Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1022

The next day, jingyiran took his wife out for a self driving tour. Jingzhi was left at home. He was a bit boring.

In fact, even if his parents are at home with him, he can not feel too much fun, there is a generation gap between them! What you said is not on the same channel!

In the morning, he dealt with several things organized by the killers. In the afternoon, he was free to grow grass.

After eating countless oranges, Jing Zhi finally decides to go to school to find Shu Yin.

Although he may not have the same language with Shuyin, teasing her and protecting her by the way can make him feel interesting.

Shu Yin is reading in the library when she sits alone.

She is a little strange. Since Jing Rui injured Daniel and Jing Zhi and countless suitors, no one dares to come to her.

Who is so bold today?

Shu Yin turned her head faintly, and after seeing the people around her, she couldn't help frowning: "how did you come again?"

"To protect you, don't you?"

"Did you quarrel with Zheng yuluo

"What does it have to do with her when I come to you?"

"Are you in a bad mood lately?"

Jingzhi is almost dizzy by Shuyin!

How do you feel that he can't keep up with the rhythm of Shu yin!

"I'm in a good mood. I'm here to protect you today."

"Why didn't you come a few days ago, but today? You have a quarrel with Zheng yuluo. People ignore you. You are bored, so you come to me? "

Although the conjecture is slightly biased, the essence is the same.

How clever!

When it comes to this level, Jing Zhi doesn't hide it.

He took away Shu Yin's book and didn't let her read it: "come on, it's not convenient to talk here. Go out and say, by the way, you can treat me to a big meal!"

He finished, took the book and went out.

That book was borrowed from the library by Shu Yin. If she was taken away by him, she would have nothing to return!

She quickly packed up her notebook and pen, stuffed them into her bag and trotted out.

"Give me back the book!"

"If you invite me to dinner, I will return it."

Shuyin gritted her teeth: "OK, I'll treat you."

"You can't go back to city A. stay here with me!"

Shu Yin was slightly stunned, and then said, "I won't go back. I'll go to school here in the future."

City a, I'm afraid she won't go again.

"My brother takes you back, and you don't go back?"

Shu Yin is sensitive to catch a word: "Jie?"

"Yes, he's in city A. It's possible that after the arrangements are made there, he'll take you back."

Shu Yin doesn't know how, suddenly a pain!

"He returned home?"

"Yes! Don't you know? "

Jingzhi is a little surprised that her brother didn't tell Shu Yin when he returned home?

"My brother has been home for more than a month! You don't even know, and you don't care about him! "

"How can I know if he doesn't say it!"

Shu Yin looks light, but the pain in the heart is aggravating.

It took a long time for the tingling to fade away.

He returned home, but she knew nothing.

No one told her about it, and she didn't deliberately inquire about it. Besides, where did she go to inquire about Jingrui?

Shuyin calmed down after a while.

Perhaps in Jing Rui's heart, she is nothing, and naturally there is no need to explain his journey to her.

However, Jing Zhi said that he had been back home for more than a month, which showed that after Daniel's incident, he left directly.

He said that from now on, he did not interfere with her emotional problems and really did.

He completely disappeared from her life, as if never existed, no trace.

Shuyin suddenly some self mockery smile, they are just a passer-by in each other's life, disappear too normal.

She has experienced so much, can't she see through the so-called emotion now?

Even her parents who gave birth to her and raised her can not want her. She is not qualified to ask a person who has no blood relationship with her to care for her.

She is Shu Yin, that indomitable Shu Yin, that stands out from the complex and dangerous environment!

She can live well on her own!

Jing Zhi is not a man with delicate feelings. He has no idea of Shu Yin's psychological changes. He is still babbling about his brother's good words. He dislikes Shu Yin and has no vision.

Shu Yin listened quietly, without refuting or defending herself.

Jing Rui is of course excellent, even can not surpass, he is very charming, but she can not easily fall.

Just as he would not easily fall for a woman.In a way, they are the same people.

Only believe in yourself, not others.

Never believe in feeling, and do things by reason.

Otherwise, neither of them would have lived to this day.

"Hello, Hello, did you hear what I just said?"

"Oh, what do you say? Again, I didn't hear you

Jingzhi rolled his eyes and was not interested in saying to her, "I'm hungry. Go to dinner."


After Jingzhi leaves, the next evening, Shuyin is stopped by two tall and powerful men.

"Miss Shu, we're here to pick you up to a city."

Shu Yin's eyebrows immediately frowned.

Jing Rui changed his mind again?

It's not like his style!

Of course, it's not her style to follow them back.

He'll come back as soon as he says?

This can't always be so endless. Shuyin wants to live a safe and free life, and doesn't want to worry about where to live every day.

"I don't know you. Don't get in my way."

Shu Yin really does not know these two people, the people around Jing Rui, she only knows one cold wind.

She is not sure whether these two people are Jing Rui's, but this does not prevent her from making a decision.

When the two men saw that she refused to cooperate, they looked at each other with a fierce look on their faces.

"Miss Shu has to go if she doesn't go today. If you cooperate, you will suffer less. If you don't, you can't blame us for being rude."

The two men said, pinching their fingers crackling, as if to crush the bones of Shuyin!

Shuyin's eyebrows are deeper.

She had doubted the identity of the two men, but now she is more suspicious.

Jing Rui is not the kind of person who goes back on his word. He says that he will not let her go back to city a no longer. That's not just saying it. It's serious.

What's more, even if Jing Rui wants to take her back to a city, he won't force her with violence!

As far as she knows, Jing Rui's men are all well-trained and will never make decisions without authorization.

Shu Yin quietly stepped back a step and asked faintly, "isn't Jing Rui asking you to come? Come on, who are you? "

"Well, I'm young, but I'm not young! You've seen through it

In fact, Shu Yin just wanted to cheat them, but they admitted it immediately! , the fastest update of the webnovel!