Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 553

At the end, Qin Ming was the only one left in the team.

He didn\'t go back with the people of taixuan Tianzong. After all, now the other party has no time to take care of him. The leader of taixuan has entered the retreat again, and there is still no trace of Zhuwu.

It\'s probably difficult to borrow that precious ancient warship.

At least he can\'t borrow it for the time being, so he has no reason to stay in taixuan Tianzong.

At the same time, the beast of disaster began to come to the mainland, and panic inevitably began to spread.

However, the purpose of this group of disaster animals is very strong. It is to search for those monks with advanced cultivation, bring them back to the devil, and use their flesh and blood to recover the devil\'s injury.

It is precisely for this reason that those monks who have become powerful bear the brunt of the crime.

But the monks under the divine fire were safe for the time being, and the animals of disaster did not look up to them.

On a hill, in the green grass.

Qin Ming sat lazily on it and looked at the dark sky in the distance.

The power of the abyss is gradually eroding this aura world. Even the medieval world is no exception. The original bright climate no longer exists.

Not far from him, the body of a disaster beast was lying there quietly.

With the cultivation of God\'s hiding place, he naturally became the target of those evil beasts.

Of course, being killed is inevitable.

His perception range is very wide. From time to time, he can hear the panic cry from a distance. It is obvious that someone has encountered the beast of disaster.

The powerful and strange of the ninth class makes most monks have no room to fight back. After all, the strong at Qin Ming and Xu Feng are a few.

The medieval world is no longer safe, or the whole medieval continent is the same. It is difficult to find any place safe.

After the first wave of more than 200 evil beasts came out, the devil absorbed enough heaven and earth aura and created several waves of evil beasts.

The number of waves is increasing.

Up to now, the number of disaster beasts wandering on the medieval continent has exceeded 1000, and is still increasing.

After some large and medium-sized forces are targeted, the strong in the door are almost impossible to survive.

They don\'t have such a defensive force as taixuan Tianzong Leiyin castle. They can only passively bear the invasion of disaster animals.

Many large forces in the medieval world have asked them for help, but even taixuan Tianzong is difficult to allocate too much combat power at this moment and take the initiative to go everywhere to eliminate the animals of disaster.

The old patriarchs still showed no sign of going out of the customs under such circumstances.

However, many hermit strongmen either took the initiative or were forced to choose to leave the pass at this time, which slightly curbed the momentum of the raging beast of disaster.

Some of them are not famous, but some of them once had a great reputation in front of the world, and even some people in the same era as the taixuan sect.

"I didn\'t expect that an old bone could catch up with such a disaster." an old man sighed to himself, looking at the half destroyed city below after killing several evil beasts.

"Thank you for your help!"

"Thank you..."

Countless monks knelt down and thanked him, although they didn\'t know each other.

But in any case, if you can cut off several animals of disaster, the strength of the other party is definitely a rare super strong person in the world. At least it can match the existence of the strong person in taixuantian sect.

Not to mention his old breath, which is so thick that people have to be convinced.

The old man didn\'t feel much about the actions of the lower friars. Before his seclusion, he had too many friars kneeling down, which was nothing.

This is not to save the common people, but to seek a chance of life in this great disaster.

"It\'s time to meet some old friends. I hope they haven\'t sat down yet."

The old man said, and his body disappeared silently into the sky.

Over time, the containment effect of the emergence of these strong forces is also temporary and cannot change the overall situation.

A large number of disaster animals set off an unprecedented bloodbath in just a few days on the mainland.

The beast of disaster has the ability to shuttle through the void and reach another region in a short time.

This also caused them to move very quickly and attack a wide range.

If statistics can be made, millions of people may have died because of the animals of disaster these days.

This is still the case when the beast of disaster did not wreak havoc.

Those friars who are above the cultivation level in the divine fire realm are in danger of becoming the next target of the beast of disaster.

It was overcast and drizzled.

After swallowing the body of the disaster beast, the jiaofengniao stood aside and mobilized some aura to cover Qin Ming\'s head from the falling rain.

"Hmm?" Qin Ming looked at the sky.

Suddenly, in his sight, above the sky, the void tore open a gap.

Then a group of people stepped out.

"Unexpectedly, the news was true and the prophecy of disaster came true."

One of them looked at the power of the abyss spreading all over the sky and spoke slowly with a low tone.

"I don\'t know how the Terran friar is now. There happens to be a friar over there. Go and ask about the situation."

Qin Ming was still sitting on the grass. When he saw the group of people, he leaned towards him a moment later.

The jiaofengniao on one side immediately stood in front of him to prevent these people from any dangerous actions.

"Oh, I\'m still a monk in God\'s hiding place, so young?" one of the people was surprised when he approached Qin Ming.

I didn\'t seem to expect that a human they met would be so strong.

"What\'s the matter?" Qin Ming asked, looking at the tall team in front of him.

"Hey, it\'s you!" just then, one of the people suddenly exclaimed and got out of the rear team.

Qin Ming was also stunned when a young white face poked out.

I didn\'t notice before. He had seen the young man in front of him.

It was the Cangyuan tiger shaped man I met in the netherworld. I remember it was named Qi Yu.

They had some intersection at the beginning. They cooperated with each other for a wave and got no fruit.

Qi Yu also left a big impression on Qin Ming.

The opponent is very powerful, and he is a strong monster group in the yuan world.

After exploring and throwing it out, sure enough, the people in front of us are Cangyuan tiger shaped.

Name: Qi Yu

Spirit Monster: Cangyuan tiger

Combat effectiveness score: Level 9, inferior

Growth potential: top grade 9

Qi Yu in front of him was already very strong at the beginning, with the cultivation of the eighth class.

After returning, he was promoted to class 9. He was a genius not seen in thousands of years in his family. His blood power was extremely strong.

In fact, if you go to the Yuan Dynasty, Qi Yu\'s name is really unknown to many strange ethnic groups.

Cangyuan tiger is one of the top groups that dominate the yuan world.

They appeared in the middle ancient continent. If they had changed to ordinary times, they would have caused a great sensation, and the strong such as taixuan Tianzong would not be able to sit still.