Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1049

Hands and feet are so beautiful, is not the rest of the body so beautiful?

Jing Rui takes a deep breath and then suppresses the impulse to touch Shuyin's lower leg.

However, when one foot is wrapped up and it's the turn of the other foot, Jing Rui still doesn't hold back and gently touches Shu Yin's five toes.

Shuyin instinctively pulled his feet back, screamed instinctively, and laughed instinctively.

She is still very ticklish. When Jing Rui takes the medicine, she is already in a strong forbearance. Now he deliberately touches her. Where can she still bear it!

Jing Rui grabs her foot back and holds it firmly in her hand.

"Don't move. I'll give you medicine. What are you laughing at?"

"No, no! I'll do it myself. Don't touch me. I can't stand it! It's itchy! Ha ha... "

Jing Rui's bad heart scratched the sole of his feet again: "dare you run?"

Shuyin wants to roll on the bed!

What a pain!

As she laughed, she recognized the current affairs and said, "I dare not! I don't dare to do it any more. You're going to die! Itch

"Say you are wrong!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Shu Yin finally can see that Jing Rui likes to hear her admit mistakes!

What a A passion for control!


When the maid came back from shopping, she heard the scream of "ah ah ah" coming from Shuyin's room, as well as intermittent laughter and begging for mercy.

The maid, smiling and shaking her head, went to the kitchen to cook with large and small bags of fresh ingredients.

It's a pity that she can't take care of her body any more!

The next day, Shuyin really can't get out of bed!

Of course, she is not upset by Jing Rui. Jing Rui just scratched her foot.

The reason why she couldn't get out of bed was that the heel of one foot was so swollen that it hurt when she touched it. She couldn't walk at all!

No one is to blame for this, only herself.

Who let her run out of the house yesterday and lost her slippers. As a result, her heel was hurt many times, and she was scratched by shizi'er.

She is really unlucky. The old wound is not healed, and new one is added. Now, all hands and feet are wrapped up by Jing Rui. She is really a half disabled!

Yesterday, I didn't have any swelling on my heel. Today, I found that my feet had been swollen into a fat steamed bun.

However, she had to ask the maid to help her take an ice bag for ice compress, hoping to reduce the swelling quickly. She can't live here all the time.

Lonely men and few women, how easy to have problems!

Jingrui dislikes her small chest and doesn't want to knock her down. Isn't she afraid that she can't resist his male hormone and go and knock him down!

The so-called long-term love, Shu Yin thought, can't go on so muddleheaded.

Jingrui doesn't know that Shuyin has the idea of toppling himself, but he knows that Shuyin doesn't want to live here.

He stood in front of the clean and transparent French window and called Jingzhi.

"Ah Zhi, how to chase a girl?"


Jing Zhigang just drank a big mouthful of fresh orange juice from the import and vomited it out like this!

Even because of the big impact, even the cup in the hand fell on the floor, making a "click" sound.

Jingxi complained discontentedly: "second brother, how old are you? How can you choke on an orange juice! This cup is wasted by you! I squeezed it for you personally. It contains a variety of nutrients, such as bitter chrysanthemum, balsam pear, mustard, garlic, etc Second brother, you don't want to drink and vomit it on purpose? "

"Cough, cough..."

Jingzhi choked half to death, coughing Jun's face turned red. He didn't care to listen to the little witch's nagging. He also asked: "brother, what did you say just now?"

Jingrui listens to a series of disorderly voices on the other end of the phone, as well as the curse of the sister housekeeper. He repeats with good temper: "I want to ask you how to chase girls."

Jingzhi deeply felt that he had heard something!

His face was struck by thunder expression, silly asked: "who wants to chase girls?"

Jingrui suddenly feels that it's a mistake to ask Jingzhi about this!

He also thought that Jing Zhi was a man who had been in love. Zheng yuluo followed him wholeheartedly. He was extremely obedient. He wanted to ask him about his experience. It seems that he is also an idiot!

Jingrui shook his head: "forget it, you drink your compound juice!"

Jingzhi knows that Jingrui wants to hang up the phone. He says in a hurry: "don't do it, brother! I know how to chase girls! I'm experienced. There are many female killers in our killer organization who like me! "

Jing Rui hesitated for a moment, then asked: "how to chase?"

"Who are you after?"

Jingrui is silent and does not speak.Jing Zhi asked tentatively, "brother, is it Shu yin?"

Jingrui doesn't deny it. Jingzhi knows he's right. It's impossible to guess wrong. He always thinks that his brother is too different to Shuyin!

However, knowing this fact, he still let Jingzhi take a breath.

"Brother, I'm afraid it's a tough thing to do."

"I know, so we should take her heart first, and then people. Even if she knows everything, she doesn't have to worry about her leaving."

Although Jing Rui can't see, Jing Zhi still gives his brother a thumbs up across his mobile phone.

My brother still knows how to chase girls!

"Well, I support my brother!"

What Jing Rui wants is not Jing Zhi's support. What's the use of his support or not! What he wants is a way to capture a girl's heart!

Fortunately, although Jing Zhi was excited and worried, he did not forget what his brother wanted to ask. He said carelessly:

"women are easy to catch up with! You just need to change your order! First give people to do, and then steal her heart, easy very! Brother, you are so excellent, you are handsome, and you have a good figure. Take off all your clothes and lie down on the bed. The shade of the small tree will drill into your arms automatically

Jing Rui's face is black. If he lies on the bed of Shuyin, Shuyin will kick him out of the bed immediately, regardless of the swelling of his feet!

No, no, no, if he's naked, let alone the bed, he can't even get in!

Shuyin jumps out of the window without shoes!

"What's more, in order to alleviate her pain and enlarge her happiness, brother, you can give her some medicine! Peter has a lot of it. It has quick effect and no side effect. It's a good medicine for conscience

"Oh, by the way, you can find another woman to play a play and let the little tree shade have some vinegar, so that she can realize your position in her mind! In order to have a sense of crisis, will take the initiative to approach you

What a mess of bad ideas!

If all these methods are used, Shuyin will be far away from him.

It's really a mistake to find Jing Zhi for such a thing!

Just now, Jing Rui was still distressed that he wanted to drink his sister's dark drink, but now he felt that the little girl did a good job! , the fastest update of the webnovel!