Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1016

Only after this, Shu Yin realized a problem.

What she cares about is Jing Rui.

Think of his indifferent appearance, think of his back turning away, Shuyin sleepless all night.

His appearance repeatedly appeared in her mind, even if she had a little sleep in the morning, he was all in her dream.

Shu Yin didn't get up early for the first time. She allowed herself to immerse herself in one thing for the first time.

From the biological point of view of her research, she felt that she was just a temporary hormonal eruption, indicating that she was gradually maturing.

After this period of time, she will naturally return to normal.

She has never considered the issue of marriage. It's very good that she has been alone. At least, she will not be abandoned.

She had the shadow of being abandoned by her parents in her childhood, so she refused to communicate with others easily.

She kept her heart to death and tried to protect herself. At least so far, she is still very successful.

Everyone thought that she had no childhood memory.

In fact, she has!

She even remembered the faces of her parents!

She also remembers that she was sent to the virus research institute by her father!

I don't know why, the medicine that works on others is of no use to her. Her childhood memory has not been eliminated.

On the contrary, as time went on, her memory became clearer and clearer.

Her nearly unforgettable brain remembers the little things that happened in her childhood. She studies so hard that she is eager to have the strength to protect herself one day.

She doesn't want to rely on Jing Rui all the time.

One day, he will leave her.

Like last night, leave her, no longer protect her, even hate her.

Fortunately, she has never dared to have too much extravagant expectations, she is very clear that relying on anyone is better than relying on themselves!

However, even if Shu Yin understood intellectually that he could not rely on Jing Rui, his handsome face would still appear in her mind.

Last night, insomnia, in the morning in the dormitory to make up a sleep, at noon Shuyin just get up to eat, and then take his own textbooks to class.

In the classroom at ordinary times those who pursue her, today unexpectedly unexpectedly quiet, no one came to disturb her.

Shu Yin was a little surprised, and immediately thought that it should be that Daniel was beaten by everyone.

Those students are a little afraid of her, so dare not easily to her side together.

Shu Yin looks indifferent, but in his heart, it is really a good thing! It's Daniel who's going to suffer.

Shuyin after class, holding books to the library, a big red Ferrari sports car suddenly stopped in front of her, she was scared!

It's early spring. It's chilly. The temperature is very low. The sports car is open. There is a cool and handsome man sitting inside.

"Beauty, how about following me tonight?"

Shu Yin takes a look at him and feels that the most excellent genes of all human beings have been given to Jing family!

Jingrui is a handsome face, especially Jingzhi!

"No, I don't have time. You'd better go home with your girlfriend!"

Jing Zhi took off his cool sunglasses and sat in the car with a smile: "how can I have a girlfriend? Didn't you say yesterday that you have a boyfriend? I came here specially today. If you really have a boyfriend, I will die! If not The consequences are serious! "

Shu Yin frowned: "do I have a boyfriend and what do you have to do with it?"

She knew very well that Jing Zhi had no love for her.

It was Zheng yuluo, who was probably Jingzhi's dish, though he refused to admit it.

Jing Zhi raised eyebrows: "of course it does! I'm looking for women for my brother. As you know, he's alone all day long. He'll be a little angry if he has a woman with him. But In fact, you don't look very angry. "

"Yes, so don't worry about it."

Shu Yin flashed that handsome face in his mind, and his heart couldn't stop a slight jump.

She put all the waves in her heart down, face a calm, "he is suitable for smoke and fire."

"Not necessarily! Two people who have no smoke and anger together may be able to make sparks! "

Jingzhi still thinks that his brother is different from Shu Yin. He can't find out his brother's meaning, so he has to find Shu Yin to test.

I didn't expect that Shu Yin is more watertight!

He felt that talking to people with high intelligence quotient like them is really a waste of brain!

"The thief who was hurt by my brother yesterday is your boyfriend?"

Shuyin is a little annoyed.

Why do you think Daniel is her boyfriend?

Does she have that bad eye?Although Daniel isn't as mean as Jing Zhi said, but his personality is still childish, impulsive and irritable, and his appearance is not a star and a half worse than Jing Rui

No, how can she compare Jing Rui!

"He is not! Just a classmate. Who did you hear that he was my boyfriend

Jingrui told him?

Does Jing Rui care about this?

"I found it myself! Because my brother told me last night that he wouldn't let me move a guy named Daniel in the future, and told me that you would not go back to city a, and let me find time alone to send Zheng yuluo that idiot back. "

Jingzhi looked at Shuyin from head to toe and asked suspiciously, "you don't go back to a city for that smelly man? It's unreasonable for a woman to fall in love! Do you know how many girlfriends Daniel has? Do you know he's a man and a woman? Do you know what other shady hobbies he has? You... "

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Seeing that he was talking about tomorrow morning, Shu Yin immediately interrupted him: "I don't go back to city a, it's not because of him! For the last time, Daniel and I are just ordinary classmates. Apart from knowing his name, I don't know anything else, and I don't need to know! Now I'm not happy. Would you please drive your car and disappear

Daniel has a couple of women. What does it have to do with her!

The more women he has, the better, so he has no time to pester her!

It's Jingzhi. It's too hard to deal with!

Last night, Jing Rui left so neatly. How could Jing Zhi be so endless.

It's like how much he really likes her!

"Then why don't you go back to city a all of a? Isn't it all agreed? My brother has prepared all the tickets and passports for you. How can you be so ungrateful

Shuyin suddenly wants to cry. Who did Jingzhi learn from! This is to drive her crazy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!