Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1046

Soon, everyone in the villa found a problem: Jing Rui is in a bad mood.

Originally, with Jing Rui's indifferent and expressionless face, it is difficult for us to judge whether he is in a good mood or not, but this time he is in a bad mood and his performance is too obvious - no one is pleased with him!

Cold wind to report to him in all aspects of the matter, he disliked the cold wind too much nonsense, gloomy face drove people away.

Jingzhi and Jingxi are enjoying the comedy in the living room. He dislikes the two people's too much noise, so they are sent to Jingzhi's villa.

The maid didn't make any noise. He argued with him for money to buy vegetables. As a result, he hated the maid and didn't even say a word!

The maid is about to cry. She also wants to talk. It's impossible!

Just now I still dislike other people's noise. Isn't she dumb?

The maid thought it was very strange that the master was still a very good servant a few days ago. How could he turn over his face today!

Fortunately, even if the master turned over, the money he gave was no less. The maid went out to buy vegetables with a large bag of money and a large bag.

Shu Yin lies in bed pretending to be dead, but she hears Jing Rui picking on everyone's problems. She doesn't know what kind of gunpowder he took today. If he catches anyone, he will give him a shot. Even Jing Zhi runs for his life with Jingxi. She asks herself that it's better to be honest without Jingzhi's fighting power!

However, even if she did not leave home, lying in bed still can cause disaster!

A tall, oppressive figure walked into her room, lifted her quilt without saying a word, and then reached out to unbutton her clothes!

Shuyin is just out of the blue!

She didn't care that the wound in her body was not completely healed. She sat up, covered her chest, and retreated desperately. She looked flustered, and her voice was startled and angry: "Jing, are you crazy?"

She slips faster than the fish, and Jing Rui's hands are empty and her heart is empty.

He held Shu Yin's ankle with one hand and pulled her back.

Shu Yin immediately screamed: "ah! Help! Come on, somebody raped the girl

Jing Rui's face suddenly turns black, but the feeling of emptiness is gone.

Her and his hands made him feel at ease.

Her screams reminded him how fresh and smart she was.

His irascible heart was miraculously calmed down, and there was no feeling that he could not see anything.

"Don't yell. This is my home. All my people are inside and outside. If you break your throat, no one will come to save you."

Shu Yin stares at Jing Rui fiercely, and suddenly feels their conversation, especially like the funny lines in the comedy that Jingzhi and Jingxi saw just now!

But she couldn't laugh.

Although Jing Rui is very handsome. He has a good figure and temperament. He even has a good voice. But if he is forced to beat him down, it is not big, OK?

She hasn't been in love yet. She hasn't had a great love yet. It must be a loss if she is knocked down like this!

Should she resist fiercely?

Or do you pretend to be obedient to him and then wait for an opportunity to resist?


It's over. She looks at Jing Rui's handsome face. How can't she resist!

Jing Rui sees Shu Yin tangled up her delicate eyebrows. She can't help but be funny.

Is he so scary?

The expression is so tangled, isn't it a bad idea?

He looked down slightly and saw the foot in his hand.

White and small, five small toes round and lovely, fingernails are light pink, tender, a look to know that did not walk too much road, very good.

Yes, she used to stay in the virus research institute all day. In addition to taking care of Jing Zhi, she spent most of her time doing experiments in the laboratory, which was not a long way to go.

Jing Rui looks at the other foot, the same five pink toes. Because of excessive tension, he curls up together.

He stretched out his hand and held the other ankle. He drew it to himself and appreciated it.

Shu Yin was scared by his action and screamed: "you let go! Touch me again and I'll give you a bottle of virus! "

Crazy! Crazy!

Totally crazy!

Why do you like her feet?!

What's good about feet!

Jing Rui is not afraid of Shu Yin's threat. Let's not say whether she has a virus on her hand. Even if there is, he is not afraid of it.

He watched Shu Yin's dishonest struggle, and his two feet were trying to break away from his control. He had a bad heart. His fingertips rubbed against the soft pink feet of Shuyin and gently scratched them.


Shuyin couldn't help but scream again, and this time, she was laughing at the same time. She couldn't help laughing!

She's super ticklish!

"Help! Stop scratching! Come on Let goAfter a while, Shuyin was laughing and about to collapse!

Jing Rui didn't expect her to be so ticklish. Seeing that she was out of breath with laughter, his face also showed a smile.

"Say you're wrong, and I'll let you go."

Shu Yin didn't know where he was wrong at all. He didn't think he should admit his mistake. It was Jing Rui who did the wrong thing!

But people under the eaves, feet in people's hands, she did not hesitate to admit that she was wrong: "I was wrong! Please let me go

"What are you talking about? It's too low for me to hear

Shu Yin scolded him for his deafness and insanity in his heart, but he kept begging for mercy: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, boss, you have a lot of adults, don't argue with me as a little girl!"

This sounds very pleasant, and Jingrui is in a good mood.

The most important thing is that Shu Yin calls him "boss", which makes Jing Rui feel for a moment that they seem to return to the time when he gave orders and she obeyed all the arrangements.

At that time, Shuyin, who called him boss, was so clever that he could do whatever he wanted. There were not so many male students around her all day to be her boyfriend.

She behaves well, and Jing Rui finally lets her go and releases the hand holding Shuyin's ankle.

As soon as Shu Yin is free, she hides her feet in the quilt, and then shrinks to the corner of the wall with the quilt in her arms. She looks at Jingrui with vigilance.

Jingrui deliberately frightens her, reaching out to drill into the quilt.

Shuyin immediately screamed.

When she finished, she found that Jingrui was just teasing her. Her hands didn't reach into the quilt. Her clear eyes widened and she couldn't believe what she saw.

Shu Yin is still in shock. She is innocent all her life. The most ridiculous thing is that she is touched by Jing Rui!

It's a good day. He even touched his feet!

He has already taken advantage of her so much, actually still want to advance!

Last night, she had a cold face, and she had a small breast. Today, she was hungry and wanted to eat her? , the fastest update of the webnovel!