixi, it's already midnight. Go to bed now, and don't talk about the word" rolling bed "in the future

"Then you have to tell me why sister Shu Yin left? Did you two quarrel

Jingxi has been very sleepy by now.

She knew from her brother's appearance that her brother and Shuyin didn't roll sheets at all, maybe they didn't even hold hands.

She was deeply worried about her brother, afraid that he would not chase girls.

The elder brother is cold all day long, does not have a smiling face, the other girl sees him to be scared to run away!

Girls need to coax, need to pet, they are very soft, as long as willing to pay sincerely, it is easy to move them to hold beauty home!

Jing Rui looked at her persistent sister and could only shake her head helplessly: "there was no quarrel. Her injuries were all healed and she went back to school. This is the last question. Now, go to bed

Although Jingxi didn't believe her brother's words, it was too late today. Tomorrow, she would popularize a thousand and one method of chasing girls for her brother!

Jingxi yawned and hugged Jingzhi's neck and coquettish: "second brother and second brother, can you coax me to sleep?"

As long as the little witch is willing to sleep, go up the mountain and go down to the sea of fire!

With tears in her eyes, Jingzhi promised her: "good, good, second brother coax you to sleep!"

"Can you sing for me?"


"You have to sing and pat me. Oh, that's how my mother coax me!"

"No problem!"

"I want to hear you tell me a story!"

"Talk about it!"

"Oh, I want to hear the story of female ghosts falling in love with male zombies. Last time you only told half of the story, and then what happened? How does he kiss a ghost? Are two different species born of IMPs or zombies? "


Jing Rui just feels that her sister has finally become a normal little girl. She is more childlike than herself. Then she hears the story she wants to hear. It's so frightening!

Finally, he couldn't help stroking his forehead, and his headache was incomparable!

He needs to find someone who can lead his sister on the right track!

Let her follow Jingzhi again, she will be more and more demonic!

After one night, when he got up in the morning, Jingxi saw Jing Rui in the restaurant and immediately knocked the glass with a spoon:

"brother, why are you still at home! Don't eat, hurry upstairs to change clothes, dress yourself up to be more handsome! Then go to change the elder sister into a sister-in-law and have dinner with her sister-in-law! What's the point of eating with a big stomach king like second brother? He will lower your happiness index

Jing Zhi, who is opposite Jing Rui, is lying on the gun.

Jingzhi looks at Jingxi innocently. He looks very handsome. How can he get to Jingxi and have no status?

What's more, what's the matter with the girl who hates iron but doesn't become steel?

I don't know. I thought he and Jingrui are brothers, and Jingxi is my sister!

Jingrui is also amused by his sister's appearance. He holds Jingxi on the dining chair, carefully spreads the napkin for her, and says with a light smile: "OK, little housekeeper, eat your meal quickly! Worry so much, be careful of the old quickly. "

Jingxi table manners are very good, she can eat by herself when she was very young. Jingrui spread her napkin for her, and she said in a crisp voice: "thank you, brother!"

But after thanking her, she slowly ate breakfast and gave advice to her brother.

"Brother and women have no resistance to small animals, children, flowers and plants. Well, I'll sacrifice it for your future happiness. What do you say? "

Jing Rui raises his head, some doubt way: "do you want to follow Shu yin?"

"Yes, you say that you and my second brother have a career to be busy with. There is no one at home to take care of me. Ask her to take care of me. Then you will have an excuse to date her every day."After hearing this, Jing Rui doesn't have any change. Jingzhi's eyes are bright, and then he gives Jingxi a thumbs up: "Gao!"

Little girl, what a lot of ideas!

Hurry to send her to Shuyin. Jing Zhining wishes her to tear down the University, and don't go to his home again!

But Will she drive Shu Yin crazy?

Shu Yin seems to like Jingxi, but that's because she only saw the tip of the iceberg of the little witch. If she had a glimpse of the whole picture, would she have killed her and would not be the sister-in-law of the little witch?

It's life-threatening!

It's really painful to be skinned by the little witch every day!

Jingrui obviously has the same idea as Jing Zhi. His sister is not an ordinary little girl. Even his brother sometimes wants to tie up Jingxi to prevent her from making a fuss. In case Shu Yin collapses, it will be bad.

"No, I'll send you home in two days. You go on to school, but don't get into trouble again!"

thought of it, and decided to send Jingxi back to A city. Anyway, she was in the A city. He had all the scenery owners to protect him. He was not the only one who has the final say in North America. If he had some problems, he would feel guilty for a lifetime.

Jingxi didn't expect that he was kind enough to chase his brother's girlfriend. Instead, he was sent back to China!

She even did not eat rice, threw the spoon and cried: "Mom, brother bullied me! He doesn't want me! Wuwuwu... "

She cried that called a sad, but Jing Rui mercilessly pierced her small plot: "OK, don't pretend, this play has been performed several times, do you think I will be cheated?"

Jingxi's cry suddenly stopped, indignant way: "hum, actually not deceived! Is my acting going backwards? I'm not leaving anyway. I'm going to play here! "

Jingrui smiles and doesn't take it seriously.

However, when he went to find Shuyin at noon, he was surprised to find that the little witch did not know when to run to Shuyin!

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