Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1050

Jingrui interrupts Jingzhi's endless imagination and says coldly, "OK, you don't have to give any advice! But no one is allowed to talk about it, including Xi Xi! "

Jingzhi's busy guarantee: "don't worry, my mouth is the most tight, that is, heaven knows where you know me, and there will never be a third person who knows it!"

Killers are trained to fight against extorting confessions. It is more difficult to know some secrets from them than to go to heaven.

Jing Rui puts down his heart, hangs up the phone, and then ponders on it quietly.

However, Jing Zhi betrayed his brother in less than five minutes!

"Second brother, was it my brother who called you just now? How do I listen, like it's about women? "

Jingxi is holding a big apple and biting it. She is smiling sweetly and sitting on Jingzhi's leg with her hair covered. She looks innocent and lovely.

However, Jingzhi shivered with excitement, and his whole body was stiff and alert!

Today, the little girl was very diligent in squeezing juice for him. As a result Where is fruit juice? Put all kinds of things in it. It's better to drink ink!

If he doesn't drink, Jingxi will lie on the ground and cry!

At this moment, Jingxi is so obedient, and Jingzhi feels that his hair is going to stand up!

But he didn't want to betray his brother!

Jingzhi insisted: "ha ha You've heard me wrong. I'm just talking to my brother! By the way, my romantic history is nothing more than that! "

"Second brother, if you tell the truth, I'll be obedient today. If you don't tell the truth, you'll have to be obedient today. Who do you choose to obey?"

Jingxi said, she chewed half of the big apple in front of Jing Zhi.

A fat and white bug came out of the center of the apple and climbed on the apple. In a short time, it was going to climb to Jingzhi's face!

Jingzhi is going crazy!

The girl is not afraid of eating worms?!

I was so happy just now!

Even if the white fat insect can add protein, it won't let him eat raw, right?

How does the little girl know that he is most afraid of such insects?

He used to eat white worms in the Virus Research Institute for a whole year. According to the Research Institute, this kind of insect has high nutritional value, and no one can eat it. He is the most important talent, and he is qualified to eat the white worm at once!

Now seeing this kind of insect, Jingzhi wants to vomit!

Jingzhi was tearful: "elder sister, can I kneel down for you? I said, I said, I said everything! Please do me a favor and let your second brother live for two more years

Brother, my brother is sorry for you. Anyway, Xixi is not an outsider, just a little fart child. It doesn't matter if she knows about it!

Soon, Jing Xi knew the content of the two brothers' conversation.

Her excited eyes shine, apple "pa" suddenly shot on the table, robbed Jing Zhi's mobile phone, excitedly went to call shangguanning.

"Good news, mom! My brother fell in love with a girl named Shuyin, which is beautiful! The second most beautiful person I've ever seen! He is pursuing others now. Do you want me to help him

Shangguanning talks to her daughter every day. She suddenly receives a call from her daughter today. She thinks something is wrong. After all, it's not normal for her daughter to be in the place where she is!

How could my daughter report such a great news!

Shangguan Ning laughed happily: "that's great! I was always worried that your brother would be like your father. He didn't know until he was more than 30 years old. Now, when he is 20 years old, he will chase after a little girl. You must help your brother! "

She is very clear about her daughter's vision, the little girl is not big, but her eyes are very picky, and she will not say that she is beautiful.

She said that Shuyin is the "second most beautiful" person, that must be very beautiful.

In the daughter's heart, mother is always the first beautiful person.

"To order!"

Jingxi report finished immediately quickly hang up the phone.

And the Shangguan Ning on the other end of the phone, waiting for the busy tone from the mobile phone, knew that he had been pit by his daughter again.

She originally disagreed with Jing Xi's going to North America with Jing Rui. Her daughter left her for such a long time for the first time. She was very empty in her heart and worried about her daughter's accident in North America.

So every time she called, she would ask Jingxi to go home immediately.

Jingxi is playing wild and doesn't want to come back, so she hangs up when she doesn't respond, so Jingxi doesn't have to listen to her nagging!

It's more and more clever!

Shangguan Ning doesn't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing for her daughter to be so old and smart. However, Shangguan Ning is very happy about the fact that her son likes a girl.

She called Jing Yichen immediately.

"Yi Chen, my son has a girlfriend! Just now Xixi told me, what do you think your son is going to say to marry someone? When will they be back? Should we prepare more gifts for girls? I don't know what she likes... "Jing Yichen was also very happy. After chatting with his wife for a while, he hung up and called his father: "Dad, your grandson is going to bring his grandson's daughter-in-law back. Do you think we'll fix the wedding day?"

When Jing Zhongxiu heard that Sun Tzu had a grandson's daughter-in-law, he naturally couldn't close his mouth. He took his good friend Huang Lihan to show off: "Lao Huang, my grandson is very capable. Ruiruirui will have a son soon! You're coming for the full moon


Half an hour later, in addition to Shu Yin, almost no one knew about Jing Rui. The more it spread, the more ridiculous it was. Even the children were born in the final version!

If Jing Rui knew that, he just asked how to chase girls, and the matter developed into this. He had to beat Jing Zhi!

Don't talk about children. Jingrui is now even hard to touch Shuyin!

In order to prevent Jing Rui from wiping medicine and changing gauze for her, Shu Yin wipes the ointment in advance every time, and in order to recover quickly, she rubs the ointment n times a day.

Fortunately, Jing Rui seems to be very busy these days. He either stays in the study or goes out without seeing people.

Shu Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

Her body finally recovered almost, the traces of her hands disappeared, smooth as before, and the wound on her foot healed quickly. She had no problem walking.

Now that she's all right, she really can't live here.

Shu Yin picks up her things and goes to say goodbye to Jing Rui.

"Are you leaving?"

"Yes, I should go back to school. There must be a lot of courses left behind. I need to make up for them one by one."

Jing Rui took a look at the "attack strategy" on the mobile phone and said faintly, "OK, if you want to go back, go back!"

Shu Yin listened to his happy promise, but she was relieved and turned away.

And Jing Rui's "mind attack strategy" impressively wrote: the first type of attack: to be hard to get, to indulge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!