Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1037

Lucas is excited again!

With a rubber glove hand, he gently stroked Liao Wei's face, and his eyes flashed with a strange light: "who are you from the Jing family? I've met both the king brothers and the little Lori. Why haven't I seen you? Are you jingyichen's illegitimate son? "

It's just like the rubber gloves on Liao Wei's face. He can't bear to touch the rubber, and he can't help but spit.

His lips turned white and he wanted to nod, but he forgot that he couldn't move.

He can only say: "yes, I am his illegitimate son!"

Liao Wei was scared out of his wits and dodged his eyes. Lucas, such a man of genius, could tell he was lying.

He stabbed Liao Wei's skin with a needle and quickly drew out a tube of blood. With a vicious smile, he said: "since you are the king's family, I need to draw more blood. Besides Jing Zhi, I have never got any blood from anyone in the Jing family! Not only that, I have to cut off your two fingers and keep them. Maybe I'll be down in the future, and I can take them to Jing's house for money! "

So cruel, Liao Wei was almost incontinent!

"No, no, no, I have nothing to do with Jing family! I'm not jingyichen's illegitimate son! My name is Liao Wei, not Jing! Before, when Jing Rui was a killer in the killer organization, I was just a stand in for him! "

With a scare, the idiot told the whole story, and the light in Lucas's eyes dimmed and his face was full of disgust.

It's just a stand in. It's useless!

"Since you're just a stand in, it's not very useful for you to live! It's better to give up all this blood! "

Said Lucas, taking another empty needle and drawing another tube of blood.

Liao Wei has the heart to die!

He said that he was the Jing family and wanted to be drawn. He said that he was not Jing family or he was going to be drawn!

What did he say? This vicious vampire can let him go!

For the first time in his life, Liao Wei regrets that he left the Jing family. He regrets that he is too greedy and wants to replace the real successor of the Jing family!

When he was in a city, he was like wind and rain! They not only wear famous brands and luxury goods, but also have great ostentation wherever they go. They manage the famous business empire of a city at home and abroad, so powerful and domineering!

He really lived a noble childe's life for seven years. He lived like a prince and forgot that he was just a beggar! Forget that I'm just a stand in!

Now he was tortured outside, treated like a beast, exposed to more darkness and blood, he knew how stupid he was before!

Yew can be pressed to death by Jing Rui, which shows that his power is much stronger than yew!

Yew can torture him to death. If Jingrui wants to clean him up, it's just a matter of words!

He was able to live well for seven years, all because the king family is still kind to him.

Now he knew that his life in Jingjia was just like heaven!

Liao Wei wants to give himself a slap in the face. He wants to be a dog for others! How cheap he is!

Now, he can't go back to Jing's anyway!

I'm afraid Jing Rui just wants him to die now!

Liao Wei looks at the yew who screams with bitterness, and blames her! She deserves her whole body to fester and her flawless skin to be destroyed! If she doesn't die this time, he will let the ugliest and most disgusting man take turns on her!

Yew is now in pain and would like to die. He doesn't care about Liao Wei.

Her consciousness sometimes clear and sometimes fuzzy, feel oneself in hell desperately struggling!

Supporting her, is a torrent of hate!

She has to live, to live, to kill Shuyin!

After a round of pain, yew a little sober, she was thirsty, weak and powerless to call a "water.".

Lucas didn't have time to feed her. He had never been a waiter. Yew was no threat to him at the moment. Everything depended on him, and he would not serve her.

Let her be thirsty. At most, her throat is dry and smoky, which will affect her voice in the future. Anyway, she can't die.

When he didn't hear Yew's words, he said in a dry voice, "yew, you owe me adult love this time. You'd better think about how to repay it. You know me. I don't work in vain if I don't have enough benefits! "

Yew cooperated with him for a long time. Of course, she knew Lucas's temperament. She resisted the pain and said in a weak voice: "I can give you additional funds for the experiment! You can get more children to do the experiment! "

"How much do you think your life is worth?"

Yew bit his teeth: "give you 100 million, can't more!"

One side of Liao Wei listen to Yew mouth give 100 million, finally know, he just want to use a million yuan to buy this vampire in the end is how stupid!

Lucas gave a smile: "well, have a good time! But besides money, I want someone else! "The facial features of yew could not be twisted immediately! She can't give it to you. I'll take care of her myself! I'm going to kill her! "

She knew that Lucas wanted Shu Yin!

No one can make Lucas so interested except Shuyin!

"Kill her?"

Lucas chuckled dryly. His laughter was harsh. Liao Wei's scalp was numb. He wanted to cover his ears!

"How cruel to kill her! Give it to me. I'm sure I can make her suffer a hundred times more than you do. Isn't it more thanking to torture her every day? "

Yew thinks about it, and thinks Lucas is right!

The madman out of the virus research institute, torture people, no one can compare!

"Well, I'll give it to you! But you must cure me as soon as possible

"That's natural. You think I'd like to cut your rotten meat all the time? This virus is very infectious. I want to live a few more years! "

Liao Wei's pale face turned white again!

Very infectious?!

Then he is not going to be infected!

"Doctor, please help me! Don't let me get the virus! Whatever you want me to do, I I can at least provide clean blood for yew! "

Liao Wei, who has never had a brain, is clever at last.

Lucas and yew both felt that he could not be infected with the virus, otherwise he would have to find another person to provide blood.

After three days, Yew's condition finally stabilized, and Liao Wei was already unconscious because of blood loss. In fact, he did not even last a day, Yew's men later sent blood bags, which can withstand Yew's profligacy.

But yew thinks Liao Wei will still be useful in the future, so Lucas gave him blood transfusion and saved his life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!