Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1036

When Jingrui and Shuyin begin to eat, yew finally wakes up.

But it's better to wake up in a coma, because at least you can't feel the pain!

Yew is lying on a bed, beside him lies Liao Wei, pale and trembling with fear.

Their two blood types were the same. At that time, the situation was too urgent. He put too much blood into Yew's body and needed blood transfusion urgently. Lucas had to take Liao Wei's blood away.

But even so, the yew situation is still very dangerous.

The bottle of virus that Shu Yin finally threw on her body is too overbearing, even if only a small amount of it enters her body, it is enough to kill!

If it hadn't happened that there was a Lucas who was very deep in virus research around yew, she would not have lived.

Of course, sometimes it's better to die.

Yew this moment is not as good as death, she has always been able to bear the pain, wake up for a while, began to cry.

Her body twitches from time to time, as if there are some worms in the blood vessels desperately drilling.

Her original smooth skin, inch by inch of ulceration, skin and flesh, blood flow.

Lucas has been standing beside her, constantly repairing her skin, and injecting new viruses into her body to compete with the original bully virus.

Once the blood volume in Yew's body drops to the critical value, Lucas takes a tube from Liao Wei beside him and injects it into Yew's body.

After a while, Liao Wei had been pulled dozens of tubes.

Liao Wei can see clearly that tube is ten milliliters of blood volume. Dozens of tubes have been drawn, which means that he has lost hundreds of milliliters of blood!

He didn't know Lucas, but seeing him dressed in white and wearing a protective mask to treat yew, he yelled, "doctor, don't smoke! I'm dying! If I smoke again, I will die! "

He wanted to let yew bleed so that no one could control him and imprison him!

He can't forget the shame yew brought to him!

This vicious woman, let three ugly and disgusting fat women give him up!

Until now, he still thinks of nausea and vomiting!

He even suffered from the disease of not lifting!

Even if see again beautiful woman, he also can't hard up! He obviously likes beautiful women, but there is no way to eat people in his mouth.

All blame yew, she made him no longer a man!

This vicious woman, why don't you die!

More importantly, his most cherished face was destroyed by yew! She stepped on his face mercilessly last time, half of his face was trampled off, and his chin was destroyed. He became a twisted monster and completely disfigured!

not worth a hair as like as two peas, and he is nothing. That's the face he regards as life!

He's finished!

In the future, it is impossible to pretend to be Jingrui!

And now, he was asked to give Taxus a blood transfusion!

He longed for the woman to die early!

He wanted to run for his life, but the vampire white doctor who treated yew didn't know what kind of injection he had given him. He didn't have any strength to lift his hand!

Lucas was fully armed and his whole body was not covered. I'm kidding. The virus on yew is highly infectious, and he won't risk it until he knows the characteristics of the virus.

Liao Wei's voice of begging, he should have farted, and he was still committed to his own business.

This blue virus is a new mutant virus that Lucas has never seen before.

The research institute originally had this kind of virus, but its destructive power is absolutely not so strong, and it is impossible to drill into the human body actively in the air.

He speculated that this should be Shu Yin's own research of the virus, with active aggressiveness, extremely strong cell destructive two significant characteristics, these two characteristics, are very lethal.

Yew in the non-stop scream, because she is not a pain! Pain into the spinal cord, even the ears and eyes are bleeding out!

And Lucas was so excited to see her!

Such a powerful virus, let him like to pick up a piece of gold for nothing!

He murmured in his heart that Shu Yin was really a man! How can we develop such a powerful virus? I don't know if there are other viruses there. If there is a chance, he will rob several kinds of virus!

Looking at Yew's white skin constantly bleeding, looking at her painful facial features twisted, Liao Wei was very happy!

But he was afraid of being drained by the doctor, and his voice trembled: "doctor, please let me go! I'll make you a horse and a cow. I'll I have money. I have a lot of money. Do you know the Jing family? Jing's money is mine. I can get it! As long as you let me go, I'll give you as much money as you want! million! No, no, no, ten million! "

Liao Wei doesn't know Lucas, and Lucas doesn't know Liao Wei either. They are totally different people from different worlds, and their ability gap is between the sky and the ground. Of course, yew didn't introduce the reason why they knew each other.When Liao Wei mentions the Jing family, Lucas finally has a reaction.

He picked up the needle, skillfully inserted the thin needle into Liao Wei's blood vessel, and soon drew another tube of blood. However, he did not give the blood to Taxus, but prepared to collect it for research.

Liao Wei saw that he moved out of the king's house and offered a high price, but he lost ten milliliters of blood. His face was pale and scared to death.

"Stop smoking! You want blood, I go out to help you find people, O blood is very easy to find! Several of Yew's men are type O blood! "

Liao Wei and yew are not type O blood. They are both type a blood, but type O blood is universal blood. Liao Wei thinks that it is OK to transfuse type O blood to Taxus.

However, his medical knowledge is really poor, O-type blood, even if it is universal blood, can not be unlimited blood transfusion to a type a blood person, if transfusion is too much, there will still be blood coagulation, the best natural is type a blood.

Yew's men are very fierce. Lucas is not sure that he can subdue everyone. Liao Wei is a fool with a white face to control.

"Are you the king family?"

Lucas finally spoke.

But the first question made Liao Wei flustered.

"Yes, I am," he said with a thick cheek

Lucas knows Jingzhi and Jingrui, but he has been in contact with Jingzhi many times. Jingrui has only seen photos and never said anything.

At the moment, he noticed Liao Wei's face. Although half of his face was distorted, the other half was still intact. After a closer look, he was really very similar to the Jing Rui he had seen! , the fastest update of the webnovel!