Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 445

"Uncle Xiao, how to deal with the corpse refining man?" Cheng Lin saw that the battle with the grinding beast was over, and his eyes fell on the black robed corpse refining man on Qin Ming\'s side. He can still remember what the black body refiners wanted to do to them.

Seeing Qin Ming looking over, Lei Xiao said calmly, "don\'t worry, little friend. Since this corpse refining man has been cursed by your soul, I won\'t pursue his previous affairs."

Qin Ming listened and nodded. After weighing the pros and cons, Lei Xiao could put it down.

"Well, let\'s get out of here first."

Several people know that this matter will not end so easily. After killing this grinding beast, it will inevitably involve some trouble, which may not be small.

Before leaving, Qin Ming took out the eight class inner alchemy of the beast.

Even now, his body refining skill has been nine turns perfect and can\'t be used, but the value of the eight class Jing Guai Neidan itself is quite expensive. Naturally, he won\'t let it go.

By the way, some of the flesh and blood extracts from the beast are collected. He has not formally tasted the eight class animal meat, nor can he miss it.

These things are not too rare for Lei Xiao who came out of Leiyin castle, so they don\'t mean to rob Qin Ming.

Several people left quickly.

After a long time, the monks in the distance dared to get closer slowly.

When they saw the corpse of the beast, the vibration in their hearts was uncontrollable.

The beast is really dead!

Many monks feel that they are dreaming, and some can\'t tell whether they are real or illusory.

The death of the beast had a great impact on them.

But after the shock, they soon realized that the huge corpses of the grinding beast were all treasures. Apart from anything else, the blood and flesh of the eight classes could not be obtained anywhere.

The scales on the surface of the grinding beast are also the first-class materials for making weapons and armor.

When someone came up with this idea, he rushed up impatiently.

Seeing that someone took the lead, the rest of the monks soon rushed up and competed for the resources of the beast.

In addition to the competition, the scene quickly became chaotic again.

After another half an hour or so, five streamers in the distance flew close and turned into the five figures sent by the old demon.

Three men and two women.

He looked down at the body of the beast below and the monks who were fighting for resources on the body of the beast.

"The beast is really dead," said one of them, who looked quite old, and his withered cheeks moved slightly.

His name is buzzing ghost. He is also a famous and powerful existence in Montenegro. He once killed three Shenhuo monks who offended Montenegro with his own strength. Since then, he has been called an evil ghost.

At the same time, he is also the number one confidant of the old demon array in Montenegro. He is a bit similar to the identity of a housekeeper and manages all the big and small affairs in Montenegro.

In this black mountain boundary, his status is quite high.

"We\'re late, and the man who killed the beast has disappeared." a tall man with a cold face said slowly. His voice was cold, like eternal solid ice, without any emotion.

His name is Youlan. He is the most famous executioner in Montenegro. He killed all the enemies for the old demon and never let anyone go.

It is said that he gave all his seven emotions and six desires to ghosts and gods in exchange for powerful and unparalleled evil power.

Of course, this is just a rumor, but there are many similar rumors in Montenegro.

"A few little mice that don\'t know where they come out are really noisy." one of the two women, a demon woman, slightly covered her mouth and smiled, showing her beautiful face.

Like a seductive fox, those eyes are full of extreme temptation, which can make any man indulge in it.

There are wisps of pink floating all over the body, which makes the air filled with a faint aroma.

Her name is ghost. For male friars, although she has a beautiful face, she makes countless friars feel frightened and dare not approach at all.

There is no other reason. The ghost eats people\'s hearts. Although she looks young and beautiful, she has actually lived for hundreds of years, relying on swallowing people\'s hearts to maintain her beauty.

Especially the heart of male monks is her main hunting target.

It is also true that male monks are afraid of being stared at by her.

In addition to the three of them, another man and a woman, although less famous than the three, are also very strong and incomparable. They are all ranked No. 1 players in Montenegro.

"No matter what, the beast was once an adult\'s mount. It shouldn\'t be like this," said the poison brake. She was one of the two women. She was named like a man and was good at using poison.

Raising your hand can attract a large plague and turn a region into a death place. It has strange and vicious ability.

"Oh, I can\'t imagine that my sister also has an unbearable heart. It\'s really rare." the ghost smiled, bent his eyes and said.

"Hum, I just don\'t allow adults to suffer a stain." the poison brake looked at her and said slowly.

"Well, the poison brake is right." the buzzing ghost also said, and then stepped out in one step, and his body fell for kilometers in an instant.

In the land of yellow sand, a friar, who was still fighting fiercely, put the abdominal bone of a big grinding beast into his bag.

But when he inadvertently looked up, his face changed from initial joy to dull, and finally evolved into deep fear.

"Evil, evil, here comes the evil ghost!!"

He let out a howl as if he had really seen a ghost.

His cry also made all the monks freeze there. Looking at the buzzing ghost coming down, his heart was cold again and again.

Death is walking slowly towards them.

No matter who moved first, almost in a moment, all the monks put down everything in their hands and ran away desperately.

"Why should I leave when I see you?" the buzzing ghost opened his mouth and said slowly.

His voice was like an invisible magic, which fixed all the monks in the audience in place and couldn\'t move.

My heart jumped wildly. All the friars regretted that they had been lost by the body of the beast before.

It\'s the beast of Montenegro. Its death is very likely to attract other Montenegro strongmen.

At the moment, even if they regret their green intestines, they can\'t change the fact.

Sometimes this is the case. Greed will deceive people\'s mind.

A moment later, the five people turned into streamers and disappeared again in the land of yellow sand. There was the huge body of the grinding beast.

In the yellow sand, only a large number of broken bodies were left, dripping with blood, just like a scene of hell.

None of the friars who touched the body of the beast survived. They all died here, and the way of death was quite miserable.

Many monks have dug out their hearts, and many of their body surfaces are intact, but their internal organs have already become a mass of paste.

What\'s more, it turned into blood, and there was no good meat left.

The five people continued to chase Qin Ming and others as if nothing had happened.