Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 53

After that, Si Xiangming talked with Qin Ming about some other aspects of cultivation. He wouldn\'t be so impatient with his problems. Instead, he fell into his own memories from time to time.

The eventful years of my student days, although I occasionally have one or two black histories to look back on, I still miss them on the whole.

Think about how I was

Qin Ming heard this form of boasting from Si Xiangming more than ten times and continued. He felt that the topic was getting farther and farther.

But anyway, the content learned from Si Xiangming also benefited Qin Ming a lot. At least he had a preliminary understanding of the road of cultivation in the future.

It\'s not just a vague concept, but specific to what should be done in the follow-up of cultivation and have a clear goal.

The train starts on time. It needs to pass through several class III small cities on the road before it can finally reach Gulan city.

According to the speed of this train, it will take about half a day.

"The freshmen training of Shanze martial arts academy is said to last for half a month, and the academy and the Education Bureau attach great importance to it. The freshmen may have to suffer a little, and I don\'t know what arrangements will be made for you to go to Gulan college." Si Xiangming said while staring at the beautiful figure in the magazine with only a few pieces of flower cloth stuck in the magazine.

I don\'t know how he did it.

Qin Ming shook his head and said he didn\'t know.

In the notice sent by Gulan college, there was only the date of the report, and there was no explanation about the training.

"In short, because the leaders attach great importance to students this year, they will pay great attention to this training. Some potential stars have an opportunity to go on the stage ahead of time. Alas, I think that year..."

They chatted with each other, and the train gradually passed through the small town.

On the other hand, in a suburban jungle in Nanming City, a thin man with shoulder length black hair is moving at a high speed in the forest, like a ghost.

His eyes were cold and fierce, his face was gloomy, he looked back at his back from time to time, and was alert to any wind and grass around him.

"Hmm?" the thin man noticed a slight vibration in the inner bag of his clothes, so he slowed down his pace and took out a square silver metal block from the inner bag.

The vibration he felt just now came from this small metal piece.

"Good morning, Mr. assassin. Remember us?"

The metal block is a sophisticated communication device. At this time, a man\'s greetings came out.

Hearing the sound from the metal block, the thin man\'s complexion remained unchanged, but his breathing became heavier.

After a moment of silence, he said, "of course."

"So what\'s going on with what I told you last time?" the male voice over there was gentle, relaxed and calm.

The thin man\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and his sharp eyes were full of danger like a poisonous snake.

"I don\'t know what your purpose is, but you should know my origin. It\'s impossible to join other organizations."

The male voice on the side of the metal block seemed to expect the thin man to say so, and continued in a constant tone: "don\'t refuse so fast, you can think about it again."

When the man finished this sentence, the communication signal of the metal block was interrupted without the reaction of the thin man.

The thin man frowned slightly. He wanted to throw away the metal block in his hand, but finally he put it back in his pocket and continued to move quickly towards the other side of the jungle.

Somewhere in the jungle, on the top of a hillside.

A group of heavily armed police members looked at the bodies of several companions on the ground, all looking ugly.

Ye Wen was also among them. Looking around, she didn\'t find any clues. She shook her head regretfully and walked to these bodies to look down.

In the face of the corpse, she was a junior, but she could keep her face unchanged. She was like a mercenary who had experienced the battlefield and looked carefully at the clues that might be left on the corpse.

"Cutting his throat directly is the usual assassination method of the wanted man, which shows that he really hid here before, and he should not have escaped far now!" Zhang Yi said, with an irrecoverable anger.

He is the war captain of Nanming Security Bureau. His position is equivalent to that of Si Xiangming and the position of deputy director of the Security Bureau.

This time, he personally led the team to arrest the wanted man. However, he failed to catch the target one after another. On the contrary, there were casualties in his team. How can he bear it.

"The target is very good at hiding and hiding. If he is not caught here, it will be more difficult for him who is already alert in the future. It is suggested to mobilize air forces to strengthen the search and find him before he leaves the jungle." Ye Wen suggested on one side.

Zhang Yi took a look at Ye Wen and knew that the other party was a student transferred by Gu Lanwu college to help, and his identity was not general. He immediately nodded and ordered the members on one side: "immediately, immediately, contact the headquarters for me."


"Ding Dong, passengers, Nanming city is here. Please get off in order if you need to get off..."

"Hmm?" Si Xiangming seemed to hear something. His eyes suddenly moved away from his photo magazine and looked out of the window.

"What\'s the matter?" Qin Ming couldn\'t help looking at Si Xiangming\'s strange face.

Suddenly a sound came from the sky outside the window, and several helicopters flew quickly over their heads.

Qin Ming saw at a glance that this was an armed helicopter specially used by the military, and the four words Nanming safety were also written on the fuselage.

"It seems that Nanming city is not very peaceful," Si Xiangming said.

The sudden mobilization of several reconnaissance planes from the city\'s security bureau is clearly a vicious incident.

Some time ago, the explosion of Shanze chemical plant and the subsequent self explosion of reformers also gave Si Xiangming a headache.

Now it seems that not only the Shanze city under his jurisdiction, but also the security bureaus of other cities seem to be very busy these days.

"It has nothing to do with me anyway." until the helicopters went away, Si Xiangming took back his eyes and stared at the photo magazine in his hand.

There are no good magazines in other cities, and he doesn\'t take care of any problems.

The train stopped for ten minutes and then started again.

Qin Ming brushes his mobile phone in boredom and looks at the flashing scenery outside the window from time to time.

Today\'s weather is really good. There are few white clouds in the blue sky. The jungle glitters in the sunshine outside the window, which is quite eye-catching.

It gives people an impulse to get out and breathe fresh air.

For ordinary people, this weather is most suitable for going out.

Just as Qin Ming thought so, there was a sudden shaking in the jungle not far away, and then a dark shadow flashed out and ran in the direction of the train.

"Look at that man!"

Some of the other passengers in this carriage also noticed the figure walking quickly through the jungle and pointed out the window.

"What\'s going on? Why are you there!"

"He seems to be running towards us!"

"Is this man a cultivator..."

The figure kept getting closer and the speed didn\'t decrease. It hit the high-speed train.

This crazy move made all the passengers in the carriage scream.

These days, do you still touch porcelain and high-speed rail