Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1042

The next day, just as the sky brightened, Shuyin was awakened by a roar.

She lay in bed and felt the whole villa shaking!

Shuyin was startled. She thought it was an earthquake. She didn't wear her shoes. She didn't care about the pain in her abdomen. She grabbed her cell phone and was about to jump out of the window.

Just, she just opened the curtain and saw Jing Rui standing outside her window.

Jing Rui seems to know that she is going to jump out of the general, light way: "nothing, you continue to sleep, is Xi Xi Xi playing."

Shu Yin is surprised, the girl is too big to play with! The whole villa is going to collapse. Where can she sleep!

Can't it be that she was so upset with Jing Zhi yesterday that Jing Zhicai said her house would be demolished by a little girl?

Shuyin drew the curtains, changed clothes, put on shoes, and then went out.

Out of the villa, Shuyin finally knows why there is such a big roar!

Jingrui's villa covers a large area with various kinds of flowers, plants and trees. At the moment, the flowers and plants are still bare. However, several tall sequoias are still lush, showing a strong dark green.

However, with the excavation of two excavators, those redwoods are falling one by one, hitting the ground, leaving the whole earth shaking.

Jing Xi is being carried by Jing Zhi to watch the fun. She went to bed late last night. She got up before dawn this morning. By the way, she also caught Jing Zhi. At the moment, she is full of energy and shows no sign of lack of sleep!

She was clapping her hands excitedly: "good, good! How wonderful

Shu Yin stupidly looks at this extremely destructive scene, how also did not expect, this brother two big early in the morning accompany the little girl to make a fuss, she is about to be spoiled to heaven!

If Jingxi pokes a hole in the sky, will the brothers let her!

Jingrui goes to Shuyin, looks at her and says, "don't you want to sleep for a while? How did you come out? "

"It's OK. I'm used to getting up early. What's going on? Why should we uproot these redwoods? "

Shu Yin hasn't come out to see the villa since she came to the villa. She has been lying in bed a few days ago to recuperate. Besides going to the bathroom, she doesn't even know what's going on inside the villa, let alone outside.

However, from her window, you can see the scenery outside. She didn't think these redwoods were suitable for the villa, but it seemed very painful to destroy them!

Jingrui's face showed a trace of helplessness: "Xixi said that it's useless to plant so many redwoods at home. If you want to plant fruit trees, you can come here to eat the fruits she planted by herself next year. She will transplant those Redwoods to the outside of the villa and surround the villa so that no one can find them

My sister thought of one out, and when he knew, the excavators had already come in!

If Jingxi wants to eat fruit, where does she need to grow her own? Besides, she will return to a city in a few days. Can't she fly to North America next year to eat fruit?

Shuyin can't help laughing. This kind of thing seems to be done by a child.

Jing Xi saw Shu Yin with sharp eyes. She called her out loud: "good morning, sister."

Then soon, Jing Zhi came here with her.

"I'm so sorry, sister. I didn't expect that there would be so much noise when I made some trees. Did I wake you up?"

Jingxi's face is full of apologies. Shu Yin certainly won't argue with a child. What's more, this is Jingrui's home, that is, Jingxi's home. She's just an outsider living here. What Jingxi does in her own home doesn't need to be explained to her.

Shu Yin looked at the little girl with a smile. She was cute and mischievous. She was very sensible. She was still trying to make trouble. She was very childish.

She wanted to pinch Jing Xihong's face, but her hands were still wrapped in gauze, so she couldn't do it.

"It's OK, hee. I got up early in the morning, but today it's just a little earlier. It's a pity that some of the redwoods can't be moved out of the yard in summer, but I don't think it's good to be moved out of the yard

Jingrui and Jingzhi both think that Jingxi will refuse, because she does not agree with her brothers' advice to Jingxi. They have to remove all the redwoods and plant fruit trees!

Did not expect this time Jing Xi did not want to nod: "good! I listen to my sister! The vacant space is enough for planting fruit trees! You like Redwood, just keep it

Shu Yin smiles and reaches out her hand to feel Jingxi's head. However, she finds that her hand is wrapped in a cocoon, so she can't touch it.

She can only take back her hand and praise Jingxi and say: "Xi Xi is really good. After a few days, my sister will be in good health and grow fruit trees with you! We'll plant whatever you want to eat! "

In Shu Yin's opinion, this is Jingrui's home. Naturally, his sister can plant whatever she wants.

However, in Jingxi's opinion, this is the elder brother's home, and will also be the sister-in-law's home in the future. Of course, the sister-in-law can plant whatever she wants!

She wanted to plant fruit trees, which was just a whim and thought it was fun. Of course, she would not lack fruit to eat.But if Shuyin is willing to grow fruit trees with her, she will be very happy!

Jingxi came down from Jingzhi's arms, and then carefully grasped Shu Yin's wrist to avoid touching her hand wrapped with gauze. She said thoughtfully, "sister, you are not well. It's too cold in the morning. Can I take you back to the bedroom? What would you like for breakfast? Let's get my brother ready

Shuyin was really moved by Jingxi!

The wound on her hand has actually healed, and it will not hurt when touched.

But yesterday, Jingrui wrapped layers of gauze on her hand. It looked like her hand was seriously injured. Jingxi didn't know that her hand was ok, so she held her wrist carefully, as if afraid of hurting her.

What's more, Jingxi was so young that he was afraid of her cold and wanted to send her back to her room. It was too sensible!

I don't want to shake my head in my arms. Your injury can't be cured so soon. The doctors have said that you should stay in bed for a month, and you can't move around

Such a sweet little baby, where to find it!

Shu Yin was moved to tears. No wonder they all said that her daughter was her mother's intimate cotton padded jacket. Jingxi's mother was really happy! To have such an excellent son and a daughter who can take care of others is really a winner in life!

Don't complain that Jingrui and Jingzhi love Jingxi so much. She is really a lovely little girl.

She remembered that she was very sensible when she was a child. Why did her parents not want her?

After that, she will have a daughter and love her well. No matter what her daughter looks like, she will never abandon her own child. , the fastest update of the webnovel!