Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1024

"I know."

Jingrui's deep voice came from the phone, which surprised Jingzhi: "do you know?"

"I left someone to protect her."

"How could she have been taken away?"

The other end of the phone was obviously silent for a while, then said faintly: "it's my fault. In order to interfere with her private life, my people are far away."

Now Jing Zhi couldn't speak.

In his heart, his brother has always been the most powerful, no matter what he does, he will feel that his brother is right.

As for the matter of protecting Shuyin, my brother only made a promise. Otherwise, he would tear up the agreement with shuchengshan. Who would know about it?

Shuyin doesn't know!

On the contrary, he repeatedly has no bottom line to protect Shuyin, so that Shuyin can detect something wrong.

Shu Yin doubted her brother's protection motive, but she also trusted him, so she didn't go to the bottom of the matter.

Unfortunately, this time, her trust was misused.

Jing Rui's protection for her is her father's life to fight for her.

Jingzhi was a little heavy hearted, but he still remembered Shu Yin's safety: "brother, will you come to save her?"

"I'm on my way. You go to the secret room of killer base and bring Andrew out. Maybe we need him. Second uncle should not be involved in this matter, but if the second aunt wants to help you, you can easily let Andrew escape alone


Did Andrew's men do the job of seizing Shu yin?

"Well, I'll take someone right away."

Although Jing Zhi has doubts, this does not prevent him from carrying out his brother's words. Anyway, it is right to listen to his brother. As for the reason, it is not important.

The important thing is, brother will come!

He's happy!

In order to prevent Shuyin's accident, as soon as he received the news from his subordinates about Shuyin, Jing Rui immediately flew to North America by helicopter. He didn't have time to change his suit.

It takes more than ten hours to go to North America as soon as possible. Jing Rui is tired all day and wants to change his suit and rest for two hours.

He opened his suitcase and wanted to change his pajamas. As a result, he opened the zipper. A small head appeared in the trunk, which scared Jingrui!

"Hi, brother, surprise!"

Jingxi comes out of the trunk and sees Jing Rui's astonished appearance. He laughs and pours into his brother's arms.

Jing Rui hugs his sister and finally comes back to his senses!

This is definitely not a surprise!

It's a fright!

When did the girl get into his suitcase?!

When the cold wind brought him his suitcase, didn't he notice that it was too heavy?

There's a man in there that he doesn't even know?

Jing Rui turns his head and looks at the cold wind sitting on one side and asks coldly, "what's going on here! How could hee be in the box

Cold wind is really a capital injustice!

He was ordered to carry the luggage for the eldest brother. Of course, he found that the box was extremely heavy, but he could not open the box for inspection. It was all his personal belongings. How dare he open it without permission!

He was still strange at that time. Did the boss bring heavy weapons when he went to North America this time?

But he did not do well and could not be refuted. He could only sip his mouth and not speak.

Seeing that no one else could carry the black pot for her, Jingxi immediately shook Jingrui's neck: "brother, this has nothing to do with brother Hanfeng! It was I who sneaked in. You didn't find your salute. How could he find me! Do you dislike me, so you don't want to see me? "

It's just so big that it's going to be a disaster!

Jingrui put Jingxi on the seat beside him with some headache: "it's not that I dislike you, but the thing I'm going out to do this time is very dangerous. You may get hurt if you follow me!"

"How? Don't you have a brother to protect me? "

Jingxi sat there honestly, deft as words, do not know that she will certainly regard her as a little lady, and do not know how many ghost ideas she has, and will not think that she will be a person to see people afraid of the little witch.

"And I know that brother Jingzhi is also in North America. He is so powerful that he will certainly protect me! Even if you are busy and don't have time to take care of me, I can take care of myself! Don't worry, brother. The one who dares to bully your sister has not been born yet! "

this crazy tone as like as two peas!

Jing Rui only feels that his head hurts more!

However, he didn't have time to clean up Jingxi first. He had to call his father first. The little girl was gone, and his family had to turn city a upside down!

"Dad, hee is with me now. She will go to North America with me. You and my mother don't worry about her."

Jing Rui wants to let Jingxi take another plane to city a, but he doesn't trust her to go back alone. Jingxi is too small to protect herself. Even if someone protects her, she will inevitably be hurt by others. It's safer to take her by his side."Well, I see."

Jing Yichen's voice is very calm and indifferent, it seems that there is no accident.

As a result, Jing Rui was surprised. He said in amazement: "Dad, do you know that Xi Xi Xi followed me on my helicopter?"

"Well, I know."

Jingrui couldn't help laughing bitterly: "then why don't you stop her? You don't know the situation in North America. If something happens to her, how can I tell my mother! You are not afraid that your mother will quarrel with you when she knows about it, and then she will drive you to the sofa to sleep! "

Jingyichen, who had been indifferent, suddenly got nervous and told his son, "Shh, you can't let your mother know about this! What I told her is that you take your sister to play in North America, and don't let slip a word when you turn back! "

Jing Rui is a black line!

His father is not afraid of heaven and earth, is afraid of his wife is not happy!

Partial mother to father's trust, she will not doubt father's words!

Jing Rui turns his head and takes a look at his excited sister. Finally, he is defeated by his father and his sister. He can only admit his life and say, "OK, I won't tell my mother, but I can't do this next time! I'll tell my mother if you indulge him like this again

He knew from an early age that only mom could cure Dad!

After hanging up the phone, Jingrui looks at her sister because she has been curled up in the box for too long, her clothes are wrinkled, her long hair is also in a mess, and the small apple's head rope falls loose on the horse's tail and is about to fall off.

It is estimated that she has suffered a lot in the box. There is so little air in the box. I don't know how she survived. Fortunately, she is small, otherwise she will suffer more in the trunk.

He is a little bit distressed little girl, originally wanted to teach her a few words, but looking at her like this, what words also can't say.

"Come here, I'll tie your hair."

"Why, brother, do you still tie your hair?"

"No, so it's ugly. You have to make do with it."

Jingxi sighed: "well, brother, you should make a long hair girlfriend. With a girlfriend, you will naturally tie your hair! You can see that Dad can, he combs my pigtail to be very good-looking! "

Jing Rui: "it's just

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