Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 52

"I opened the sea two days ago, and now..."

Qin Ming had just begun to say half a sentence when he was interrupted by Si Xiangming.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

"I started to know the sea, just two days ago." Qin Ming repeated.

Si Xiangming suddenly stretched out his hand and put it on Qin Ming\'s shoulder. A moment later, he gave a sigh.

"Oh, really, I opened the sea of knowledge before I entered the martial arts academy..."

Shaking his head, he thought that when he went to the martial arts academy, it was more than half a semester before he completed the opening of the sea of Qi under the guidance of the teacher.

That\'s it. He was the first excellent martial artist in the class to open the sea of Qi at that time, but now he is in such a contrast with Qin Ming.

He worked hard for most of the semester, but he did it before he set foot on the starting line.

It\'s sad to think about it.

"It should be OK. I learned from the Internet that many freshmen of Gulan college have opened the sea of knowledge or gas before the beginning of school..." Qin Ming scratched his head and made up a knife very naturally.

There are indeed many news about this year\'s freshmen on the Internet, especially xiahuang college in the capital, Yuehai college in Shangling City, Beidi college in Panshan city and Gulan college in Gulan city.

After all, these four colleges are the most famous colleges in China, and the topic is naturally strong.

On the list of colleges, xiahuang college undoubtedly occupies the first place, Yuehai college ranks second, Beidi college ranks third and Gulan college ranks fourth.

Among them, the most famous factions of xiahuang college and Beidi college are Dawu department, and Yuehai college is famous all over the country for its strong students of Yunling master.

Gulan college, where Qin Ming is going, has become the focus of attention every year because of the brilliance of the Department of utensils and spirits, which has just risen in recent years.

"Most of those people are rich children from superior families. In fact, they step into the cultivation road much earlier than the children of ordinary families. It\'s natural that they don\'t hesitate to spend a lot of money to invite high cultivators as tutors. They can open the sea of knowledge in advance."

"Of course, there are not many people like you who come from an ordinary family and only rely on their own talent and potential to open the sea of knowledge or gas. However, there are few such students. It\'s not too much to say that they are super talents. These students can only be seen by a top military academy like xiahuang College of Gulan college."

"Basically, ordinary martial arts schools don\'t have such gifted children." Si Xiangming smiled bitterly in his heart and explained that as a representative student of ordinary martial arts schools, he still has the right to speak.

At that time, he had the strongest strength among the same students in his college, and even many seniors were not his opponents.

Young and vigorous, he went to the most famous Beidi college in the Department of martial arts and challenged the talented students.

The result is self-evident. The face and nose that were pressed by the hammer were swollen back.

Since then, this experience has become the black history of his school days. He is deeply buried in his heart and doesn\'t want to be mentioned again.

Naturally, Qin Ming didn\'t know that there were such deeds of death next to him, and then said, "I know that the first stage of cultivation of tool spirit Master and Yun spirit Master is the same, which is called meditation realm."

"The teacher also introduced the cultivation realm of spiritual power in the first stage, but he didn\'t explain how to practice in detail, so..."

He said later and looked at Si Xiangming again.

The first step of cultivation is to open the sea. He has completed it. What to do next is what he wants to know most now.

So this is also the first question he asked.

Now it was Si Xiangming\'s turn to scratch his head, frown and think seriously. Then he coughed and picked up the photo magazine and said, "I\'m a martial artist. Our cultivation system is different. You really asked the wrong person if you want to know the specific cultivation methods of Yunling master and tool spirit Master."

Si Xiangming looked through the magazine awkwardly. The moment before, he said he wanted to solve Qin Ming\'s doubts. The moment after, he found that he didn\'t seem to know much. They were not people who practiced the same way.

"I only know Master Yun\'s meditation environment, which is divided into several cultivation stages. I can tell you one or two, but if you want specific cultivation guidance, you\'d better go to the college to consult a professional mentor."

Finally, after thinking, Si Xiangming decided to say something to save face.

"In the meditation environment, the first step is to open the sea. You have completed it. I won\'t say much. The second step is to manipulate the spiritual power. How to flexibly manipulate all the spiritual power in the sea is almost as easy as using your arms and fingers."

Qin Ming listened carefully, because he had lived in Fengling bamboo for three months. He breathed and guided aura day and night, manipulated wind elements, and even condensed wind seals.

With similar rich experience, he is now more comfortable in manipulating his mental power. Although he can\'t be as flexible as his arms and fingers, he is not far away.

As long as he is given more time to practice proficiency, there is no pressure to achieve the second step of cultivation.

"After Yunling master, a large part of the factor affecting the strength is the strength of their own spiritual power, which is extremely important for tool spirits when they temper and build the most core \'tool\'."

"Therefore, the third step of meditation is to exercise the intensity of spiritual power, solidify your spiritual power through meditation, and continue to grow, and finally complete the qualitative change and break through to the second stage, that is, the mental state of yunlingshi and instrumental Lingshi!"

"What do you think?" although Qin Ming has heard of this word, he only knows a little.

The main learning content of senior high school is the exercise and development of culture knowledge and physical potential. For some training contents, they are basically rough descriptions, giving students a general vague impression without specific explanation.

First, these high school teachers themselves are ordinary people and don\'t know much. Second, they are not necessary.

After all, only a few students can be admitted to the martial arts academy. It\'s not too late to let them know some specific training contents when they go to the martial arts academy. After all, that\'s the beginning of training.

"The meditation method is also known as the spiritual foundation exercise method. Basically, every martial arts school that has set up a spiritual Department teaches it. The main role of learning is to solidify and strengthen your spiritual strength through this meditation method. You will understand it after you go to the college. In short, um, it should not be easy to master this meditation method. It needs some understanding, otherwise it will take time and cost It\'s very powerful. "

Si Xiangming recalled his crazy time when a roommate of the Yunling department in the martial arts academy learned the idea of Ming, and could not help but add.

"The martial arts department doesn\'t need to learn this idea. I heard that the martial arts department also needs to open the of knowing the sea." Qin Ming continued to ask.

Si Xiangming shook his head and said, "knowing the sea really needs to be opened, but you don\'t have to learn the follow-up meditation method. After all, the real strength of the martial arts department is physical strength. Spiritual strength doesn\'t help us very much. Instead of spending energy and time to improve our spiritual strength, it\'s better to spend these time on the training of our own physique and the polishing practice of martial arts."