Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 54

I saw this figure jump up high. Unexpectedly, a long dagger in his hand was directly inserted into the carriage shell. The whole person was fixed outside the train, which was exactly the carriage where Qin Ming was located.

The passengers in that row got up and retreated.

It\'s not a cultivator who can do such incredible things.


The thick glass of the train was smashed by the suddenly emerging cultivator. The strong wind blew into the carriage, and the cultivator jumped in.

In this way, he completed a difficult ticket evasion.

Medium long black hair, gloomy and cold eyes, wearing some like those mysterious people in black in film and television dramas.

Holding a dagger, the passengers were afraid to get close.

And the train is still moving forward.

"Hey, you don\'t work for the Security Bureau. Don\'t you take care of it." Qin Ming whispered to Si Xiangming.

"Don\'t worry. I\'m in charge of the safety of Shanze city. Naturally, the security personnel will manage the train. Wait."

Si Xiangming said so, but he put down the magazine in his hand and stared at the thin man. He looked a little dignified on his face.

After listening to this, Qin Ming sat quietly in his position, with Si Xiangming next to him. He didn\'t panic too much.

It\'s really dangerous. He doesn\'t think Si Xiangming will ignore it.

Glancing at the passengers in this carriage, I saw that they were safe, and the thin man didn\'t do anything dangerous. It seemed that he really just wanted to rub the train.

On the other side, the train security who received the alarm message rushed to the carriage.

There are more than ten armed policemen armed with guns, of which the captain is a cultivator.

After entering the carriage, the armed police captain glanced at the thin man isolated by the passengers.

More than a dozen guns were aimed at the man in an instant, and the tense atmosphere filled the air in an instant.

In the face of practitioners, ordinary people can\'t threaten them without using guns. These armed police know this well and dare not be careless at all.

As long as the thin man made radical moves, they would not hesitate to shoot.

In order to avoid casualties, the captain opened the car door behind him and gave priority to the evacuation of all passengers in this car.

The thin man didn\'t stop him. He still stood where he was, looking at the jungle outside the window from time to time, as if he was paying attention to something.

"Let\'s go first," said Si Xiangming, taking Qin Ming back to another carriage.

When passing the captain, Si Xiangming suddenly stopped and warned, "be careful, this man is hard to deal with."

"Hmm?" the captain took a look at Si Xiangming passing by, but didn\'t say much.

After all the passengers evacuated, the carriage immediately became much empty.

"Don\'t move, put down your weapon," the captain warned in a deep voice.

The thin man did not care and still looked out of the window.

"Captain, you\'d better subdue him first." an armed policeman couldn\'t help saying.

When ordinary people face practitioners, they will inevitably be nervous. Even these armed police are no exception, but they can control their emotions well.

"I repeat, if you don\'t do it, I\'ll shoot!" the captain raised the gun in his left hand and slowly pulled out a long and narrow special Tang Dao behind his back in his right hand.

Such a tense atmosphere finally made the thin man take back his eyes and look at the armed police with guns.

"I advise you not to do this, or many people will die here!" the thin man made a slight force under his feet, and the metal floor was directly stamped by him.

The Qi and blood of the whole body rose, mixed with unparalleled momentum, which greatly changed the captain\'s face.

He is a warrior!

Qi and blood are so surging, this is not an ordinary martial artist. I\'m afraid ordinary guns can\'t threaten this kind of martial artist.

"I just want to take this train for a while. If I\'m safe, I\'ll go naturally." the thin man turned his dark dagger and his eyes were cold.

Killing someone is just a routine for him. He has no burden at all.

The captain didn\'t say a word. He was a little uncertain.

If he is an ordinary criminal, it is impossible for him to let the other party stay so calmly and choose not to act.

But now the other party\'s prestige is a strong cultivator, so strong that even he is not sure that he can win in the process of frontal arrest.

In this case, it is a good decision to stabilize the cultivator before waiting for reinforcements.

Seeing that the emaciated man didn\'t seem to want to mess around, the captain settled down a little, carried it on his left hand, and whispered to the armed police members behind him.

Contact the Security Bureau of the nearest city and request reinforcements.

The member standing at the end understood it, turned and wanted to leave.

The thin man\'s wrist suddenly shook, and a small black dart suddenly appeared, straight at the armed police who turned to leave.

The captain\'s pupil shrank suddenly, and his right hand exerted force. He clenched the Tang Dao and slashed it obliquely. The blade cut the dart accurately in two.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they could not detect the dart at the first time. They could only see that the captain\'s action seemed to be released quickly. With a crisp sound, some sparks exploded on the knife surface.

The captain looked at the emaciated man again, his muscles taut and ready to fight.

Being afraid of this cultivator does not mean that he is allowed to act recklessly.

The duty is that once a thin man makes a dangerous move, he will not sit idly by.

"Even if you can\'t win, you should be able to do it after a period of delay."

He knew that the other side didn\'t want them to contact the support team so soon. They were bound to fight.

The staff in the train can only contact the police personnel at the next station. Only these armed police have the authority to request the nearby Municipal Security Bureau to send out support forces in a very critical situation.

Obviously, the other party also knows this, so they won\'t leave.

Seeing that his dart was blocked, the thin man\'s eyes became cold, his body moved with a dagger in his hand, turned into a disease shadow, crossed the whole carriage in the blink of an eye and approached the captain.


Several armed policemen on one side pulled the trigger one after another, and the muzzle of the gun ejected bullets. The smell of gunpowder immediately filled the air.

The emaciated man\'s figure was in place, his feet were light, and his figure crossed an arc at high speed in mid air, avoiding all bullets.

When the left hand was thrown, more than ten small darts were fired again, with a speed comparable to that of bullets.

At such close range, only ordinary people\'s armed police were stabbed to the ground by darts.

Only the captain was a cultivator. At the critical moment, he blocked the darts fired at him, but he could not save his subordinates.

The emaciated man condescended and took advantage of the situation to chop the captain with a heavy leg.

In a hurry, the captain who blocked the darts had no time to wield the knife again, so he had to back away on his side.