Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1018

In North America, Jing Rui has handed over all the forces he has cultivated here for eight years. In addition, Xiaolu and Jingzhi are also shocked. The killer organization gradually returns to normal operation.

In addition to the virus research institute there and many researchers are missing, all the tails have been cleaned up by Jing Rui these days.

He returned to city a, where he had been away for a long time, and began to take over the industry of Jingjia and learn how to operate the huge business empire of Jingsheng group.

On the day of Jingrui's return, Jing Yiran flies to North America and reunites with his wife and children.

However, when he got to his son, he saw that Zheng yuluo was also there. He was stunned for a long time before he realized that the relationship between his son and Zheng yuluo was not simple.

When Jing Rui returns home, the happiest person is shangguanning.

She takes Jingxi and follows jingyichen to the airport to meet Jingrui. She cries all the way from the airport to the door of her home. Jingxi can't see it anymore.

Jingxi wiped tears for Shangguan with her small hands: "Mom, don't cry, crying swollen eyes, it's not good-looking! If you become ugly, Dad changed his mind, what to do with other women? I don't want a stepmother

Shangguan Ning was teased by her daughter and laughed.

Sitting in the driver's seat as a driver's jingyichen but black face.

His wife could even laugh. Is there a daughter who comforts her mother? Is it a girl!

How could he change his mind!

Little girl, it is more and more lawless, three days do not punish her, she will be able to overturn the whole a city!

It's wonderful that my son is back!

In the future, he will never have to clean up the mess for his daughter. He will leave it all to his son. As a brother, he always has to realize the feeling of protecting his sister.

There is a faint smile in Jingrui's eyes.

It's better to be outside than at home.

Even though he had not met his parents for a long time, and even had a short time with Jingxi, he still felt that he was the most comfortable person in front of them.

The most important thing is that he has been outside all these years to support everything and bear all the pressure and pain alone. Only when he gets home can he feel that he is a child.

The wind and rain outside, dad for him to block.

Dad's back, it seems always straight, can rely on.

Years have stained him with a touch of wind and frost, but his mother shangguanning seems to be still young, and her face still has the brilliance and liveliness of young talents.

Jing Rui raises his hand and gently wipes her tears. However, he feels that his mother's greatest suffering in this life is probably due to his son.

Her husband and daughter treated her very well. Jingxi listened to her very much, and she was very good at coaxing her at a young age.

He was the only one who nearly killed her when she gave birth. Since then, he has been in constant crisis and seldom gets close to her. Later, he simply disappeared for seven years, causing her to miss her.

That is now, when he grew up, he knew that it was not easy to be a mother, so he began to love her gradually.

"Don't cry, mom. I'm back? I won't leave in the future, will you

Shangguan condensed tears is not sad, she is too happy, the corners of her lips is clearly up, but tears are unable to control the whereabouts.

She can finally guard her son!

She wanted to touch his son's head, but when she saw that his son had grown into an adult, it was not good to touch his head like he did when she was a child, so she had to touch his face instead.

Jing Rui is a little unaccustomed to this kind of touch, but looking at Shangguan Ning's red and swollen eyes, he does not move, let Shangguan Ning touch.

Shangguanning saw his son's uneasiness. In fact, he didn't like to be touched by others since he was very young. Shangguanning knew this.

She quickly put her hand back, tears and a smile: "my son looks so handsome! As handsome as your father

Jingrui laughed: "Mom, I thought you would say that I am more handsome than my father. How can I be better than blue, I can't beat blue!"

A little bit of detail, you can see how deep the feelings of parents.

In his mother's eyes, father is always the most handsome and perfect man.

Jingxi snatched: "no, no, no, brother, I think you are more handsome than dad! Do you think I'm prettier than Mom? "

She had been sitting next to shangguanning. Now she used both hands and feet. She quickly climbed over shangguanning, climbed onto Jingrui's body and sat on his lap.

Now she is only seven years old. She is totally a child's nature. She can't help worshiping her brother, but also wants to hear his praise.

Although Jing Rui is not used to having people sit on his lap, he can't drive his only sister away.

Fortunately, he is just not used to it, but he does not reject it.

My sister is beautiful and lovely, like huaguduo. She is a pistachio. They are connected by blood. Jingrui can't help loving her.He pinched his sister's little red face and said with a smile, "it's better to be Xixi's eyes. I'll say I'm the most handsome one! Of course, hee hee is also the most beautiful! Blue is better than blue

"Oh, it's really my brother!"

Jingxi was pinched and didn't care at all. She began to tell her brother about her parents' embarrassment and her own funny things. She didn't feel strange at all, as if she had been with her brother for a long time.

Then she suddenly asked, "brother, where has your double gone? He's not a good man! Every time I look at my eyes are so strange, to our house, he looked around, by the way, he also borrowed your name, want to find a woman to solve physiological problems! But I'm ruined. Do you think I'm good? "

I'm a bit scared by my tongue!

Sister, you know too much!

He looked at his parents and saw that neither of them had any reaction!

Obviously, this girl said similar words is not the first time, so that jingyichen and shangguanning are used to it.

Jing Rui only thinks that his sister knows too much at a young age and speaks astonishing language. However, he completely forgets that he knows more than Jingxi when he was a child, which is almost to the extent that his words are shocking!

Shangguan Ning and jingyichen are not used to Jingxi talking like this, but Jingxi has been much better than Jingrui. They both think that it is normal for their daughter to do so!

Jing Rui gently coughed and could only praise her with her sister's words: "Xixi is very fierce! However, in the future, you'd better leave it to me! You don't have to worry about that double. My brother will take him back and punish him , the fastest update of the webnovel!