Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1026

"Little girl, have you forgotten all my kindness to you? Of course you should call me adoptive father. If it wasn't for me, how could you have achieved today! Even without me, it would be a problem for you to survive! "

Lucas didn't seem to care about Shu Yin's indifference. He just squatted there and looked at Shu Yin up and down: "well, you've been more and more beautiful since you haven't seen you for years! More beautiful than your mother used to be! Your appearance, inheriting the advantages of your parents, has now grown into a beauty! Ha ha ha

At the end of the day, he didn't know what he thought and began to laugh wildly.

The cabin was almost collapsed by his laughter, and dust kept falling from the roof, and the only lamp seemed to fall down.

Hearing Lucas mention her parents, Shu Yin quickly paled.

She always suspected that her parents had died in Lucas' hands, but she had no evidence.

Many years later, when her parents died, she was still too young. Although she remembered her parents' faces, she was not able to find out what happened at that time.

As a matter of fact, she didn't want to check, she didn't want to.

Because, she remembered very clearly, it was her mother who asked her father to give her away, and her father handed her over to Lucas!

If there is a hell in this world, even if it's going through fire and water, even if it's a thousand cuts, she'll break into the hell and ask why she should be abandoned!

Why give her to Lucas!

Why not just kill her!

Even death is ten thousand times better than living in Lucas' hands!

She clearly remembered that her father loved her!

He will put her to sleep, he will tell her stories, he will buy her toys, buy food, buy new clothes!

His arm, strong and powerful, she once thought, this is her happiest, most secure harbor!

Deep in her memory, there is still the temperature of her father's love!

That little warmth is the only courage that supports her to live!

At least she's been loved, she's not a little girl everyone hates!

She is a special case in the virus research institute. All kinds of drugs to eliminate memory have no effect on her. No matter how she is injected, she remembers the past!

She cleverly pretended to be amnestic, pretending that no one knew her, and that she had nothing to do with Lucas.

She always wanted to kill Lucas, not to avenge her parents, but to avenge herself!

In Shuyin's eyes, she reveals a deep hatred. Her mood has been out of control, and she can no longer keep her usual calm and calm!

It never occurred to her that she would meet her former enemies here!

It was a long time before Lucas stopped laughing.

He stood up slowly and looked down at Shu Yin: "cherry, do you hate me? What, you want to kill me? I am your adoptive father! That's what your father said, and you admit it yourself! This fact cannot be changed! "

Shu Yin frowned in disgust: "you are not good things! When I was young, I didn't know anything. I was forced to call your adoptive father! I never thought you were my adoptive father

Lucas is a lunatic and paranoid. Now it seems that he is getting worse and worse!

However, he is also a very dangerous person, although Shu Yin said ruthlessly, although he hated him very much, he was very defensive in his heart, and did not dare to scold him too hard.

It's her own fault that angers Lucas.

"That's not true!"

Lucas walked slowly around the house, creaking the old wooden floor.

"How good I was to you when you were a child! I also buy you sugar to eat, coax you to sleep and sing to you. In the graduate school, everyone thinks you are my own daughter! Otherwise, do you think you can live so easily? "

These words are indisputable.

For a period of time, people in the research institute really thought she was Lucas' daughter, so they let her through the most dangerous period when she first entered the research institute

at first, Lucas was really good to her and took good care of her. Although she would inject the virus into her body, she would strictly control the dosage. Once she was in pain, she would immediately stop the injection and would be active To treat her.

However, she has been a smart child since childhood, and she knows very well that Lucas's kindness to her is not really good!

Every time he looked at her, his eyes flashed with excitement. At first, she did not understand the meaning of that light.

When she grew up, she realized that this kind of vision was the unique vision of those madmen in the research institute!

He is to her as a best experimental body, constantly using her to cultivate a variety of viruses!

This is the fate of every child in the graduate school.

"You take me as an experiment, take me to cultivate the virus, should I still thank you?! Lucas, you're sick. Am I going to be sick with you?! You'd better get away from me and don't let me see you, or I'm sure I can't help killing you myselfShu Yin's voice, involuntarily some sharp, her eyes red, reason in a bit of the collapse.

Like other children, she has been injected with a wide variety of viruses, the kind of bone erosion pain, people who have not experienced, will never understand.

Just like Jingzhi, because he has the most powerful virus in his body, he has been injected with the most kinds of virus and suffered the most.

This directly led to his hatred of all the people in the Research Institute. If he did not kill people every day, he would be extremely irritable. The sedatives had no effect on him at all.

The reason why Shu Yin didn't change her temperament greatly is because of her excellent intelligence quotient. She learned to use a virus to devour other viruses at a very young age to reduce the pain of her body. Her talent quickly got the attention of the high-level people, and slowly transferred her from the experimental sample to the team of talents.

With her own efforts, she was out of Lucas's control. She didn't have to inject all kinds of viruses every day, and then be subjected to blood tests again and again.

"Cherry, you're still as stubborn as you used to be. What's good for you? Girls should be aware of current affairs and be obedient! "

Lucas, like an elder, earnestly taught Shu Yin, but his dry voice made people uncomfortable.

Shu Yin will not be confused by his appearance. She knows clearly that Lucas is a very crazy person for virus. He is knowledgeable and has made breakthrough research on virus research. He is the backbone of the Research Institute.

Fortunately, he was only interested in viruses, not women, otherwise Shu Yin would be hard to escape from his clutches.

"You've tried your best to catch me. You didn't want me to marry you, did you? Lucas, since you don't mean what you say, you'd better let the one who says it out , the fastest update of the webnovel!