Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1038

Yew has no good skin all over her body, even on her face; so, her originally beautiful face is pitted and full of scars, and is extremely ugly.

This time, she lost too much!

She never thought that she would fall into the hands of a woman she had never paid attention to.

Those who follow Shu Yin have many hypnotic symptoms!

Obviously, Shuyin inherited the talent of Shucheng mountain and reached the peak in the field of hypnosis!

An 18-year-old girl, with a force value of almost zero, escaped in the pursuit of hundreds of people. No one would believe it!

However, this time knowing Shu Yin's card, the next time you catch her, you can be on guard.

Yew's willpower is also very strong, she survived from the extreme pain, although still need to suffer from the virus, but she has been able to support.

However, one of the things sent in by his subordinates made yew break the work in an instant and roared bitterly.

That's dad Andrew's hand!

She knows it!

Dad's hand was cut off! He must have suffered a lot!

Yew mood fluctuation is too big, the whole body is tight, the next moment just healed skin will crack!

In a flash, she became a bloody man.

Lucas had just finished his meal outside when he came back to hear the machine in the room give out a "didi Di" alarm, and he immediately became angry: "yew! If you don't want to live, just say, I won't save you at all! Die if you want to! That's how you repay me for saving you with all my strength! "

However, yew can't hear his roar, her consciousness is rapidly blurred, and her heart rate is dropping sharply.

Although Lucas was angry to death, he still had to save her, otherwise the efforts of the previous three days would be in vain!


Shuyin has been very comfortable these days.

She has never enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of. Jingrui has been taking care of her these days, which makes her recover very quickly.

By the third day, she was able to get out of bed on her own.

However, Jing Rui is not always at home. In fact, he is busy outside most of the time. Most of the time, the maid takes care of Shu Yin, including washing clothes, making delicious food and helping her go to the bathroom.

For Shu Yin, the care and care of a maid is enough to make her feel warm.

The maid is from the cold wind. She is dumb and can't speak. But she is very diligent and honest, so she gets along well with Shu Yin.

Shu Yin lay in bed for three days, the pain was relieved, and the abdominal pain was no longer unbearable after being kicked by yew.

She got up and got out of bed and took a bath in the slippers that Jingrui asked the maid to buy.

After taking a bath, she changed into a clean dress. When she came out of the bathroom, she happened to meet Jing Rui who came back.

Beauty out of the bath, beautiful and refined, probably is Shu Yin such a woman.

Just after the hot bath, Shuyin's white face was dyed with a light red halo. Her hair was still dripping wet, and her silk pajamas were dyed, which made her beautiful figure appear.

Her beautiful white face is like a white one!

Jing Rui glanced at her faintly and said, "don't you lie down? Go back to bed and take a bath when you're ready. "

His tone is a little indifferent, but Shu Yin has been used to him for a long time.

She now knew that even if he cared about people, he was so cold.

Shu Yin is grateful for his care these days. She doesn't care about his indifference. She smiles and says, "it's OK. I'm better. It's not good to lie down every day."

After a hundred days of injury, Shuyin's internal organs and even her ribs were injured. In fact, she should lie down for a few more days, but she really can't stand the fact that she hasn't bathed for three days.

Because on the day of her injury, she rolled all over the grass and mud, and her smooth long hair was about to knot!

So when she got out of bed, the first thing she did was take a bath.

After three days of maintenance, Shuyin still has pain in her ribs when she walks now. If she is slightly shaken, her abdominal cavity will be torn as well.

So she walked very slowly, at her speed, to move from the bathroom to the bedroom, at least five minutes walk.

Jing Rui walks to her side and picks her up.

Shuyin is unprepared to soar into the air, and then falls into a strong embrace, and breathes out in a low voice.

"I can go by myself! Let me down

She is not used to being so intimate with others, nor is she used to taking care of her by Jingrui.

Shu Yin wants to push Jingrui away with her hand. As soon as her hand touches Jingrui's chest, she listens to his light way: "don't move, or I'll throw you away."

Shu Yin is not sure if he will really throw himself, but dare not move.She allowed him to hold her and stride into the bedroom. She allowed him to put himself on the bed and take her hand to examine her small, dense wounds.

She was a little uneasy, blushing a little, but said nothing, so as not to expose the palpitations of her heart.

Jing Rui looks at her two hands, the wounds have been recovered, leaving only a faint red scar. I think in a few days, these scars will disappear.

Before, he never cared about scars.

The wounds on his own body are all handled at will, as long as there is no bleeding, leaving a scar is nothing.

But seeing Shu Yin's hand, he didn't want her to leave scar.

Her hand is beautiful like a work of art, which makes him have a kind of impulse to hold it in his hand all the time, which has never been before!

His sister, Jing Xi, is also a little beauty. Her hands are very beautiful and lovely, but Jing Rui doesn't feel any special feeling.

He had seen the hands of other women, many of them delicate and beautiful, and he never looked at them more.

Only Shu Yin's hand, let him have a different feeling.

He has been restraining, ignoring, until Shuyin's hand was cut countless small wounds, his restraint was completely ineffective.

Now seeing Shu Yin's hand gradually recovering, he felt a little more comfortable at last.

Jing Rui takes the ointment on the table, then sits by the bed and begins to give Shuyin medicine.

Shu Yin's small hands, placed in his big hands, seem particularly delicate and delicate.

Jing Rui's thumb can't help but slip across the back of her hand. It seems unintentional and intentional.

Shuyin's cheek was burning uncontrollably, and he wanted to pull back his hand: "I've taken medicine today."

Jing Rui suddenly held her hand and didn't let her take it out. He said faintly, "once again." , the fastest update of the webnovel!