Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1020

When Jing Rui sees the principal's phone call, he dare not answer the phone for a moment!

But if you don't, you have to take it!

On the other end of the phone, it means that his sister is in trouble again today!

Moreover, it was the headmaster who called in person, which proved that the sister made a lot of trouble this time!

Old headmaster, a snivel, a tear of crying.

"Brother Jingxi, young master Jingxi, please do me a favor and take Jingxi home. If we don't, our school will be bombed by her! I am a headmaster. If I die, I will die for the cause of education. But I can't let the whole school children take risks! If something goes wrong, the parents of the child will try their best to find me! "

Jingrui patiently listened to the old headmaster's nagging for a long time before he knew that Jingxi actually instigated a small bomb in the experimental class, and the whole floor of the experimental building was blown through!

Jingxi was slightly injured, but several teachers were injured to protect her.

After listening, Jing Rui closes his eyes painfully.

The small bomb incident, or he saw his sister's arm dislocated last night, hurt her badly, hurt her hard, want to distract her attention before teaching her.

Who would have thought that my sister made it today!

It's a successful experiment!

What's wrong with him? Why should he teach his sister to make bombs!

He donated two million to build the library. Today, he will donate another two million to build the experimental building!

It's not such a way to spend money!

The most important thing is that every time my sister can get away with it, in case which one can't escape?

Jing Rui finally understands why his father refuses to relax and exercise Jingxi's body for a moment!

Dare to be used to escape!

What's more, he finally knew why his father felt relieved when he said he would take care of Jingxi!

This girl is just a devil!

Fortunately, both the headmaster and the teacher had foresight, because they always knew that Jingxi was a time bomb. When she was in the experimental class, there was basically no one in the experimental building.

Otherwise, there will be heavy casualties!

Jing Rui puts down what he is doing and immediately drives his car to pick up people from school in person.

By the time he received Jingxi, her injuries had been dealt with. She had changed her clothes, her face was clean and her hair was obviously combed. Her ponytail was beautifully and neatly tied, and there was no trace of explosives.

It seems that the school is very good to Jingxi and took care of her first time.

Jing Rui solemnly said "thank you" to the headmaster, and then he left with Jingxi in his arms.

However, he left the cold wind and several of his subordinates to deal with the affairs of the school, and gave the school and several teachers who protected Jingxi with heavy compensation.

All teachers in the school know that Jingxi is the only girl among the Jing family and generations. She is extremely spoiled. Her nickname is the little witch of Jings!

So no one dares to say anything, can only bear with a bitter face.

Fortunately, the Jing family is not a unreasonable family, and will take all the responsibilities every time.

Sitting in the car, Jing Rui does not drive, but holding Jingxi, checking her injury.

Jing Rui is relieved to see that Jing Xi has no other injuries except slight wounds on his two arms.

Jingxi didn't care about his injury. He just drooped his head and muttered: "brother, I've given you hatred again."

Jingrui held his sister in his arms. He was angry and distressed: "the day I just came back, I thought you were a good girl. I didn't expect you to be such a troublemaker! It's a small matter to blow up a building. What should you do in case you get hurt! "

Jingxi did something wrong, which was a little guilty.

However, I felt very secure when I was held in my arms by my brother. After listening to his words, I immediately asked, "brother, do you think it's a small matter to blow up a building?"

Jing Rui: "it's just

That's not the point, OK?!

He thought that Jingzhi was enough to make people worry. Now, a more worrying one is coming!

Jingzhi compared with Jingxi, he is a good baby!

When he was seven years old, he bullied and bullied girls, deliberately soiled their skirts, or tied their pigtails to chairs.

It's not good to go on like this. The school can be lifted at the age of seven. If you grow up a little bit, the whole a city can't accommodate her!

"You'd better not go to school, and invite a good teacher to teach you at home."

At home, Jingxi can be a little more honest. She is more obedient to her mother's words and will not easily lift her own home.

"I don't!"

Jingxi immediately turned down.

"I love school! There are so many students and teachers in the school, you can play together! How can I spend my childhood in the dark? I want sunshine! Brother, you can't let the flowers of the motherland grow in the greenhouse, grow in the small house in the dark! I'm going out there in the stormJingrui caresses his forehead in pain!

My God, Jingxi is his nemesis!

He has never suffered as much as these days in his life!

This girl is going to heaven!

Their house has more than 1000 square meters, all large French windows, super luxury sea view room!

How can it be related to the dark little house!

And the storm!

Is he the one who bears the storm!

"You've been making trouble all the time. Our family will soon take the house to pay off the debt! Your school teachers have been afraid of you, students also see you run, you have what meaning in school? Why don't you go home and I'll teach you something! "

"Do you still teach me how to make a bomb?"

"Well No, I can teach you how to make a doll and how to draw. "

"How boring that is

Jingxi's little face collapsed at once.

She still likes powerful bombs!

"I don't do it, I'm going to school! You can rest assured that all of them know my surname is Jing. No one dares to do anything to me! Brother, I go to school, is that a book? No, it was networking! All the children in our school are good at it. Even if they can't be my boyfriend, they can be good friends and help each other! "

Jing Rui is going to be tortured crazy by his sister!

He took his sister's little hand and said with great heart: "Xi Xi, we don't need you to make friends. If you can't blow up the school, don't give the king's family hatred, everything will be fine."

The word "pull hatred" is a word that Jing Rui learned from Jing Xi these days.

Every time she makes trouble, the first sentence is "brother, I give you hatred again"!

Jingrui takes Jingxi home, Shangguan Ning sees that her daughter is hurt again. She is very distressed.

But Jingxi comforted her with a smile: "Mom, I'm ok! The teachers have protected me. Please prepare some gifts for me. When I go to school tomorrow, I will give them as a thank you gift

"Yes, yes, yes, hee hee is very thoughtful. Mom will prepare for you now!"

Jing Rui shakes his head helplessly, the little girl ghost essence ghost essence, immediately has the new school excuse!

Tomorrow I hope it's cloudy and rainy tomorrow, so at least you don't have to worry about burning the school, right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!