Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1019

Jing Rui is not Caojing Jingxi. He is really arranging for people to arrest Liao Wei.

Liao Wei touched his bottom line, which he could not tolerate.

My sister will not be an ordinary girl when she grows up in the future. Growing up in the Jing family, she must be faced with a bloody storm. Her father certainly did not deceive her as a child. She must have taught her a lot of things by hand. Otherwise, she would not have such a mind.

Looking at his sister, Jing Rui suddenly understands the reason why his mother loves him so much.

Adults will indulge in children unconsciously. He is 13 years older than his sister, and he also wants to protect her from suffering.

But he admired his father very much. He would not spoil his children because he loved them.

Even if it hurts, he has never been soft hearted.

Jingxi chattered all the way, his voice was clear and crisp, and his smile was especially pleasant. The atmosphere in the carriage was very warm.

At home, Jingxi is still pestering Jingrui. She said it all the way. Now it's Jingrui's turn to talk about his funny stories.

"Fun?" Jing Rui is a little confused.

"Yes, brother. You've been out there for so many years, don't you have any interesting things?"

Jingxi blinks big eyes, can't wait to hear the story.

Jing Rui is a little embarrassed. He doesn't seem to have any interesting things.

When someone sleeps, he holds his arm and gnaws at the pig's hoof Does it count?

Jingxi waited for a long time, but he didn't see his brother open his mouth. He shook his head like a little adult: "Oh, brother, how did you live these years! Don't you just keep your face cold all day, don't you laugh or talk? "

"What's wrong with that?"

Jingxi sighed helplessly and asked, "brother, how many girlfriends have you talked about? Do you have a girlfriend now? "

Jingrui thinks that when he gets home, he should ask his mother shangguanning. Unexpectedly, the first one to ask is his seven year old sister!

His sister, this is the rhythm to be a sister!

Long a year old, love to be housekeeper's disposition still did not change!

Jing Rui took a cup of water and slapped his sister's head in a funny way: "I don't have a girlfriend yet. Why, do you have a boyfriend? Tell me, then, and I'll check it out for you. "

Why? How do you know I have a boyfriend

"Cough, cough..."

Jingrui just drank a mouthful of water, almost straight out!

"How old are you?"

So young to find a boyfriend, his parents do not care about this little girl?

His parents are too liberal!

"You don't understand! My boyfriend should be cultivated since childhood. You see, I'm seven years old. If it's not suitable, I'll change it quickly. When I'm adult, I'll find a suitable one! "

Shangguan Ning was in the audience with a straight smile. Seeing his son's astonishment, Shangguan explained to his daughter with a smile: "your sister has changed three or four boyfriends. In fact, they are all children. Every time Xi Xi sees which one, he gives them a lollipop, and then asks your father to investigate them and see if they have two boats. They are small and big! ”

Jing Rui was relieved. He was just having fun.

Just listen to Jingxi said so seriously, he thought it was true!

"Brother, you have to fall in love! You look so handsome, there will be a lot of girls like you, then I will help you to choose, OK? I am small, they will not guard against me, it must be easy to show a fox's tail! Hum, if they want to pass me first

Jing Rui has no intention of falling in love, at least not at present.

He's only twenty years old. He's still a long way from getting married.

However, he also knows that marriage is necessary. It's a good thing for Jingxi to help him choose!

His future wife must get along with his sister. If he doesn't get along well, he would rather not.

Jingxi was raised in the palm of his hand when he was young. There was no reason to be angry with another woman.

"Well, you can help, but you can't make trouble."

What he meant was that his sister couldn't make any mistakes.

"Don't worry, brother."

Seeing his brother's promise, Jingxi was so happy that he immediately assured him, "I'm sure I won't mess around. I'll listen to you! If you have a fancy, I'll check for you again. If you don't, I certainly don't like her! After the sister-in-law is to live with you, not with me! I just want to make sure that she can treat you well and be filial to our parents! "

Jing Rui is a little shocked.

Is his sister seven or seventeen this year!

How to say it, so mature?

Jingrui doesn't know that Jingxi will say these words. In fact, Shangguan usually talks in her ear.

Shangguan Ning often said that after Jing Rui's wife, she doesn't want to be perfect. She just wants to be nice to Jing Rui.The rule of filial piety to parents was added by Jingxi himself. It was taught by the teachers in the school.

His sister is so smart that Jingrui feels proud for the first time.

Even if the girl goes out alone, she doesn't have to worry about being cheated. It's estimated that she's the only one who's responsible for others.

The feeling of a younger sister is very novel. Jing Rui is slowly adapting to it.

However, at the end of a week, he will be tortured crazy by his sister!

She thought it was very interesting to be a barber, so she took scissors from home to school and cut their hair while others were not paying attention. As a result, she accidentally cut people's ears and pricked their scalp!

The teacher angrily asks the parents to make amends to each other. Jingyichen hides, and Jingrui can only be brave.

The next day, the school library caught fire!

The reason is that Jingxi takes a magnifying glass and wants to test the concentrated ignition!

She ignited the fire by herself, and she also led several students to test together!

A few children almost couldn't get out of the library!

Jing Rui went to the school for the second time. He made an apology to other parents and donated money to rebuild the school library.

Others have different degrees of burns, but Jingxi is a smart ghost, and has been supervised by Jing Yichen to exercise. When she saw the fire, she was the first to escape. In addition to a little ash on her face, her clothes were clean and clean without any injuries.

So, after sleeping, she went to trouble again. She learned to drive on a whim, and the school bus was destroyed!

Fortunately, there were no students on the bus at that time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!

It's ok if the car is destroyed. The key is that she has been injured and her arm has been dislocated!

But she only lay in bed for a day, the next day and strong "injured" to go to school! No one will listen!

Then, just an hour later, the headmaster called Jing Rui again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!