Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1028

Lucas sneered: "what, want to avenge them? People abandoned you, you are a burden, you still think about them! I've trained you for nothing


Shu Yin never wanted to avenge them.

One thing Lucas was right about was that they abandoned her, so she only treated them as strangers.

Why should she avenge a pair of strangers?

It is undeniable that she has been influenced by Lucas since childhood. She has no feelings for her own biological parents. At first, she hated them, but as time went on, she would not even hate her.

Hate is also to pay hard work, hate is also very tormenting.

She doesn't want to torment herself, she just wants to let go of everything in the past and live the life she yearns for.

She wanted to know how her parents died. It was just a obsession.

She has the right to know the truth!

Shu Yin said faintly: "don't worry, even if they were killed by you, I won't revenge on you. I just want to know how they died, and I want to make sure they're dead! "

She did not see the death of her parents with her own eyes. Some of the information she got was disclosed to her by the people in the Research Institute. In addition, she spent a lot of money to collect it slowly.

Although the evidence shows that both parents are dead, what if they are not dead?

Seeing is not necessarily believing, and she has never seen it.

Lucas stares at Shu Yin coldly and says for a long time: "I know you suspect that I killed your parents, but unfortunately, you think wrong. It's not me who killed them, but someone else!"

Shu Yin frowned slightly. She didn't believe Lucas.

He is a man of many tricks. Nine out of ten of his words are false.

Lucas saw at a glance that Shu Yin didn't believe him. In fact, he did not tell the truth.

Of course, Shucheng mountain was not killed by him, but Shu Yin's mother died in his hands!

What is ridiculous is that the idiot in Shucheng mountain thinks he is extremely smart. He has never doubted him at all. He still treats him as a good brother and entrusts his daughter to him!

If not for Shu Yin's life, she would have died in his hands!

"I don't have to lie to you."

When Lucas lied, he didn't feel guilty at all. He swore: "we've already torn our faces, and I don't care if you want my life. You can't kill me anyway! I didn't kill them, just didn't kill them. There's nothing I can't admit. I have such a good friendship with your father that he even asked me to be your adoptive father. How could I kill him? If I kill it, I will not die well! "

His oath is not vicious, but Shu Yin is not so easy to be cheated.

She was more suspicious of Lucas when she heard him swear.

This kind of poisonous oath is nothing to Lucas. He never believes in life, let alone heaven and hell.

Shu Yin didn't recognize the loopholes in his words, but this did not prevent her from making a correct judgment.

"He is blind! You kind of person, he can believe, it is not a good thing! Even if you didn't kill him, his death must have something to do with you

Shuyin's intelligence surprised Lucas again.

Shucheng mountain's death really has a lot to do with him. He recommended Shucheng mountain to yew.

Shuchengshan is a killer, but also a money making machine. He is addicted to money. He will do whatever kind of task. Others fear that Jing Rui is the first new killer. Only he is not afraid, so he kills people after getting half the Commission.

The result turns out to be killed by Jing Rui. What a fool!

Otherwise, he would be able to share more money with him. When shuchengshan died, he was still sad for a long time, because no one could give him Commission again!

He took Shuyin's life, shuchengshan would be obedient and give him money.

However, Lucas will not admit that shuchengshan's death has something to do with him.

His death, used well, is another sharp weapon!

Maybe Shuyin will work for him in the future!

"I didn't kill your parents, someone can testify for me! She knows who killed your parents

As soon as Lucas spoke, there was a slight step outside.

Shu Yin turned her head and looked at it, and then her pupils shrank: "yew! It's you

Yew enchanting a smile, said: "Lucas is right, girls are too smart to be liked!"

Shuyin's impression of yew is extremely bad. Now seeing her, even if she is so beautiful that she can't cry ghosts and spirits, Shuyin doesn't have any good feelings for her.

Every time I see yew, she gives people a very different feeling, sometimes cold and cruel, sometimes infatuated, but today it makes people feel that she is just a romantic and charming woman.

A combination of contradictions, a woman with a variety of characters, must not be good at stubble.Shu Yin doesn't understand yew and can't talk casually like Lucas. She says faintly: "it's not that I'm smart, but because in North America, no one wants me to die except you. You're my only doubt, but I'm surprised that Lucas has become your man. This is a poisonous snake. You are not afraid to be bitten to death. Just stay by your side! "

"Tut tut! You're very clever at instigating dissension. I wanted to drive Lucas away. You're such a provocation I suddenly changed my mind! You are so afraid of him, I should keep him by my side! Poisonous snakes can kill others after being trained, don't you think? "

Yew didn't fall for it, and Shu Yin didn't feel disappointed.

She believed that yew had never intended to drive Lucas away. It seems that they should have cooperated for a long time, and it is absolutely impossible for her to be divorced in a few words.

However, Shu Yin also had doubts about yew.

Maybe yew has a share in the death of her parents?

If Lucas knew that Shu Yin was just using a simple test, and even yew was suspicious, he would be more surprised.

She's so smart!

Shu Yin saw yew, but was relieved.

The mastermind behind the scenes is indeed this ruthless female killer, and it seems that she is not as eager to kill her as she was in the previous two meetings.

Then she can negotiate with yew.

"Lucas said," do you know who killed my parents? "

Yew nodded: "of course!"

"Not Lucas?"

"Alas, Lucas is pitiful. He has protected you for such a long time that you still doubt him. How long is your heart?"

Shu Yin sneers in her heart. Lucas almost tortures her. She finds a person who wants her life again and again to testify. Is she an idiot?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!