Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1027

Lucas's eyes flashed cold, and the smile on his face finally disappeared. His voice was dry and cold: "girls are too smart to be liked!"

Shu Yin sneered. If she had been stupid, she would have died long ago and could not die any more. How could she live to now!

She gradually recovered her composure, and her pale face returned to normal. She said calmly, "it is the most successful thing I have ever done if you don't like it!"

"So you know I don't like you? You are so smart and beautiful, or my adopted daughter, how can I not like you

Lucas said, about to touch Shuyin's cheek.

Shu Yin avoided his pale and dry hands in disgust: "you can torture yourself with cruel hands. You can make people not ghosts or ghosts. It can be seen that what you like in this life is not people, but those viruses that can kill people!"

Like many virus obsessed people in the virus research institute, Lucas has no interest in men and women at all. In their eyes, there is no gender difference between people. Their differences are measured by virus resistance.

Lucas not only took Shuyin as an experiment, but also made experiments with himself to personally experience the different effects of different viruses.

Lucas is in his fifties this year, but he can't tell his age except that he looks pale and extremely thin.

There was no wrinkle on his face, and his skin was as delicate as an 18-year-old Shuyin.

Even he didn't have a long white hair. If he didn't say it, no one would know that he was over 50 years old.

All this is because he has injected himself with too many viruses.

There are many viruses and toxins that can delay human aging.

Like many female stars will use botulinum toxin, but one of the most common, the least toxic.

Of course, botulinum toxin, if overdosed, is also fatal.

Lucas also injected himself with an excessive amount of virus, which caused him to lose weight rapidly, and even fainted for a time, and almost died.

He disappeared for three years. Shu Yin thought he was dead, but she didn't expect to meet him here!

He is cruel to others, even more to himself!

How can such a person like her!

What's more, Shu Yin doesn't know nothing about men and women. Lucas never looks at her, but some are cold and cruel. Even if he has taken care of her before, she can never let go of her guard.

The only person she ever believed in was Jing Rui.

Jing Rui's indifference is totally different from Lucas. His indifference can bring her a kind of unspeakable sense of security.

Lucas looked at Shu Yin's unabashed disgust, but he didn't care.

His hand fell into the air and did not continue to touch Shu Yin.

Just as Shu Yin knows him, he knows Shu Yin.

Shu Yin is trying to avoid irritating him, but he is also trying to avoid provoking Shu Yin.

This little girl is not a good girl!

He fell to today's situation of no man, no ghost, but half of her credit!

Anyway, he has no interest in women at all. Shu Yin is not gentle at all. He doesn't like such a tough woman.

Lucas looked down at his mummified fingers, a touch of pride on his pale, bloodless face: "what's wrong with the virus? They are all babies! Without these viruses and toxins, the mortality rate will be doubled! Don't you like viruses? I'm afraid you don't study viruses under me now, and you're also beginning to dislike viruses? "

"I'm not like you!"

Shu Yin's research on virus is just the accomplishment that a researcher should have, in order to help him get rid of the trouble of the virus. Unlike Lucas, it is to raise the virus with his own body!

"What's the difference? People will betray, but the virus will never! Don't you hate your parents for abandoning you? I was abandoned by my parents. Guess what? "

Shu Yin never knew that Lucas was abandoned by his parents!

No wonder his psychology is so distorted!

Lucas appreciates the surprise in Shuyin's eyes. He shows his white teeth and smiles. "I found them, and then I use them to raise the virus. Watching them beg for mercy in pain, I will tell them my identity. When I know the truth, the look on their faces is really wonderful! Do you remember when you were a kid, you could always hear two people screaming in my lab? "

Shuyin certainly remembers!

But not two people, many people!

She didn't know whose scream he was talking about. There were people dying every day in the Research Institute, and before they died, they must have suffered for a long time!

She used to be one of them, but she was a bit clever, plus two points of good luck, survived!

Just, hearing Lucas's words, Shuyin instinctively felt chilly and creepy!He mentioned his parents and screamed again, should not

"Well, what a clever and envious girl. You guessed it right. The two most painful voices in the scream are my parents!"

Shuyin had recovered a little ruddy face, but in a moment it became pale again!

"You You are no man at all

Abandoned by their parents, is it necessary to torture them to death by such cruel means?

He even his parents are under such a cruel hand, it can be seen that her ruthlessness is a small matter!

Although Shu Yin hated her parents for abandoning her, her hatred was far from enough to kill her own parents!

"I am not a man? Ha ha ha! You're right, I'm not a man! But who turned me from a man to a devil?! It's them! They gave birth to me, but they didn't want me! Of course I won't make them feel better! I feel very happy to see their regret and pain! "


A complete madman!

Shuyin thought that he should have survived under his hand, and felt extremely lucky!

It's just that Lucas is so crazy that he has a very high chance of killing her parents!

She even wondered if he had tortured her parents.

In fact, people in the research institute are not normal. There are many people with extreme paranoia. Shu Yin knows Lucas well, so it is not surprising that he can kill his parents. She is just shocked. He will deliberately make them die so miserable.

Shu Yin doesn't have any blood on her face. Lucas brings her too much pressure. However, she bravely raises her head and asks her deepest doubts: "how did my parents die?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!