Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1041

"Oh, second brother, wait for me. Don't run so fast. I'm afraid of the dark!"

"Forgive me! Stop chasing! Are you afraid of the dark? If you're afraid of the dark, I'll eat my socks raw! "

Jingzhi wants to cry without tears. He turns his head and sees Jingrui leaning by the door. He rushes over and hugs Jingrui's thigh.

"Brother, is Xixi your sister? Why don't you look for her after three days! You are not afraid that I will sell her, or that she will be abducted! Please take her back to you as soon as possible. If you let her stay in my house, I will become a monk. "

Jingrui is hugged by Jingzhi, and suddenly he is stiff. He wants to kick Jingzhi out directly!

He hates being held like this!

Jingzhi can't!

What a shame!

It took him a lot of effort to resist the impulse of kicking people, but his face had turned black into the bottom of the pot: "let go!"

"I won't let go if you don't bring hixi back! I've been haunting you all my life

Jingrui gnawed his teeth and said, "good! Let her come back! "

"Brother, I trust you most. You won't cheat me, will you? I am so simple, kind, ignorant, lovely and handsome... "

"Don't lie to you!"

Jing Rui interrupts his brother's endless boasting and closes his eyes in pain.

The two demons have come back. It's hard to live this life!

Just let him live a three-day life, sister Jing Zhi to torture crazy!

See you!

Just look at Jingzhi's awkward appearance now. His hair is messy and his face is black and gray. There are holes in his fine suit. He doesn't know where his shoes are. He just wears a pair of socks and runs here, and the socks can't tell the original color.

Jing Zhigang even said that he ate two of his socks raw. That's it Can you talk?

Shu Yin is shocked to see the tall man who once made the whole Institute of metamorphosis fear. The high-risk human who everyone saw detours was in such a mess, and seemed to have been completely frightened. She blinked hard and suspected that she had hallucinations!

And Look at Jing Rui's appearance, also seem to be helpless, headache fierce?

Shuyin looks at holding up a stick of ice, skipping in from the outside, wearing two braids of the little girl, a little incredible that she is the two men who make the whole world afraid of even dignity!

The little girl has an oval face and delicate facial features. She looks like a pet of heaven. Her two big eyes are innocent and innocent, like the purest crystal in the world. How can you think that she doesn't look like a sock eater like Jingzhi!

Shu Yin hasn't met Jingxi, but she knows that Jingrui has a sister. Now she sees Jingxi's face similar to Jingrui's, plus the conversation between Jingrui and Jingzhi just now, she's sure that the beautiful girl in front of her is Jingxi!

Jingxi originally wanted to question the second brother who had run back. As soon as she looked up and saw Shu Yin, her eyes brightened, she immediately threw Jingzhi down and ran to the bed. She said sweetly, "sister, you wake up! Excellent! When we found you, you were poisoned and fell asleep all the time! You can't eat in the future

Most of the time, there are only Shuyin and the maid in the villa. She doesn't know that there are Jingzhi and Jingxi among her rescuers, let alone that Jingxi has also come to North America.

Because Jingxi is completely playing wild. Since she went to Jingzhi, she never came back.

In Shuyin's eyes, Jingxi is just a little girl. Her mouth is so sweet that it's hard for people to dislike her.

Shu Yin said with a smile: "the original save my Xi Xi also have credit, sister, thank you! When I'm ready to play with you, will you

In fact, she was very puzzled. Why did she take Jingxi?

It's so dangerous. Jingxi is so small. It's easy to get hurt.

But looking at her lively appearance, it is obvious that she is well protected by Jingrui and Jingzhi, without any injury.

As soon as she heard that someone was playing with her, Jingxi's eyes were bright like stars, and immediately jumped up with joy: "sister, you are so good! This popsicle is for you. I haven't eaten it yet

Jingzhi, on the other side, shivers when he hears that Jingxi is going to give Shuyin popsicle. He opens his mouth to remind Shuyin that his mouth will swell into sausage immediately after eating the popsicle. However, due to the power of the little witch, he still doesn't dare to say it.

Shu Yin didn't know where to go, but she was such a big person. How could she grab a popsicle with a child.

She shook her head with a smile: "thank you for your willingness to share the delicious food with me. You can eat it yourself, but you should eat less. It's still cold now. You are still small, and your stomach is easy to be frozen."

Shu Yin said, still think that children do not eat such ice food is better, this if the hot day to eat a little to eliminate the heat, it is early spring, spring is chilly, Xixi eat stick ice is likely to have diarrhea.

"Forget it, Xixi. Don't eat it either. You can eat it when you grow up or when it's hot. Now it's easy to catch cold when you eat. You'll get sick."Most of Jingxi grew up pampered. In addition to her mother shangguanning's opposition to some of her demands, the rest of the people, including grandfather, father, brother, and great grandfather, would follow her.

This is the first time that people other than mom are not used to her.

Obviously, Shu Yin didn't flatter her because of her identity.

The first impression was good. Jingxi felt that he had saved the right person.

In return, Jingxi said with a smile: "sister, you were poisoned by food a few days ago, and now it's not suitable to eat such ice food, so we won't eat it first! When you're ready, we'll eat together again

Jingzhi can't believe that Jingxi let Shu Yin go so easily. The difference in treatment is too big!

You know, he was miserable by Jingxi pit, his lips were swollen all day, and Jingxi laughed at him all day!

Jingzhi has been tormented by the little witch!

In three days, poor Jingzhi fell directly from the heaven with her sister into the hell who wanted to throw away her sister!

He thought there was something wrong with the popsicle in Jingxi's hand, but in fact, only the one Jing Zhi ate had problems, and the rest were normal!

Jing Xi's hand of this, she was originally intended to eat, of course, no ingredients.

She doesn't want Shu Yin to become a sausage mouth. This elder sister is the nearest person to her sister-in-law's position. If she scares people away, she will be spanked by her mother when she comes home.

Shu Yin didn't know that the eight year old Lori had so many eyes in front of her. She liked children very much, especially the clever and sensible children like Jingxi.

However, the next day, she knew that she had made a serious mistake!

This girl can only be clever for a minute! , the fastest update of the webnovel!