Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1043

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Jingzhi is a little unable to recover.

Why does Jingxi listen to Shu Yin like that?

If he had known this, he would not have asked for his brother, but would have asked for Shuyin directly?

All the land in his garden has been turned over by Jingxi, and many green plants have been damaged. His family seems to have been robbed. He should have come to find Shu Yin to collect the little witch earlier!

Jing Rui also feels a little strange. He has been with Jingxi for more than a month, but he knows his sister's temper.

She looks very clever and smiles sweetly. In fact, she has a lot of ideas. What she wants to do must be done. It's hard to listen to other people's advice.

In a city, except mother can manage her, others can not.

After coming to North America, Jingxi was crazy and playful. She was very wild, and she also loved to tease people. She made fun of the cold wind several times. At this time, the hair of several people was still green!

Because Jingxi was influenced by shangguanning's preference, he liked green very much. So he grabbed several people last night and dyed his hair green!

The cold wind is crying!

It's not good to dye a green one! Looking from afar, it looks like wearing a green hat!

Xijing didn't think that she would take care of the disaster of Xiaomu!

It's the sun coming out in the West!

If Shu Yin can control this little witch, it is really better!

When the excavator stopped working, the roar and the shaking of the fallen tree finally stopped. The world was quiet, and the brothers felt better.

After breakfast, Jingxi felt sleepy. She went back to her room and didn't need any care. She took off her shoes and fell asleep.

After dinner, Shuyin also went to Jingxi's room. Seeing her sleeping sweetly and her face stained with rice grains, she didn't know it and couldn't help smiling.

The gauze on her hand had been removed, and now she was able to move freely. She wiped off the rice grains for Jingxi and finally could feel the delicate face of the little girl.

Jingxi's hair is messy, and her clothes are dirty. Shuyin can't help shaking her head. Sure enough, men are men, so it's still impossible to take care of children.

If Jingxi's mother was around her, she would not be in such a mess. At least her mother could help her braid her hair.

Shuyin had no one to help her comb her hair when she was a child, so at that time she was always cut into short hair to avoid knotting.

Now when she saw the little girl, she couldn't help the overflow of maternal love and wanted to protect her and dress her up.

Jingrui doesn't know when he stands by the door. He looks at Shu Yin sitting on his sister's bed and looks at the little girl with gentle eyes. His heart is soft.

I can't see that people with such a strong sense of precaution like children.

Jingxi got her love easily.

He had done so much, and he had never seen her look at him with such gentle eyes.

Jing Rui strides to Shu Yin's side and asks faintly, "like her?"

Shu Yin looked up at him, then continued to look down at Jingxi. She sighed: "she is like a little angel. She is really sensible and independent. She doesn't need to be cared for. Your mother taught her very well. Maybe no one doesn't like her? "

Jing Rui is not sure.

Only Shu Yin said she was a little angel, Jing Xi was a famous little witch in a city!

But it is also, when the little witch to Shu Yin, she is not evil at all, but she is very good at selling, and I don't know what kind of idea she made.

Jingrui doesn't believe that Jingxi will suddenly become obedient and sensible!

When the little girl is sleeping, she is a little angel. When she wakes up, she will soon become a witch again!

With a faint smile, Jingrui picks up Shu Yin.

Shu Yin didn't expect that Jing Rui would hug herself in Jingxi's room. She was frightened and ashamed. If she hadn't been sensible enough, she would have been unable to control her scream if she was afraid that Jingxi would wake up.

When did they get so close?!

Hold it if you want?

Shu Yin clenched his fist and hit Jingrui hard. He said in a low voice, "what are you doing? Let me down!"

Her fist is just tickling for Jing Rui.

He held her horizontally, strode out, and said faintly, "you should lie in bed for at least a week. Visceral fragmentation is not a trivial matter. If you don't take a good rest, you will leave sequelae later."

According to the doctor's advice, it is required that Shuyin rest for a month.

Jing Rui asks her to lie down for a week, which is the minimum requirement.

Shu Yin felt that she didn't do anything. She just moved around a little more. In addition to some dull pain, she didn't have too much discomfort. She felt that she was very good and not so delicate.

"Just take a few steps. I can walk by myself. Let me go quickly!"

Shu Yin felt that her face must have been red at the moment!It's not right to be hugged by Jingrui yesterday, but it's still reasonable. Because she did feel severe abdominal pain after taking a bath yesterday, but there is no pain today. She feels too ambiguous to be held by Jingrui again!

Jing Rui seems to have not heard, holding her out of Jingxi's room, to Shu Yin's room.

Two people just went out, should have been sleeping Jingxi suddenly opened his eyes, and then covered his mouth rolling on the bed!

Jingxi silent smile, very happy!

Oh, it's rare!

My brother is still so active! Finally, there is a girl who can break him!

She had to tell her mother the good news!

Jingxi lives in the bedroom on the second floor, while Shuyin lives in the bedroom on the first floor because it is inconvenient to go downstairs two days ago. In the restaurant on the first floor, Jingzhi is still eating.

Seeing his brother walking down from the second floor with Shuyin in his arms, his eyes are straight!

With a click, the stainless steel spoon in Jing Zhi's hand fell directly to the floor, but he didn't notice it. His attention was all on his brother and Shu Yin!

The hall is so quiet that the sound of the spoon hitting the floor is particularly clear. Shu Yin doesn't need to look at it. Jingzhi must be staring at them.

She wanted to hit people angrily and asked Jingrui, "what's the matter with you?"

As soon as Jing Rui bowed his head, he saw the little woman in his arms staring at him, as if to spurt fire. His white face was flushed. He didn't know whether he was angry or shy, or both.

It's cute, fresh and feels good.

He was in a happy mood and said in a low voice, "don't make any noise. I'll take you back to your room. You can't go anywhere today. Lie down well."

Shu Yin Qi Jie!

What happened to her?

He's the one who's making trouble, OK?

Actually can still say so righteously, psychological quality is really better than her 100 times! , the fastest update of the webnovel!