Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1017

One night, Jingzhi follows wherever Shu Yin goes.

He strongly beat all the pursuers of Shuyin, and threatened every male student who looked at Shuyin, saying that he would dig out other people's eyes.

Jingzhi's appearance, figure and temperament are unmatched in the whole university!

He drove another such luxurious sports car. He was a proud and expensive young man at first sight.

What's more, his killing intention is not for fun. If he gets close, he will feel terrible.

Only one night's Kung Fu, Shu Yin's pursuers scattered, did not dare to entangle her!

Jing Zhi is more arrogant than Jing Rui last night. The number of injured people has reached 17 tonight. Ambulances keep coming to school and leaving. The campus is full of excitement.

Shu Yin from the beginning of anger, to the end has been numb.

She just asked Jing Zhi not to kill people.

The two brothers are of the same style!

Now, no one in the school dares to pursue her any more. It's not only pursuit, I'm afraid there's no one to talk to her.

Shu Yin Qi's chest is in pain, but Jing Zhi complacently calls Jing Rui in front of her.

"Brother, I beat those bastards who covet our little tree shade once! All of them were crying and howling, and several of them were scared to urinate! It's not promising Oh, I listen to you very much. I didn't beat that Daniel! "

Jingzhi talks with Jingrui for a while and hangs up the phone. Seeing Shu Yin's strained face, he can't help but say: "I've helped you deal with so many hooligans. Even if you don't invite me to dinner, shouldn't you thank me?"

"Thank you so much! In the future, no matter men or women, no one dares to talk to me, and even the tutor dare not teach me! "

Jing Zhi even played two teams of her interesting teachers today. Shu Yin was almost worried to death.

If she goes on like this, will she be expelled from school!

"I can't help it. Who makes you look so good and charming! Well Or I'll make you a batch of human skin masks. It's really tiring for me to deal with so many people! If my brother didn't want to protect you, I wouldn't bother to meddle in these things

Shuyin hears the speech, the heart moves.

"Why did he protect me?"


Jingzhi blinked and said of course, "because you took care of me before! I am so important to my brother. You have protected me. He is very grateful, so he has to take care of you for a lifetime! What's up, my brother? Is he OK? I'll tell you, I can't find anyone more powerful than my brother in this day. He looks so handsome. Even I'm going to like him. Why don't you like him? "

Who said she didn't like him?

This is the first reaction of Shuyin's heart.

When she realized what she was thinking in her heart, she couldn't help being a little confused.

No, no, no, no, no!

Puberty is just a normal physiological phenomenon!

It's easy to attract girls' eyes if you are handsome!

Shuyin found a reason to compare the past, and finally settled down a little.

She didn't believe Jing Zhi's words.

There must be some other reason why the brothers protected her so much.

What's more, Jing Zhi must have just known the reason.

In the past, Jing Zhi didn't treat her with such a protective mentality. At most, he regarded her as a doctor friend. When he was in a city, he didn't have that kind of protection consciousness.

Shu Yin is sensitive and intelligent. She can grasp many small details. She wants to find the answer from Jing Zhi.

But it is obvious that Jing Zhi usually looks careless and has no heart, but he is very tight lipped about this matter.

However, the more so, it shows that there are big problems.

Shuyin was silent. After a long time, she said, "what did your brother say just now?"

Jingzhi's eyes brightened: "do you care about my brother?"

"If you don't say it, I'll go back to my dorm and sleep."

"Don't go!" Jingzhi stood up and stopped Shu Yin, biting his teeth and saying, "you are not big. You are not very good tempered. If you don't agree, you will leave! Or Zheng yuluo, that idiot should be obedient. If you want to find a wife like you, you will be angry with you sooner or later! "

Shuyin suddenly smiles gently.

Jing Zhi finally admits that Zheng yuluo is the best in his heart.

Zheng yuluo is really good-natured. He almost obeys Jingzhi's words and never mind Jingzhi's anger. Even when he says that she is his girlfriend, she is not too angry. In Jingzhi's eyes, she is full of concern and affection.

Such a girl is worth caring for all her life.

In addition to Zheng yuluo, Jing Zhi may never find a woman to be so tolerant of him in his life.

After all His nagging is really killing! The occasional cruelty is even more frightening!

"My brother said that I would not be allowed to take care of your personal affairs. You can choose your own feelings freely and protect you only for your personal safety. Hum! If you are cheated by a man, it's none of our business! Don't cry to us in the futureJingzhi thinks his brother must be angry. He didn't treat Shu Yin like this before. How could he suddenly become so business?

The elder brother was angry, he looked at Shuyin also not agreeable to the eye, so the speech was a little ugly.

In this world, brother is the most important person in his life!

Who can't get along with his brother is with him!

His brother is right in everything he does!

The wrong is always someone else!

Jingzhi suddenly had no mood to speak. He snorted and drove away.

Shuyin stands alone under a bare tree, and a sense of loneliness rises in her heart.

In the end, everyone will leave her.

In the end, she had to go down alone.

Maybe, she should learn a fighting skill and exercise her physical ability. In this way, when she meets bad people, she can also protect herself.

She reached out her finger and gently knocked on her head with a wry smile on her lips.

She forgot that she also had a great ability that she was born with!

Tomorrow we need to find more information and study it.

In the dead of night, Jingrui stands by the window of the hotel and looks at the light in a room opposite to him.

He changed to a hotel. Although this hotel is quite ordinary, you can see Shu Yin's dormitory from the window of this room.

Although his eyesight is not as good as Jing Zhi, he can see Shu Yin's every move.

There is, of course, one exception.

For example, now that Shuyin has closed the curtain, he can only see a rough outline through the curtain.

To protect Shuyin, he is only entrusted by Shucheng mountain. After careful consideration, he should not interfere in Shuyin's emotional life.

No matter who pursues her, or who she likes, he should not interfere.

Therefore, Jing Rui has restrained all his emotions and is only a protector.

He is soberly aware that his protection has crossed the boundary!

He looked at the thin figure shown in the opposite window, turned on his mobile phone and called the cold wind: "cold wind, get ready, we will return home tomorrow." , the fastest update of the webnovel!