Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1021

The weather in North America has been very sunny recently, especially in the suburbs. The air is fresh, everything is reviving, and the earth has a trace of green.

Jing Yiran spent almost all her life in a city, rarely went to other places.

This time he came to North America to get together with his wife and children. Every day, he went out for a walk with his wife, or went fishing and playing ball games with his son. He looked ten years younger.

Xiaolu is also very happy to see him. She doesn't need her to solve the small matters in the killer organization. The people below can easily handle them. She directly reports the important matters to Jing Rui, and he handles them personally. Therefore, she has been very leisurely recently.

She stayed in North America for such a long time, and ran around every day. She was very familiar with North America, so there was no problem for jingyiran to be a tour guide.

Zheng yuluo watched the three of them get together, so it's not good to stay here any longer.

In fact, as early as the first day of jingyiran's coming, she wanted to go back, but she didn't have a passport and no money, so she couldn't just walk away.

She asked her father to remit money to her, and then sent her passport, ID card and a series of documents. After taking them, she ordered the air ticket online and prepared to return home.

Although In fact, she didn't want to go back home.

These days, perhaps because of her parents, Jing Zhi didn't bother her. Although she was a little cold when she spoke, she didn't look as harsh and gentle as before.

Zheng yuluo is easy to be satisfied with. Such a change has made her feel that she has nothing to regret.

Early that morning, she picked up some new clothes Jingzhi bought for her, carried them in a paper bag and took a taxi to the airport.

When Jing Zhichen came back, he didn't see Zheng yuluo. He thought she had gone out for a walk, and he didn't take it seriously.

Until noon, still did not see Zheng yuluo, Jing Zhicai felt that something was wrong.

It's a pity that Zheng yuluo doesn't have a mobile phone at all. Even if he wants to contact her, he can't contact her!

Knowing this, he agreed to her request to buy a mobile phone.

Jing Zhi drives a car and goes outside to look for a circle. He looks for places where Zheng yuluo may go. He also asks his parents who have been out for sightseeing until evening whether they have seen Zheng yuluo. Both of them say they have not seen her.

I'm a little bit irritable.

Seeing her son frown, Jingyi can't help but ask him: "is the rain gone? I also saw yesterday that she received an express, which contained her passport and ID card

"What, passport?"

Jing Zhiteng suddenly stood up from the sofa.

"Dad, why don't you tell me something so important?"

Jing Yiran was stunned: "didn't you let her go? Two days ago, I heard you call her an idiot and let her go. I thought you knew about her family sending her money and her passport. "


Jing Zhi was a little tongue tied.

"I just said it casually, not really let her go! It's not peaceful here. What if she goes out alone! I have promised to send her away. How can I not even say hello to her and leave by myself! The opposite! If you don't torture her for a few days, she won't know her last name! "

In the end, Jing Zhi was gnashing his teeth. He didn't notice Jing Yiran's strange look. He was just so popular that he picked up his coat and car key and drove straight to the airport.

The villa that Jing Zhi lives in was originally Jingrui's. This villa is located in the suburb, which is close to the airport. Moreover, a small airport has been built to facilitate him to go to all parts of the world directly by helicopter.

Jing Zhi drove the car very fast. It took him only ten minutes to get there after half an hour's driving.

However, when he arrived, Zheng yuluo's plane had already taken off, where there was Zheng yuluo's figure!

He drove home with a cold face, sat on the sofa, picked up an orange and chewed it fiercely, as if the orange had a grudge against him.

In the middle of the bite, he threw the orange back - no one peeled the orange for him. When Zheng Yu fell here, he often peeled it.

Now he is used to eating peeled oranges. He is not used to eating peeled oranges.

Really, brother also left, Zheng yuluo also left, leaving him alone in North America, no one to accompany him!

Jing Yiran walked to his son and saw that he even threw his favorite orange. She knew that he was in a bad mood.

He sat down beside Jing Zhi, patted him on the shoulder and asked in a low voice, "ah Zhi, don't you hate the rain falling? She... "

Jing Yiran's words have not finished, Jing Zhi hate hate way: "hate! How can not hate! She's not a good person! I'm sure I'll get my revenge back

"But I don't think you're too bad for her. You buy her clothes and worry about her safety."

There is a sentence Jing Yi Ran did not say, Jing Zhi seems to care about Zheng yuluo.

They didn't like each other when they were children, but these days, when Zheng yuluo and Jing Zhi get along, they look very harmonious.Zheng yuluo was competitive when he was a child. When he grew up, he could be so gentle and submissive, especially to Jingzhi. His tolerance is unique.

However, jingyiran is still on guard against Zheng yuluo.

The harm she brought to her son is a scar forever in his father's heart.

He can no longer find Zheng yuluo's trouble, can no longer hate her, but to let his son fall with Zheng Yu together, he can't accept.

"Dad, I can't let her have no clothes to wear, wear mine every day? Besides, I'm not worried about her safety. I'm afraid that she will die. The Zheng family will blame us again! "

Jing Zhicai will not admit that he is good to Zheng Yu.

Is he good to her?

No way!

Did not see him never give Zheng Yu a good face?

When Jing Yiran was young, he experienced more women and emotions than Jing Zhi. He was very sensitive to the things between men and women. Zheng yuluo's look at his son's eyes clearly shows his love!

He didn't believe his son didn't even notice!

He did not believe that his son had no feelings for Zheng yuluo!

However, he also believes that the feelings between his son and Zheng yuluo are relatively weak, and they are not inseparable.

So, it's still time to let go.

Jing Yiran patted his son on the shoulder: "you know it in your mind."

His son's emotional problems, he did not want to interfere too much, as long as the son happy on the line.

His only worry is that Jing Zhi will fall in love with Zheng yuluo. There is such a deep contradiction between them. I'm afraid they can't get along well with each other in the future. In this case, don't start.

Maybe he can help his son introduce some excellent girls.

Perhaps, the son is because the emotional experience is too little, will be able to resist the gentleness of Zheng yuluo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!