Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1048

Jing Rui lowers his head and looks at Shu Yin's chest.

Shuyin panicked and quickly covered her chest: "what are you looking at? What can I see? "

Jing Rui took back his eyes and said, "there is nothing to see."

Shuyin is suffocating, almost biting!

"So small, I don't have any interest, you'd better not be too narcissistic."

No woman can stand being belittled by a man. Her teeth are itching, and finally she pours on his chest and bites it.

Good to die, Shu Yin bit on the small bump in front of Jing Rui's chest!

Jingrui hums, almost can't hold Shuyin!

So painful, so numb, a kind of unspeakable feeling instantly spread all over his body.

Blood flow, heart rate, even breathing disorder!

Jingrui just feels a heat flow quickly gathering towards the lower body!

Damn it!

Don't this woman know to be reserved and avoid suspicion?!

Is this where she should bite?!

If it wasn't for his strong self-control, Shu Yin would cry for mercy now!

With a cold face, he said in a more indifferent voice than usual: "if you don't let go, I'll bite you in the same place as a reward!"

In fact, Shuyin knew that she had bitten the wrong place!

Hearing Jing Rui's threat at this moment, he is so scared that he can't move again.

She hugs her arms in front of her chest and protects herself tightly. It seems that she is afraid of Jing Rui's brain heat and lowers her head to bite her.

However, until he returns to his room, Jing Rui has no intention of biting her. His face is indifferent, like a merciless sculpture!

Beauty in the arms, still not chaotic?

Or is she so ugly that Jing Rui is not interested?

Shu Yin watched Jing Rui walk out of her room coldly. She could not help looking down at her chest. At last, she picked up her collar with a finger and looked down at her two plump balls hidden in her underwear.

"Where is it? Where is it?! Say I'm small, you're small! You are just a little bit, peanuts are bigger than you

Comfortable sound gas in the room non-stop murmuring, but also produced a deep suspicion.

Is she really small?

Shu Yin has never paid attention to this before. She stays in the laboratory all day doing research. When she sees a person, her first reaction is to observe whether the other person has signs of infection with the virus. How can she look at other people's chest and measure their size!

Shu Yin can't help but stretch out another hand to pinch his chest, unconvinced mutter: "clearly not small! No matter how big it is, it will become a balloon! Does he like big balloons? No taste

Jing Rui walks to the door with a hot towel, and sees Shuyin tearing open his collar with one hand and measuring his size with his fullness in the other hand.

This picture is too exciting. Jing Rui feels that the blood is pouring to some place in his lower body!

Just a few seconds, has already made him crazy!

He immediately turned around and left, but the scene just now could not be forgotten!

The hotter he thought, the hotter he thought!

It's a dead circle!

Is it because he didn't touch a woman and couldn't control it when he saw that kind of bloodletting picture?

It's impossible.

He has been a killer for so many years, and he has seen so many female bodies that he would have been killed in the moment of distraction!

He was sure that he had a strong sense of concentration, and that women were no different from men in his eyes.

What's more, just now Shuyin's clothes didn't take off at all. She just showed a small piece of white on her chest.

This with the North Meiman Street exposed half of the breast, wantonly around the woman, can be said to be nothing exposed!

Jing Rui enters the bathroom, opens the shower and stands under the shower.

When he appeared in front of Shuyin again, it was half an hour later.

Shu Yin sees Jing Rui as if no one else enters his room, and immediately shrinks back. When she sees Jingrui's hair wet and still with the fragrance of bath gel, she can't help asking, "did you take a bath?"

Jing Rui ignores her question, sits by the bed, light way: "stretch out the foot."

Shu Yin doesn't care why Jing Rui goes to take a bath at this time. She wraps herself up in a quilt and drives people out:

"this is my room. Do you know about personal privacy! Don't you see me resting? Don't you know that girls can't break into their rooms? Go out quickly. The villa is so big. Why do you have to squeeze into my room? Go back to your own room

"Put your feet out. Don't let me say it the third time. You can't afford the consequences."

Jingrui's voice is faint, but there is a force that people can't resist. Shuyin feels that if he doesn't extend his teaching, he may cut off his feet later!She bit her teeth and put her foot out of the quilt.

Jingrui holds her ankle and sees that both her feet have been wiped clean, but there are small wounds on the soles of her feet. Shu Yin even allows the small wounds to ooze blood. She doesn't even put on any medicine or bandage.

Jing Rui takes the ointment and smears it on Shuyin's feet.

Shuyin can't help but pull back.

Jing Rui's eyes are cold, holding her ankle's hand, and then looking up at her.

Shu Yin was upset by his cold eyes, so he had to tell the truth: "itching!"

"If you want to die, just run outside if you want to die!"

Jing Rui said, again lowered his head to give her medicine, bandage.

His movements were very light, and most of the itching feeling in Shuyin's feet disappeared.

But her feet are not itchy, but her heart is itchy!

She never thought that one day, King Rui, who was high and used to give orders, would wipe medicine for her feet!

Can he be too kind to her?

She was also full of scars, had been struggling on the edge of life and death for a long time, had lost the courage and idea of living countless times.

Because, she felt that she lived alone in this world, no one loved, no one cared about her life and death, and no one cared about her pain.

After I lost my parents in my life, I felt the care for the first time. It came from a man who was so cold and heartless.

Shu Yin's heart is filled with warmth. She looks at Jingrui's sharp and handsome face, and she can't help but smile.

What he said was so cruel, his face was indifferent, but his heart was gentle.

If he didn't care about her, how could he have noticed that her foot was scratched.

Jing Rui holds Shu Yin's foot in his hand, and the ripples in his heart have never stopped.

Because she walked less and was a girl, her feet were as smooth as shelled eggs.

Perhaps because of the tension, her five toes close together and shrink, lovely and attractive! , the fastest update of the webnovel!