Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 552

Does this also mean that several patriarchs such as Lin Xuan failed

Qin Ming said in his heart that if even they couldn\'t do anything about the devil, he really couldn\'t think of anyone else who could fight the devil.

He asked himself that it was difficult for him to do this now. After all, this ancient beast was beyond common sense.

"If the immortal Dharma is successful, it\'s not impossible to fight." Qin Ming thought in his heart.

After his set of immortal Dharma has been refined to a state of great success, he can swallow the original immortal Qi of heaven and earth, so as to achieve the degree of transcendence from heaven.

That is, the leader of the taixuan sect, their cultivation level, like an immortal.

But it\'s a pity that it\'s too difficult to achieve the great success of immortal Dharma. After he was promoted to shenzang realm, his state of mind and understanding have been greatly improved, but the time of cultivation is still too short for him.

No one can master a set of immortal Dharma in such a short time. Qin Ming can\'t, even his master who is known as the Lord of nature in the strange world.


It seems that they are aware of their existence, and the evil beasts circling around the tentacles suddenly rush towards them fiercely.

All of them dare not support it. After all, it is the beast of disaster of class 9.

But as soon as they fought, they found that the strength of these new fierce beasts just drilled out of their tentacles was much stronger than the batch of disaster beasts they had surrounded and suppressed before.

Even if it is only the Ninth level lower level, the power of the abyss contained in the body is comparable to the Ninth level middle level disaster beasts fostered in the monks in Biluo hall.

They are much more difficult to deal with than they think.

The erosive power of the power of the abyss completely broke out, which made them defenseless. What\'s more, it contained some demon crazy will, which was the most headache for them.

Fortunately, they are also among the top strong and will not be defeated so easily.

When they stabilized the situation, they gradually launched a counterattack.

Qin Ming was the first to open the situation. He took the lead in killing a beast of disaster with a sword. His sword power even surpassed the sword king of the sword tomb.

Driven by the holy wind of three lights, his speed is also the fastest among all the people present, which no one can match.

Even those suffering animals also see the great threat brought by Qin Ming. Their mental strength is highly concentrated for fear of being suddenly attacked and killed by Qin Ming.

But no matter how wary they are, they can\'t resist Qin Ming\'s attack, let alone the oppression brought by the top powers on other continents.

Under the sky thunder, there were only more than ten of them left. Qin Ming spared no effort and killed three evil beasts as quickly as possible.

One of them is the ninth grade, with the power of the abyss.

Before Qin Ming killed it, it just forced Xu Feng to retreat step by step. In terms of combat effectiveness, it has exceeded the ordinary level 9 middle-level monster.

Under Qin Ming\'s strong attack, this should have been a difficult battle, and finally ended with the destruction of all the animals of disaster.

Qin Ming put away several internal alchemies of the beast of disaster he killed. Without waiting for them to breathe out, the towering and straight tentacles suddenly moved.

Part of the blackened skin began to fall off, revealing several suction cups.

"It seems to have been badly hurt. Who did it?" Fang Yun looked at the injuries on the tentacles and wondered.

"Is it the master who respects them?"

They didn\'t expect that it was the will of the heaven and earth. They just thought it was the trauma caused by the patriarchs such as Lin Xuan. They made up several of the strongest people in the mainland in their mind and launched a decisive battle with the devil in the abyss.

In the end, both sides were defeated.

After several of the strongest came back, they chose to shut down for the first time, and the devil also went into sleep under serious injury. I don\'t know when he will wake up.

When it woke up, the disaster officially came.

"Do you want to go?" the sword king suddenly said.

Look at him like this, he wants to launch a surprise attack while the devil is seriously injured.

It\'s best to kill. If you can\'t, it can aggravate the other party\'s injury.

The idea was nodded by a few people. Although it was risky, it was worth it.

After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it was created by their own teachers.

But there are also those who disagree, such as Xu Feng.

They don\'t know how badly the other side is injured now. If the other side can fight back, it is bound to cause casualties.

He is not afraid of death, but the devil, like the beast of disaster, can rely on swallowing a large number of people\'s blood essence and spirits to recover his injury and improve his strength.

He was afraid that the people would go up and help, which became the nourishment sent to the door. Their cultivation was also a rare supply for the devil.

In the final analysis, if they are not qualified to fight with demons at ordinary times, they can think about it now.

Several people expressed their respective attitudes, and the number of people on both sides of the offensive and conservative sides was basically the same.

"Qin Ming, what do you think?" Xu Feng turned to Qin Ming and asked.

Qin Ming is now the number one combat force among them. Naturally, we should ask more about this matter.

Qin Ming shook his head and said, "I don\'t think we need to think too much."

The crowd seemed to feel something, and immediately looked at the tentacle again.

Among those newly exposed suction cups, one disaster beast drilled out again, with viscous liquid and blood.

The number of disaster beasts produced in this wave is as high as 200, each with strong breath, which is no worse than those before.

It seems that for this demon, these disaster beasts can be produced in quantity, as much as they want.

This situation has completely resolved the differences for several people.

Also beat a hair, the other party\'s dark beast of disaster, which is not the main devil.

They are afraid that they will not pose a threat to them, which is almost in vain.


Several people turned around and left almost at the same time, turning into streamers and disappearing into the sky.

Those evil beasts did not pursue them, but just shook their heads and looked at the new world.

The power of the abyss gradually spread and became rich, hiding the devil\'s body in it.

From a distance, it looks like the once refining virtual dome, and the black fog covers the whole area.

"Go." the devil\'s whisper fell, very heavy.

Then he saw that in the black fog, two hundred disaster animals quickly rushed out and flew in all directions, and soon disappeared.

"Qin Ming, I\'ll go back to zongmen first, so I\'ll leave first." halfway through the flight, Xu Feng suddenly opened his mouth and said to Qin Ming.

"I also want to go back to the castle and say goodbye." Fang Yun made a second sound.

Then the team disbanded as quickly as an agreement.

The appearance of demons and so many evil beasts can\'t help but be ignored by them.

They shall go back to the Pope\'s gate, and at the same time, they shall sit in it to prevent the attack of the beasts of disaster.