Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 554

"Do you know?" a Cangyuan tiger asked.

"I saw it in the nether world last time. I thought it was a super genius of the human race. Now it seems I\'m right." Cang Yuanhu smiled.

His character is no different from that at the beginning, some jumping and unrestrained.

"Meet again." Qi Yu said hello to Qin Ming, and his eyes drifted away from jiaofengniao and him from time to time.

Neither the strong breath of jiaofengniao nor the restrained charm of Qin Ming can be easily blocked in front of the Cangyuan tiger family.

"Yes, I see you again." Qin Ming nodded. He vaguely guessed his intention for the emergence of the strong Qi Yu family.

Most of the news that the demon broke the seal has spread to the yuan world. The strong of these top ethnic groups came to explore the situation after they knew it.

Maybe not only the Cangyuan tiger family came, but also other strange families sent people, and even the monks in the netherworld came to the middle ancient continent.

This is a great disaster involving the three realms. They know that no one can handle it safely.

When the Cangyuan tigers asked about the mainland, Qin Ming didn\'t hide anything and told them what he knew.

There is no need to hide anything. After all, the situation is such a situation. Only when the strong in the three circles can unite, can this Reiki world have a chance to turn over.

After listening to Qin Ming, these tall and strong men all looked dignified. Naturally, they knew that the situation was not optimistic.

Qi Yu, with a smile on his face, chatted with Qin Ming.

His little white face was out of place among the strong men. Although he looked even weak, no one would underestimate him.

The group of fierce men finally decided to go to the top sects in the middle ancient world to see the situation. If necessary, they also wanted to take a risk to see the place where the devil broke the seal.

"Let\'s go, Qi Yu." the muscular man in charge roared. The backward Qi Yu smiled and said goodbye to Qin Ming.

It was as if Qin Ming was a close friend he had not seen for a long time.

"This guy is really familiar." when he looked at the figure of the other person, Qin ming could not help but make complaints about it.

He didn\'t feel very familiar with this guy, but he had some intersection at the beginning.

He patted the dust that didn\'t exist on his trouser legs, and Qin Mingfei flew into the sky.

Since the Cangyuan tiger family can cross the space boundary wall to the middle ancient continent, other strange groups are likely to appear.

He is going to check the whereabouts of Gu taoyewen. No matter how bad it is, he can find a way to go to the yuan world from them.

If this group of Cangyuan tiger fierce men didn\'t want to take him, he would still want to follow them.

On this day, Tianxuan Tianzong was outside.

A large number of disaster beasts are attacking their sect door one after another, and a large number of abyss forces are pressing against the top, covering the whole mountain range.

As a last resort, taixuan Tianzong launched the mountain protection array.

Those spiritual veins are activated to release magnificent aura and resist the power of the abyss outside.

A group of elders led many gifted disciples to fight, and countless powerful strategic level magic weapons burst out together.

Although the fighting power of those disaster beasts is incomparably strong, taixuantian sect is no better than other sects and has incomparably strong foundation.

Just rely on magic weapons and powerful children to wipe out a number of disaster beasts.

There are hundreds of evil beasts that died in front of the gate of taixuantianzong mountain.

However, it is a pity that the following disaster animals continue to gather.

For them, where there are powerful life bodies, there are them.

Taixuan Tianzong is their biggest target.

"Damn, these animals!" an elder angrily said.

He has cut off several evil beasts with his extraordinary strength, but he still can\'t change the current situation.

There are so many disaster beasts here that they can even form a siege and cover the sky of taixuan Tianzong.

Fortunately, their mountain protection array is not vegetarian, so there is no pressure to block these evil beasts for the time being.

"If the patriarch is there, how can we get them to show off their ferocity in front of the mountain gate!" another disciple of shenzang territory gritted his teeth and said.

At this time, a large number of dark golden lights were suddenly transmitted from the door.

A strong breath appeared.

All the sect elders looked ecstatic and turned their heads to look down into the sect hall.

An old man walked out slowly. It was the leader of taixuan sect.

At this juncture, he finally got out of the customs.

"It\'s the Lord. The Lord is out of the customs!"

"Great, the war is over!"

Countless disciples are in great spirits and excited.

For them, Lin Xuan\'s appearance was like giving them a shot of stimulant, which virtually improved their combat effectiveness.

"All the disciples listen to the order. Evil spirits are rampant. Follow me to punish evil spirits!"

Lin Xuan\'s voice was loud and powerful, and spread all over the gate of taixuan sect.


Countless loud cries responded and rushed into the sky.

Taixuan Tianzong was as powerful as a rainbow. After Lin Xuan appeared, it didn\'t take much time to wipe out all the evil animals outside.

Lin Xuan stared at the dark place in the distance.

It is the place where the devil broke the seal. Now it seems to be built into a nest, where countless evil beasts hover.

Today, the number of disaster animals shuttling around the world has reached thousands, and the devil is still producing continuously, just like a wholesale market. Those disaster animals are like baskets of rotten cabbage and keep throwing them out.

Although he solved the battle of taixuan Tianzong, Lin Xuan didn\'t relax at all.

He knew that the real problem had not been solved and was still there.

This retreat was a blessing in disguise. After the wounds suffered by the abyss were healed, his cultivation also improved, but this did not change the overall situation.

He admitted that he was still unable to kill the demon.

Therefore, he needs to find all available forces as much as possible, and together, he may have a chance to recover from the catastrophe.

"Lord, I passed the news to the yuan world and the nether world as instructed. I believe they can also understand the seriousness of the matter." an old man in the sect came to Lin Xuan and said.

Although he is like rotten wood, his breath is not weak at all, even stronger than most elders.

The gathering of the strong in the taixuan Tianzong is not just talk.

"Well, that\'s good. We don\'t have much time." Lin Xuan said slowly.

This was the last instruction he gave before he closed the door. Now it seems to have been effective.

In his sight, a group of figures were flying at top speed.

It is Cang Yuanhu, a group of steel men.

He knows that other strong people will spontaneously gather here, perhaps in these days.

What he has to do is to condense these three forces.

The appearance of the devil forced them to unite.