Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1047

Two people's eyes in the air confrontation, no one is willing to bow first.

Her appearance is too lovely, the water in her eyes twinkles, her delicate little nose keeps sucking and sucking. Her teeth are biting her ruddy lower lip. She looks like gnashing her teeth. She is not at all like that cool and calm woman with high intelligence quotient and high emotional intelligence.

Jingrui can't help but smile.

Shu Yin has known him for such a long time, but it is the first time to see Jing Rui smile like this.

His smile is always silent. No matter how happy he is, he usually just raises his lips.

What's the matter today? I'm laughing like a normal person!

Do you have such a sense of accomplishment to tease her? So much fun?


It's not a good man to base his happiness on her pain!

However, the way he laughs is so beautiful!

The sunlight from the window, sprinkled on his handsome face, his eyebrows and eyes are so warm, the ice of the past seems to melt with his smile.

His dark eyes, no indifference, but full of smile, his eyes deep and warm, it seems that people want to indulge in his gentle eyes, never wake up.

Shu Yin suddenly feels that it is better for Jing Rui not to laugh at ordinary times.

She's not sure how long she can resist that smile!

He is so cold and cold, are gradually invading her heart, if he is gentle as water, Shuyin is afraid that he will fall at once!

He is a noble prince, but she is just a Cinderella without parents. Shuyin has no confidence to enter his life.

His family is prosperous and prosperous, ancient and noble. It is not too much to marry a princess in the future.

What she has done is to live a normal life.

Jingrui laughs enough. As soon as he looks up, he sees Shu Yin staring at himself. His eyes are full of bewilderment and bewilderment, which makes people feel pity.

"Lie down and have a good rest. Don't take the gauze off your hands. Tell me if you need anything."

Shu Yin nodded obediently: "well, good."

But as soon as Jing Rui turns around and leaves, she immediately jumps out of bed. No matter what hand or internal injury, she pulls the gauze and puts on her backpack. She doesn't even change her household clothes. She climbs out of the window in slippers and flies out.

It's strange that she is obedient!

Jingrui is so strange. Maybe when she is in a bad mood, she will tear her up. She doesn't want to stay here as a dish!

At first, Shu Yin thought that living here is the safest place in the world, protected by two powerful killers. Yew people die one by one, two by two.

But now it seems that it is not the case at all!

Villa garden is very large, thanks to Shu Yin has a strong memory and sense of direction, or simply can not find the door!

When she ran to the door panting, a pair of slippers had already run away, and the ribs hurt badly.

Shu Yin knows that her ribs have not recovered well in the past three or four days, but she can't manage that much now. Anyway, she is young. When she leaves here, she will have been raised for ten days and a half months.

The door of the villa is closed and the courtyard wall is high. Shuyin can only pinch off the idea of climbing over the wall.

She looked around, found no one was paying attention to herself, and then quietly opened the door a crack.

Jingrui has said that his people are guarding the villa, and Shuyin doesn't want to fall into their hands.

There was no one outside the door. Shu Yin was so happy that she immediately opened the door and walked out on tiptoe.

Until she completely left the villa, away from the gate 10 meters away, still did not encounter any obstacles.

Shu Yin is happy and confused. Is it so easy to escape?

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded behind her: "Shuyin, in such a cold day, where are you going barefoot?"

Shuyin's feeling at the moment is like a pot of ice water splashed from the head in the winter. She cools from inside to outside, from head to foot!

She turns around stiffly, and then she sees that Jing Rui, dressed in brown casual clothes, leans on the high hospital wall coldly. It is obviously gloomy and solemn, but she is also damned handsome!

After she came out, she just walked forward and didn't see him leaning against the wall!

He is You've been out waiting for her?

He knew she was running?

Shu Yin pulled the corners of her mouth and reluctantly showed a smile that was even worse than crying. She pretended to be relaxed and said, "Hi, boss! How do you Out there, too? I'm so stuffy in the room. Come out and breathe! Ha ha Well, let's breathe

Jing Rui did not move, still leaning on the wall, light way: "it seems that my villa is not big enough, even need you to come outside to breathe."

How dare you run away!

He thought she was really obedient. It was all acting! He originally wanted to take a bath, but he received a call from the cold wind. He knew that the girl ran out!How dare you play with him!

It's no use calling boss!

It's no use calling it!

More than ten meters away, Shuyin can clearly feel the dangerous breath of Jingrui!

Oh, no, she seems to have provoked the lion!

Shu Yinqiang said calmly: "I That Go back to the dormitory. I have no clothes to wear. I'll go back and get some! "

"I bought you a whole wardrobe of clothes, not enough to wear?"

"Oh, I still have some books to read. I'll go back and get them!"

"Didn't all your books come to you long ago? You lost your memory? If you lose your memory, I don't mind helping you remember again! "

Jingrui said, strode to Shuyin, picked her up, and then turned to the villa.

Shu Yin was in a hurry and struggled desperately in his arms: "let me go, I don't want to go back! I'm going back to school! "

"You can't go anywhere without my permission!"

"You have no right to limit my personal freedom. You, you, you You are a prisoner

"You don't even have a registered permanent residence. What personal freedom are you talking about? I've imprisoned you. Who knows? How many people know you're still alive? Peter? Jingzhi? I'm sorry, they're all my people. Your life is in my hands. "

Jing Rui's voice is cold and frightening. He walks into the villa with Shuyin in his arms. The door behind him closes slowly and automatically.

Shuyin knew that the door of the villa was an automatic door!

She was able to open the door just now, because Jingrui deliberately let her out!

It's dark enough!

Waiting for her outside!

Shuyin simply broke the jar and looked at Jingrui defiantly: "OK, you will kill me if you have the ability! I don't know who is so hungry that he wants to take off my clothes! "

Hunger is no choice?

Jingrui is staggering and almost falls down!

Who's starving?!

He's just bluffing her!

She didn't run for her life because of this? , the fastest update of the webnovel!