Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1014

Jingzhi takes a bite of the steak and mutters to Jingrui: "brother, the small tree shade is quite good. Just eat chicken wings. Or, you think about it and keep her! Otherwise, what if she marries others and is bullied by those bad men

Jingrui knocked his head with a spoon: "shut up, eat!"

The two brothers' voices were very low. Zheng yuluo and Shuyin Erli were far away from them, so they couldn't hear what they were saying.

But as soon as Shu Yin looks up, he bumps into Jing Rui's eyes.

His eyes are quiet and distant, with a unique charm, straight into the heart of Shu Yin.

Her heart suddenly quickened, and she lowered her head to drink chicken soup in disguise.

But she drank so fast that she choked.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Jing Rui took a look at her and handed it to her: "how old are you? Can't even drink soup

Shu Yin's face turned red. She didn't know whether it was choking or shy.

She grabbed the tissue and wiped her mouth uneasily.

Jing Rui delivers the nature, and Shu Yin also connects with the nature. He doesn't notice at all that Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo are already in a state of petrification.

Both of them know Jing Rui's temperament and background.

He grew up with a golden spoon in his childhood. He never served others, but was served by others. He was extremely dignified and very proud. He seldom talked nonsense to others.

But today, he would care about Shu Yin choking! Give her a tissue and laugh at her!

How could that be possible!

He is clearly the kind of person who will not look at someone who dies at his feet!

Didn't he hate to talk nonsense?

After he came today, he only talked to Shu Yin!

Even Jingzhi talked to him, he just said a few words!

Zheng yuluo felt that he seemed to have found a wonderful secret. He was so scared that he had sweating in his palms. He didn't dare to say a word. He just lowered his head to eat.

Jingzhi is not afraid of his brother, but he stares at his brother for a while. Seeing that his brother looks so calm, he suddenly gets tangled in his heart.

Is it because of Shucheng mountain that my brother cares about Shu Yin so much?

Or does my brother have an idea for Shu yin?

A meal is spent in a strange atmosphere, but Jing Rui seems to have no idea. After the meal, he takes Shuyin out with him and drives her back to school.

Jingzhi looks at his brother leaving with Shuyin from the window, and his doubts become more serious.

He thought there was something wrong with his brother, but he thought it could be explained.

He struggled for a long time, and then found out that he was really over worried.

My brother has always had his own opinions and great courage. If he really likes Shu Yin, he doesn't need him to help him. He can do it by himself!

Jingzhi thinks that if brother and Shuyin go back together, the atmosphere between them will be very warm and beautiful.

Unfortunately not.

"For the plane the day after tomorrow, you pack up and prepare to go back. I have arranged the school for you. After you go back, you can go directly to the school. The principal of the school is my aunt. You can go to her if you have something to do

"The day after tomorrow? Why didn't you tell me in advance? The day after tomorrow is too busy. I still have something to deal with. I need to postpone it for a few more days. "

Shu Yin didn't like it. He said he would leave whenever he wanted? Why don't you discuss it with her in advance?

Once again, the feeling of being controlled and manipulated came to light.

The relaxed look on her face suddenly disappeared. In a flash, she became cool and calm again, like a master who confronts with the place. She can completely hide all her inner emotions and avoid being trapped by the softness he cares about today.

She doesn't want to be a puppet!

She wants to be herself and live according to her will!

Every day in the virus research institute, she yearns for rebirth, freedom, and freedom from being controlled by others.

Now that she's free, she doesn't want to escape from one cage and fall into another.

"What else have you not dealt with? I'll take care of it for you. The day after tomorrow, you have to go back to city A. It's not safe here. "

"I've lived here for many days. What's not safe? Why didn't you send me back the other day? I've been waiting for so many days, but you haven't given me any news! "

Shu Yin red eyes, with a cold look at Jing Rui, the heart of the kind of pain or said.

"If Jing Zhi didn't call you today, I'm afraid I will not know I'm leaving until one hour before the plane takes off the day after tomorrow."

Jingzhi's lies are broken as soon as they are stabbed.

He deliberately called her to dinner under the banner of Jingrui.

Jingrui didn't plan to go, but Shuyin knew it."Yes, I was going to let you know an hour before the plane took off."

Jing Rui doesn't deny it. He doesn't think he needs to.

"I said it early, worried that you would change your mind."

When the car arrived at Shuyin's school, she took a deep breath and calmly said, "well, you're right. I changed my mind! I'm not going back to city a! "

She said, opened the door, carrying Bao leisurely left.

Jing Rui is stunned there.

Didn't you agree to go back to city a?

Why did you change your mind so quickly!

He said that he should tell Shu Yin in the last hour!

A woman's heart, a needle in the sea, sure enough!

Jing Rui unties the seat belt and strides after it.

Now it's more than 11 o'clock in the night. There are not many people in the campus. Jing Rui chases after him for a while, and then he sees the slim and tall figure in front of him.

However, not far in front of that figure, there is a tall figure!

Far away, Jing Rui hears two people talking in English.

"Cherry, where have you been? I've been waiting for you all night! "

"Daniel, what are you up to?"

"Yes, I have been waiting for your reply! Cherry, I like you very much. I mean it! Can you promise me to be my girlfriend

"I'm very sorry. I think we're just friends!"

"You don't have a boyfriend now, why can't you agree to my pursuit? You can try it, I will make you satisfied! I like you


"She doesn't like you!"

Shu Yin just said a word and was interrupted by a cold voice.

Shu Yin and the boy student named Daniel look up at the same time.

Daniel confessed to be interrupted by a strange man, he was very angry: "who are you? There's no part for you to talk about here. Go away

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly got a heavy kick on his face, and then the whole person flew several meters away.

When the scream came, Jing Rui only thought that nothing was heard. He turned his head and looked at Shu Yin coldly: "what you said is not finished. Is this the thing you said?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!