Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1001

Jing Rui suddenly stopped laughing and pointed to Shu Yin's back: "look, chicken wings are coming out! One, two, three So much! "

Although Shu Yin clearly knows that Jing Rui is cheating, she just can't control her white face and looks at her back in terror.

But the physiological structure of the human body doomed her to see her back completely.

She jumped to her feet, ran to the living room scene and took photos.

After she was sure she had nothing on her back, she ran back to the restaurant angrily: "why scare me? I'm timid. Don't you know? Hum! You will grow chicken wings in the future

In the living room, Jing Zhi and Peter watch Shu Yin come out of the dining room and go back. They listen to her roar at Jingrui, but Jingrui just sits there, not angry at all. They can't help but look at each other and see the banter in each other's eyes.

Jingrui and Shuyin are usually not lively people, and they don't talk much. They are very cold when they talk to them.

But today, both of them seem to be very lively!

However, Jing Rui was lively for a short time. His expression soon returned to his usual indifference. He raised his head and asked Shuyin, "how's Zheng yuluo?"

Shu Yin is still holding a chicken wing to eat or not to eat. Listening to him ask Zheng yuluo, she knows that this is the right thing to do, so she has to forget what she was teased by Jingrui for the time being.

"I wake up, I've lost too much blood and I still have a fever, but it's OK. It just looks like I'm not in a good mood and I don't like to eat. "

Shu Yin is practical and realistic, without any personal feelings.

Jingrui stands up and goes to Zheng yuluo's room.

Most of the time, Shu Yin is a calm and rational girl. Jing Rui goes to Zheng yuluo. Other girls may suspect that they have something, but Shuyin doesn't think about it at all.

She doesn't think Jing Rui would have an affair with a girl who almost committed suicide in this situation, even if the two of them were alone.

As soon as Jing Rui enters Zheng yuluo's room, Zheng yuluo almost jumps out of bed.

Liao Wei's psychological shadow to her is too heavy. Seeing Jing Rui, she unconsciously regards him as Liao Wei's madman.

Jing Rui sees Zheng yuluo's reactions in his eyes and says coldly, "he's not me."

Just four words, let Zheng yuluo immediately realize the difference between the person in front of him and that fake King Rui.

Although the face is very similar, but there is a slight difference in height, the biggest difference is temperament and expression!

In front of the people, is really cold to the extreme, that kind of noble and aloof from the bone, let people unconsciously want to submit!

Only by his one look, Zheng yuluo felt like a mountain on his back!

Cold, cold, merciless, lustless!

The king's manner of dominating the world, as he was in his childhood, has never changed.

Zheng yuluo stares at him, this is Jing Rui! Real Jingrui!

When he was a child, he came back to face his oppression and self abasement.

Obviously is the same face, but changed a person, let a person immediately feel dazzling!

If it wasn't for Jing Zhi, Jing Rui would not have said more to Zheng yuluo. He gave Zheng yuluo a minute of psychological buffer time, and then said, "tell me the situation you met in detail. Don't miss it."

Obviously, her tone was very plain, and her expression did not change at all. However, Zheng yuluo felt that she could not afford any resistance. Under his deep eyes, she had no place to hide herself. She had no choice but to bravely tell the whole story, including what Liao Wei wanted to touch her.

Jingrui did not say a word all the way, but listened indifferently. When Zheng yuluo finished, he asked sharply, "are you willing to come to North America to save Jingzhi?"

Zheng yuluo was stunned. She just said something like this carelessly. She was caught by Jingrui immediately.

She followed Liao Wei to North America without any resistance. In fact, the most important reason is that she wants to meet Jing Zhi here.

If she doesn't find a scene, she must be.

But with Liao Wei, she hopes to find Jing Zhi.

"Yes, the man said Jingzhi was taken away by the bad guys who caught him before. He needs my help to save him. I don't want him to have an accident. "

Zheng yuluo didn't hesitate and told the truth directly.

In front of Jing Rui, she doesn't dare to lie and doesn't want to lie.

She just wants to see Jing Zhi all the time. Even if Jing Zhi hates her, she wants to help.

Jing Rui takes a look at her and doesn't speak any more. He turns around and walks out.

He asked more, but wanted to ensure that Zheng yuluo was sincere to Jingzhi.

Now it seems that Zheng yuluo has no problem.

He can, at ease, let this girl stay with Jingzhi!He can't take care of Jing Zhi all the time. What Jing Zhi needs is not only his brother, but also a woman who can accompany him for a long time.

And Zheng yuluo, very suitable.

Zheng yuluo doesn't know that she has passed the most sad pass at the moment. She doesn't know that she has been approved by Jingrui so easily. She looks at Jingrui's cold back and thinks that what she has done is too bad. Jingrui doesn't want to see her any more.

In the evening, Zheng yuluo found that it was not Shu Yin who came to change her dressing, but a tall and handsome European man.

She lay for a day, drank chicken soup to eat, dizziness feeling has been much better, the body temperature also slowly fell down, and Shuyin left, let her heart sour also along with fade.

She tried to communicate with the handsome doctor: "doctor, am I all right? Where's the doctor Shu who looks after me in the morning

With a faint smile, Peter replied in English: "Oh, you mean cherry? She went back to school. She likes studying very much. Now she has just entered the school. She has a lot to learn. And maybe she will come back to a city with us in a few days, so she wants to go to school to learn more. "

"School?" Zheng yuluo is a little surprised, but relieved to think about it. Shuyin looks like she's about the same age. Naturally, she's in school.

"How old is she? Before Do you know Jing Zhi? "

Although Zheng yuluo's words are very euphemistic, Peter is a personal genius and knows the intimate relationship between Zheng yuluo and Jing Zhi, he immediately hears the implication.


What a strange vinegar!

Peter still had a polite smile on his face, but he refused:

"Oh, I'm very sorry, Miss Zheng. I don't have the right to disclose cherry's age at will. If you want to know, it's better to ask her in person!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!