Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1015

Shu Yin seldom sees Jing Rui make such a big fire, she is frightened by his cold and fierce momentum!

Her suitors are not only Daniel, but also many other male students and even male teachers.

Although she is also very tired of being entangled, but these people just adore her, and have not hurt her. On the contrary, they help her with all kinds of things, borrow all kinds of books, and help her a lot in her study.

Although Daniel said something ugly today, Jing Rui shouldn't be so cruel to him!

Be kicked out so far, cry so cruelly, must have broken the bone!

Shu Yin is stunned for a moment. Without answering Jing Rui's words, she runs to Daniel to check his injury.

Jingrui stands there, watching Shu Yin turn his head to care about the man, don't know why, suddenly feel angry.

Fortunately, he has received the most rigorous training all the year round, and his mind is more calm than ordinary people, and he is more able to control his emotions.

His handsome face was full of indifference.

He strode to Shuyin, pulled her away from Daniel and said coldly, "he can't die. Now, you answer my question!"

Shu Yin doesn't think Daniel can't die. He has fainted. The corners of his mouth are even bleeding. His internal organs are afraid of being broken and bleeding.

"Let me go! I'm going to take him to the hospital. If it's later, he'll be dead! "

"Do you like him?"

Shu Yin is stunned. He didn't expect Jing Rui to ask.

However, even if she gets angry again, she doesn't want to let Jing Rui have this misunderstanding, which is not good for her.


Shu Yin's crisp denial, "he is my classmate, that's all! But he is also a human life, you should not be so hasty to decide his life and death! "

"I'm more hasty than that when I decide whether someone else will live or die! My identity is a killer, my living environment is like this, the jungle, regardless of right or wrong! Don't you forget it? "

"But he's not like your competitors! He's just an ordinary man

Jing Rui looked at Shu Yin's eyes and asked repeatedly, "do you like him?"

Didn't you say you didn't like it? Why do you ask?

She looks like she likes Daniel?

"If you like him, I apologize for what happened today."

Jingrui suddenly loosens Shu Yin's wrist, takes out his handkerchief and wipes his hands forcefully, as if he had just grasped something dirty.

After wiping his hands, he took out his mobile phone and made a phone call: "cold wind, come and send people to the hospital. By the way, Miss Shu will be sent there. Her trip back to city a was cancelled, and all your protective actions were cancelled. In the future, Miss Shu's emotional problems will no longer be involved! "

Jingrui finish, don't look at Shu Yin any more, turn around and disappear in the dark as ink in the night.

He left the figure, tall, aloof, but also showed a kind of indescribable loneliness and desolation, as if this world, only he was left.

Shuyin stood there, suddenly a little at a loss.

It was the first time that she heard Jing Rui call her "Miss Shu", which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Why didn't she feel that way when she was called that?

What's more, he said to cancel her trip and not go to city a?

Didn't she say she didn't like Daniel?

Why doesn't he believe it?

She raised her red wrist, which he had pinched, with his clear fingerprints on it.

Does he dislike her for being dirty?

I didn't dislike her before. Even if she bit him, she didn't dislike her saliva.

Shu Yin suddenly turns her head and takes a look at Daniel lying on the ground.

She has some understanding. Jing Rui doesn't dislike her dirty. He hates her for touching others!

It's too serious to be clean!

She just touched Daniel's carotid artery to see if he was alive! He didn't move the rest of him at all!

She doesn't dare to touch Daniel. At this time, touching him may cause his bleeding!

Besides, is it only Jing Rui who has a habit of cleanliness that she doesn't?

She doesn't like to touch people, especially men!

She has never touched anyone except Jing Rui!

In the past, when she took care of Jingzhi, she was fully armed and tightly wrapped. Even when she took the bullet for Jingzhi last time, she also wore double rubber gloves and never touched his skin!

At this moment, Jing Rui is disgusted!

She still hates him!

Who knows if he has touched any other dirty woman!

No, wait!

What a mess she's thinking! This is what Jing Rui's girlfriend should worry about. Has he ever touched a woman? What's the relationship with her!Shouldn't she care more about Daniel's life and death?

Jing Rui's men are very efficient. After only a minute, they appear in front of Shuyin.

At the head of it is the cold wind that Shu Yin once met.

Cold wind was once punished by Jing Rui, but now the punishment is over, he returns to Jingrui.

Now, he no longer dares to make his own opinions, but strictly implements Jing Rui's orders.

What's more, he follows Jing Rui all the year round and knows his temper very well. Listening to the tone of his phone call, he knows that the boss is really angry.

In fact, cold wind has a good idea of what happened here, because he has been following Jing Rui far away. One is to protect his safety, the other is to wait for his dispatch at any time.

The cold wind took a look at Shu Yin, as if he didn't know her. He used the same indifferent language as Jing Rui: "Miss Shu, my people should first check the injury for your friends, and then send them to the doctor after basic treatment. Do you agree?"

This is a necessary step. How can I ask her advice?

She's not Daniel!

Shu Yin's face was stiff, and said with a cold face, "agree!"

Sure enough, what kind of master there are, what kind of subordinates!

Why do they all misunderstand her relationship with Daniel!

Should she let Daniel die? Care about the opposite sex, just like him?

What's the reason!

According to such a statement, what she cares about most is Jing Rui, and she doesn't misunderstand that she likes him!

Double standards!

Shu Yinqi's face turned white, red and white. Finally, she got on the car with the cold wind and sent Daniel to the hospital.

Facts have proved that Shu Yin's worries are correct.

Daniel's injury is very serious, not only a broken rib, but also internal organs suffered a lot of damage, including the spine of his back. He has to stay in bed for at least a month before he can walk.

Fortunately, he is young and resilient, otherwise he may be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life.

Knowing that Daniel was out of danger, Shu Yin left the hospital without accompanying Daniel in the hospital.

She doesn't even know Daniel. Daniel likes her just because she looks good.

Her character is also a little indifferent. As long as Daniel doesn't die, she will do her duty. , the fastest update of the webnovel!