Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1040

The maid nodded to Shuyin with a smile, and then made a few gestures, which meant: your husband is very kind to you. You are really lucky.

Shu Yin of course still did not understand her gesture, she was still in a huge shock, did not come back to God!

She took a look at that dish of salt and pepper chicken wings. It's hard to imagine that Jing Rui would help her pick out all the bones one by one because she didn't have to spit out chicken bones!

It's not at all like what a cruel man would do!

And he was never free to this extent!

Shuyin swallows down a mouthful of crispy and tender chicken wings. The whole person is a little light and floating, and feels extremely unreal.

She's not dreaming, is she?

I feel like I'm dreaming all these days. It's not right anywhere.

Shu Yin always thinks that she is a smart girl. Her intelligence quotient and emotional quotient are good. She should have a lot of heart and eyes. What she should know is not vague.

She knew that she had a high IQ, and it was because of this that she could crush Lucas's perversion and crush anyone who wanted to harm her.

However, her IQ advantage in front of Jing Rui is vulnerable!

This man is not only good-looking, but also has a high IQ. He looks cold all day. It is more difficult to guess what he is thinking than to ascend to heaven!

Shu Yin can't believe that such a Jing Rui will look at her differently - she has self-knowledge, she is smart and sharp in other people's eyes, but in Jingrui's eyes, I'm afraid it's just a bowl of water, and you can see through the essence at a glance.

In essence, she is not such a kind and simple girl.

She is so defensive that no one wants to believe

Thinking of this, Shuyin suddenly felt wrong.

The way she gets along with Jing Rui is enough to prove how much she trusts him!

Shu Yin ate chicken wings without bones one by one, and she didn't want to think about it any more.

Anyway, she is happy at the moment!

She has not had this kind of happiness for a long time!

Shuyin ate a plate of chicken wings and drank a bowl of pigeon soup. It is said that this can promote the healing of the wound. Jingrui asks the maid to cook the soup every day, and then let Shuyin drink it.

Shuyin has an inexplicable love for food made of winged animals, so pigeon soup is also very happy.

She didn't eat anything else.

Jing Rui comes in to see her eat only meat and soup, and refuses to eat a mouthful of vegetables. She even smiles gently.

His deep voice rang out in the room: "you love meat so much and drink soup, how can you not be fat?"

The maid saw him come in, quickly picked up the dishes and chopsticks, and took out.

Shuyin was full of food and drink, half leaning on the pillow at the head of the bed, and her eyes were full of smiles: "I just ate like this recently. In the past, when I was in the Research Institute, those researchers said that there were many viruses hidden in birds, so the Research Institute rarely provided chicken. If you want to eat, you have to pay the chef alone. I'm so poor that I can't wait to eat! "

She was half lying there, with a cheerful look and a clear and pleasant voice. At last she had the liveliness and dexterity that an 18-year-old girl should have. She finally took off her guard and was willing to chatter with him.

Jingrui's heart is relaxed because of her happiness.

He has always known that she has a lively and cheerful side, there is a beautiful side, but she never willing to show it easily.

Jingrui is in a relaxed mood and leans by the door at will. Listening to her crying for poverty with himself, he feels that his life seems to be fresh all at once.

“…… College food is also very expensive, I can't cook it myself, so I still eat more, chicken wings are very expensive! I only have such good food here, but I must be fat if I eat like this every day. I think I've grown several pounds of meat these days, and I'm sure I can't fly with wings on my back. I wanted to go to heaven... "

Shuyin is in a good mood, and unconsciously makes a joke with Jingrui.

Jingrui has a smile in his eyes. He feels a little funny in his heart.

This silly girl, didn't he give her a lot of money? It's enough for her to spend her whole life. How can she not bear to eat chicken wings?

Are you fat?

He didn't feel it.

I had porridge and soup two days ago. How could I be fat.

As for her wish to go to heaven, she can't fly even if she is thin as a bamboo pole, but she can go up in other ways.

Jing Rui has found that every time Shu Yin eats chicken wings, her mood will become very good. She doesn't know how ordinary chicken wings have so much energy and can make her so happy.

He chuckled and asked, "are you so fond of chicken wings?" As soon as I eat chicken wings, she looks like a stimulant. She is full of red and full of energy. Jingzhi is right. She is really well fed.

Shuyin's clear eyes flashed a shrewd: "of course! And someone picked out all the chicken bones for me. I can eat it very easily. I feel that chicken wings are better to eat! "Jing Rui automatically takes this as a compliment. He doesn't care about the cunning in her eyes. He says in a low voice, "if you like, I'll let Lisa cook it for you tomorrow."

Lisa is the maid in the family. She is nearly 40 years old, hardworking and capable, and her cooking skills are very good. If not because she is dumb and difficult to communicate with others, many people would like to employ her as a servant.

Lisa has taken good care of Shu Yin these days, and Jing Rui has directly doubled her salary.

To pick a chicken bone for a woman, any man with a male chauvinism tendency would not do such a thing, and even many men would feel ashamed.

However, Shu Yin sees that Jingrui looks natural and plain, and doesn't seem to think that doing so will damage his image of being tall, cold and expensive.

Shu Yin began to doubt. She used to think that Jing Rui always ignored her ideas to make decisions and arrange her life. She thought he was too arrogant and unreasonable. Did she misunderstand him?

Living in the environment of Virus Research Institute, Shu Yin is also paranoid and rebellious.

She doesn't like to be controlled by others. The more she is forced to oppress her, the more she will resist. Therefore, Jing Rui arranges her life, and she instinctively repels and resists.

For the first time, she reflected on whether she should also occasionally obey others, such as Jing Rui.

He is smarter and more capable than her, and has never hurt her heart. Perhaps his arrangement is the most reasonable and beneficial to her.

The atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful until interrupted by a howl.

"Brother! Dear brother, help

Jingzhi rushes in like a gust of wind and cries to Jingrui for help.

"My sister is going to tear down my house! It doesn't matter if I sleep on the street. My father, your second uncle, is so old that he can't sleep in the grass , the fastest update of the webnovel!