Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1044

He can't say that he can't beat him, and he's not his opponent even if he doesn't make trouble. Shu Yin lost in a mess!

All her struggles were useless, and at last she was carried into the room, and all the people who should not have seen her saw it!

Fortunately, she didn't know that Jingxi didn't sleep, otherwise she would have no face to see people.

Shu Yin was just put on the bed by Jing Rui, she immediately reached out and pushed Jingrui: "you go out!"

Jing Rui grabs her hand and looks at it carefully.

Well, the recovery is good. The scar is getting shallower and shallower. In another two days, all traces will disappear.

Peter's medicine works really well!

Shu Yin's hand was held by him, and the strange feeling spread all over the body from the fingertips, which made her tremble slightly.

She wants to pull back her hand, but she doesn't succeed. Jing Rui holds it more tightly.

However, he looked indifferent, and his eyes were still unsophisticated. He did not seem to take her seriously, nor did he feel that there was anything wrong with holding her hand.

This makes Shu Yin feel that her strangeness is like mocking her own self feeling too good!

But the feeling of the body can't deceive people. Shuyin can't control the feeling like electric shock!

She slightly lowered her head, did not dare to see Jing Rui, but gently rebuked: "let go, go out!"

However, instead of letting go, Jing Rui takes her hand and sits down beside the bed.

Shuyin was scared to hide: "you..."

"Don't think too much. I'll give you the medicine."

As for "no, she's not so thirsty."

Shuyin's face "Teng" all of a sudden red!

She subconsciously followed the vision of Jing Rui to look at her chest, where small?!

Not small at all!

She's growing well!

What kind of eyes is he? Myopic?


What is he doing with her breasts!

Shu Yin Qi wants to bite people, but she still thinks he is a abstinent gentleman. It turns out that he is pretending, not a good man!

She tried her best to pull her hand back from the rogue's hand, but the strength of the rogue's hand was much greater than her. On the contrary, because of the excessive force, her wrists hurt.

In her anger, she bowed her head and bit on Jing Rui's hand.

Jingrui's cool voice sounded on her head: "don't waste your effort. Even if you bite off my hand, I don't want to let go, and I won't let go."

Shu Yin was not willing to work hard. After listening to this, she immediately gave a cruel mouth!

Wisps of pain from the back of the hand, but slowly become wisps of crispy hemp, Qin into Jingrui's body.

Her soft lips, attached to his skin, quickly ignited a fire.

His resistance is so poor?

Jingrui closed his eyes and opened them again, as usual in his eyes.

His other hand pinched Shuyin's chin, slightly forced, Shuyin could not help but loosen his teeth because of pain.

He pinched her delicate chin and forced her to raise her head. Her voice was indifferent, but there was a trace of helplessness: "don't bite. My blood is poisonous. If you bite my hand, you will die."

Shu Yin was unconvinced and said: "my blood is poisonous, and it's very poisonous! I can't die even if I touch your blood! "

Jing Rui has known about the virus in Shuyin's body for a long time, and Peter gave him a detailed report on Shuyin's physical condition three years ago. Of course, the virus in her body is the focus of the report.

Until now, Jing Rui still keeps Shu Yin's blood sample. He knows her physical condition.

Although Shuyin's virus is also very powerful, after years of research and improvement, those viruses may be highly toxic to others, but for her, they are similar to probiotics. They form a virtuous circle in her body and improve her immunity and anti-aging ability.

Of course, no matter how powerful her virus is, it's not as powerful as Jingzhi's. Jingrui and Jingzhi's viruses are the same, but the concentration is much lower. It's OK to suppress Shuyin's virus.

However, Jing Rui didn't reveal the secret of his body. He just looked at her carefully and said in a low voice: "don't make a fuss. If you touch my blood, you will die. Be careful and don't bite me again."

His voice is light, but there is a kind of force that makes Shuyin hard to resist, and can't help but believe him.

Her hand was wrapped by him, and her chin was also pinched by him. Their posture was intimate and ambiguous, but Shuyin soon calmed down, and the blush on her face faded away. Some doubts asked, "what virus is in your body?"

She is an expert in virus research. The most powerful virus she has ever seen is in Jingzhi's body. This is the only virus Shuyin has never tried, and the only one that can completely suppress the virus in her body. She has done countless experiments with two kinds of viruses.Other viruses, I have never heard of a more powerful one!

Is the virus in Jing Rui's body a new variant virus?

Jing Rui loosened Shu Yin's chin and said faintly, "don't ask."

In just three words, Shu Yin knew that she had violated his taboo.

This is also the taboo of many people. People with viruses in their bodies usually keep secrets strictly. Otherwise, they will let others know the types of viruses in their bodies, and they will be vulnerable to attacks.

Shu Yin only asked this sensitive question in a moment's impatience today. Jingrui doesn't let her ask, so she doesn't ask immediately.

However, in this way, the ambiguous atmosphere in the room finally dissipated, relieved and felt much more comfortable.

Just now, her heart was about to jump out.

She never knew that her heart could beat so fast!

She has no doubt that Jingrui's virus is the same as Jingzhi, because hundreds of millions of experiments conducted by the research institute have proved that no human can bear the virus in Jingzhi.

Those who can survive the virus for the longest time are very strong gorillas, but they can't live too long. The longest living gorilla is only four months.

However, in the past four months, the abilities of gorillas have soared rapidly. In addition to the improvement of intelligence level, hearing, vision, smell, power, etc., have all improved.

But the price is also extremely high. The gorilla's life span has been shortened rapidly, and it has lost its fertility immediately!

Jing Rui looks like everything is normal. He doesn't look like he was infected with the virus. What's more, Shuyin is greatly influenced by the research results of the virus research institute. He doesn't believe that anyone can bear the virus of sujingzhi. , the fastest update of the webnovel!