Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1023

Shuyin's scalp is numb and can't help but step back.

Fortunately, with only one step back, she controlled her body and did not move.

In any case, she can't run away from these two people.

At the moment, shouting for help is of no use at all. These two people are so strong that she can't say a word at any time.

Shuyin tried to take a deep breath, kept her head and calm, and said in a deep voice, "I can go with you, but you must promise not to hurt me, otherwise I can guarantee that you two will not live before I die!"

She said, I don't know when there is a small grenade in her hand!

Two men bluff a jump, subconsciously away from Shu Yin some.

Before they came, the boss told them that the women they wanted to catch were not easy to deal with, and let them act carefully. It was true!

How can a quiet female student carry a grenade with her!

Where did she get this thing!

It's hard to buy on the black market now!

It's not like buying a model to scare people, right?

Two people are suspicions, listen to Shu Yin light way: "do not believe, you two can come out first, a taste of its power."

Two people happen to stare at the same big eyes, this girl can still read mind skill?!

They didn't feel that they showed any flaw, but after saying two words, the girl recognized their identity. It was incredible!

You know, they choose to come today for a reason!

They have been staring at Shu Yin all the time. Yesterday, Jing Zhizhi came to school to find her. Of course, they also received news. They even disguised themselves as students, approached them, and overheard part of their conversation.

So today, in the name of Jing Rui, I will take Shuyin to a city.

Originally, everything was perfect, but I met a girl who was so evil!

There are already students passing by and casting strange eyes at them. Shuyin takes them as air, without any mood fluctuation, but is on guard carefully.

Of course, she can't read mind, but she has studied psychology. Even if she is not proficient in psychology, she can roughly judge what they are thinking through their expressions and eyes.

The grenades in her hand are all real things, which Peter gave her for self-defense. In addition to this lethal weapon, she also has a pistol and a box of bullets in her backpack, as well as a sharp dagger and a small bottle of lethal virus.

Shu Yin is different from Zheng yuluo. Zheng yuluo will never bring these things when he goes out. So after being caught by Liao Wei, he can only pick up a blade and be ready to end his life at any time.

Shu Yin grew up in a dangerous environment since childhood. She has been harsh to protect her own safety.

Especially after she knew that yew wanted her life, she prepared more things.

How can people who come out of the virus research institute die so easily?

Even if you die, you must pull a few cushions!

Of course, Shuyin will not choose to sacrifice herself until she has to. Her life is very precious, only once. She will try her best to live and live better!

The two men who came to arrest them were shocked and surprised at the moment.

How can a girl be so calm and rational when threatened?

When they did bad things, which little girl didn't shiver, sob and cry?

Only their ferocious appearance can frighten the silly and timid girl!

They touch their faces and wonder: have they become handsome recently? There's no more flesh on your face, so it's not scary?

When doubts return to doubts, tasks still have to be done.

Fortunately, the people above have also told me that if the other party is very cooperative, then they do not want to hand, you can be polite to her, and maybe this girl will become her own person in the future.

They are allowed to use violence unless the other side is very uncooperative.

"You're wise! Get in the car, let's get out of here

With her back on the car, she let her two hands touch leisurely.

Looking at her light wind and light clouds, I didn't know that she was going to travel!

Shu Yin's front foot is taken away, and Jing Zhi's back foot drives to the school.

He went to several places where Shu Yin often went to look for a circle, but he did not see anyone. He grabbed a male classmate and asked fiercely, "what about the school flower named cherry in your school? Where have you been? "

Shu Yin from the beginning of admission, because of her excellent appearance in the school has a high visibility, the school forum, there are many about her post.

Of course, Jing Zhi sealed Shu Yin's flowers by himself. However, since he came to the school to beat Shu Yin's suitors, and even two tutors, Shu Yin's popularity has risen sharply.

I haven't seen Shu Yin in school, or at least heard her name.However, they did not know Shu Yin's Chinese name, only her English name cherry.

Although there are many cherry students in the school, this boy happens to be in the same class as Shu Yin. As soon as he sees Jing Zhi, he knows that he must be looking for Shu Yin.

Just now Shuyin was taken away by two strong men, many people in the school have seen it.

Although the male student didn't see him, he also heard other people's murmurs. They all said that cherry, with his good skin, got in touch with another powerful man and went to spend the night with him at night.

The boy student's teeth trembled with fright, and stammered to say that Shuyin was taken away, and then he escaped.

Jing Zhi doesn't believe him alone. He has arrested six students in a row. After asking questions, he finally decides that Shuyin has been taken away.

However, no one knows who took her away or whether she was voluntary or forced. All the students said that Shuyin was on her own car, but Jingzhi didn't believe it easily.

He knew Shu Yin. Even if she was forced, she would never want to die or cry.

He has known Shu Yin for so long that he has never seen her cry.

She never shed tears, strong people some heartache.

Most importantly, Jingzhi knows that Shuyin has no friends in North America!

Peter is one of them, but Peter is busy with other things recently, so he can't come to school to find Shu Yin.

And according to the descriptions of those students, it's not Peter at all.

Nevertheless, just in case, Jing Zhi calls Peter to make sure Shu Yin is not there.

It's completely dark. Jingzhi drives the car to the downstairs of Shuyin's dormitory and waits quietly.

If Shuyin doesn't have an accident, she should at least come back to sleep.

If you don't come back, the possibility of an accident becomes very, very high.

It's 12 o'clock, and Shu Yin still doesn't come back.

It looks like something happened!

Jingzhi looks gloomy. He takes out his mobile phone and calls Jingrui: "brother, Shuyin is gone!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!