Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1045

Jing Rui takes the ointment to give Shuyin medicine. Shuyin looks at his hand and says in a soft voice: "it's all right. There's no need to use medicine."

Jingrui turns a deaf ear, squeeze out the ointment, and slowly daub it on the back of Shuyin's hand with his finger pulp.

"I'll do it myself. Go ahead and do what you want."

Although Jing Rui has helped her wipe medicine for many times, Shu Yin still feels very uncomfortable.

His fingers are like electrified. Wherever he touches them, he will generate a little electric current. The electric sound feels that his hands are no longer his own.

The ointment is white, a little like skin care products. After Jingrui smears it on Shuyin's hand, he slowly rubs it open. Soon the ointment is absorbed by her skin, and her skin shows a bright and tender luster.

The more you touch, the more you can discover the beauty she once hid.

Jing Rui lowers his head, staring at that pair of green onion like slender delicate hands.

I don't know what it's like to take a bite of both hands.

Will it be like a crisp lotus root, a bite off the finger.

Jing Rui is very sure that he didn't love hands before. Don't touch other people's hands. He can't even take a look at Shu Yin's hands now Infatuation.

Look at Rui Yin's arm.

In addition to wearing a nightdress yesterday, Shu Yin always wore long sleeves and long trousers. She wrapped herself tightly and refused to show a little bit of beauty.

Jing Rui can only see a piece of her white wrist. If you look up, you can't see anything.

He took back his eyes and applied a thick layer of ointment to Shuyin. Then he took the gauze and wrapped her hand tightly.

Shu Yin looked at his two hands are Jing Rui wrapped into zongzi, quite helpless: "you give me the hand wrapped in this way, I am equivalent to three levels of disability, nothing can be done."

"What do you want to do?"


She can't take off her pants when she goes to the bathroom later, OK?!

Jing Rui obviously hasn't thought of this problem. He says faintly: "you don't have to do anything. If you want anything, just tell the servant to help you do it. Or tell me, is there anything I can't do? "

The tone is arrogant, the expression is indifferent, a pair of you want the star also can give you to pick off the domineering momentum.

But Shuyin doesn't want stars. When she wants to go to the toilet, she can be a little more smooth!

This is Can't you let this master do it?

After Jingrui finishes, seeing the tangled expression on Shuyin's face, he is still a little strange. Does Shu Yin really want him to help but dare not say anything?

He took a look at Shuyin's hand and felt that it was no longer necessary to let him lose his mind when he was wrapped into two zongzi.

"The gauze must not be removed unless you want to leave a scar. Last time you wrapped me up like that, I had to bear it. You'd better bear it too! "


Is he dressing her up for revenge?!

Can't you?

Jing Rui doesn't seem to be such a careful person!

Jingrui goes out. Shuyin lies alone in the room. She raises her hands and looks at the two cocoons. After hesitation, she decides to keep the gauze.

Otherwise, in case of leaving scar in the future, it will be too late for her to regret.

Everyone has a love for beauty, and Shuyin is no exception. No girl wants to have scars on the back of her hands.

Jing Rui walks through the spacious living room and enters the dining room.

In the restaurant, Jing Zhi has cleaned up all the food and is eating with a large orange.

Seeing Jing Rui, he can't even care about the orange. He asks tentatively, "brother, can't you be Shu Yin..."

Before he finished his words, Jing Rui said faintly, "No."

Elder brother always disdains to lie. Jingzhi believes his words, but still reminds him in a low voice: "brother, you I'm afraid it's not suitable, Shucheng mountain... "

Jing Rui interrupts Jing Zhi for the second time, and says with a blank face: "I know."

For another person, he must have been frozen to death by Jingrui's indifferent and cold tone. He is a little thin skinned. He must be embarrassed to continue this topic with Jingrui.

But Jing Zhi is the one with no eyes and thick skin. He continues to remind Jing Rui: "and, brother, don't you say that you also have that kind of virus? Both of us are suffering from the damned virus, but we can't have sons in the future

Jingrui's mouth is slightly puffed. Jingzhi is only eighteen this year. Now it's too early to say anything about having a son!

Jingrui resists the impulse to shoot his brother to death. He takes a glass of lemonade and goes out of the restaurant. He can't guarantee not to use force against Jingzhi.

The key is that he may not be able to beat Jing Zhi!

If the elder brother can't beat the younger brother, he will lose a lot of shame!

However, it is true that Jing Zhi was unable to bear children.When he was in the virus research institute, he had a comprehensive physical examination, which of course included fertility.

Jing Rui has never done a similar examination so far. He does not know whether he can have children or not. He has not considered this problem. For the past seven or eight years, he has worked hard to save Jing Zhi every day, and has not cared about his physical condition.

Check the fertility, one of the most important is to check the Jingzi.

Jing Rui can accept others to draw his blood for testing, but absolutely not accept others to take his Jing son for testing!

Whether he can have a child or not will be known when he has a wife. He will not do the examination.

However, Jing Rui himself agrees with Jing Zhi that both of them are infertile.

He knew that Jingzhi was born through thousands of embryo tests. At the beginning, the deer couldn't conceive normally because the virus in his body was too overbearing and the egg cell activity was almost zero.

The viruses in his body and Jingzhi's body are both mutated varieties, with stronger toxicity, more optimized transformation of the body, and more obvious disadvantages.

However, Jing Rui doesn't care too much. He is used to the virus in his body and the various benefits it brings him. He has not thought about having children with Shu Yin.

He once explicitly refused shuchengshan's request to marry Shuyin, and only promised to take care of Shuyin. At least for now, Jingrui's original intention remains unchanged.

Shu Yin may not be willing to marry him. She is only 18 years old and her love affair has just begun. She should enjoy her life and look for her love in her best years.

Jingrui is holding water and standing in front of the French window in his bedroom. He wants to calm down, but he can't.

He had to admit that he was very uncomfortable at the thought of Shuyin making love with other men.

His carefully protected hands, if touched by other men, he would be angry to kill! , the fastest update of the webnovel!