Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 446

"It\'s still the sweet taste of the monk in Shenhuo realm." the demon licked a trace of blood left at the corner of his mouth while flying, and smiled softly. It\'s hard to imagine such terrible words under such a beautiful and weak face.

"I have to remind you that the goal this time is for adults. You can\'t mess around." the buzzing ghost glanced at her and said.

He was really worried that this woman would swallow the hearts of Qin Ming without authorization. At that time, it would be difficult for the five of them to work.

"Hehe, old ghost, do I look like a woman who doesn\'t know how to be measured?" the evil ghost said softly, not angry at the words of the buzzing ghost.

"That\'s good." the buzzard looked back.

A day later.

Bloodthirsty Huanshan is close at hand, and the faces of several people are slightly relaxed.

They were relieved that they didn\'t encounter imaginary troubles and obstacles along the way.

Of course, this is also related to their non-stop high-speed movement all the way. They fly day and night without stopping.

"I think there should be no problem." Cheng Lin looked back and said.

"Don\'t be careless. This is the netherworld after all." Lei Xiao said. He still released his perception to the greatest extent to perceive the possible danger.

Cheng Lin Yu Guang glances at Lanyu. She has recovered some complexion after she broke her arm. However, her strength does have an impact. Lei Xiao has given some help to keep up with everyone\'s speed.

He thought to himself that he could not become a sapphire.

Qin Ming\'s black robed corpse refining man suddenly twinkled in his eyes and said, "master, I feel a spirit of yin and evil. It\'s unusual."

"Hmm?" Qin Ming concentrated, but he didn\'t feel anything abnormal.

However, the black robed body refining man is a local monk in the nether world, and he has a keen perception of the Yin and evil Qi here. What he said should not be an illusion.

He thought like this, looking around and observing the wind and grass around him.

Xiao Sheng then flew close to Qin Ming, looked at him, and then asked, "what did you find?"

He had been paying attention to Qin Ming\'s every move before, and now he was the first time to notice that Qin Ming had some abnormal actions.

Qin Ming was about to say something when his heart jumped.

The black robed corpse refining man on one side also changed his face. He didn\'t have time to make a sound. He should pinch his hands first.

The Shenhuo corpse guarding nearby immediately moved and punched Xiao Sheng and Qin Ming in the rear.


With the vibration, several black evil spirits hovered and suddenly appeared, just where the Shenhuo corpse hit.

These evil spirits intertwined with each other like water snakes, and soon formed a human shadow.

The figure flickers, sometimes illusory and sometimes solid. It looks like a virtual projection, which is unpredictable.

But Qin Ming can feel the real existence after the figure appears.

This is a monk who looks very strange.

And more importantly, the friar just knew what magic method he used to sneak around them and planned to attack them.

Fortunately, he was discovered in advance by the black robed body refiner, which didn\'t let him succeed.

"Fire refining corpse man?" the figure could not see his face clearly, just like the distortion of the image, but the voice was quite ordinary.

He didn\'t seem to expect that there was a powerful corpse refiner in the nether world in this team.

He was surrounded by evil spirits and was seen through the sneak attack. He was not surprised. The black robed corpse refiner who kept company with evil spirits all year round did have this perception ability.

"No wonder the beast was defeated, and there was a divine fire body refining man as a servant." the ghost said hoarsely.

The sword grass was also startled by the sudden ghost, and wow ah ah raised his hand and cut it out with a sword.

However, the sword light passed through the ghost.

In the distance, Lei Xiao didn\'t hesitate. The figure made it clear that it was the enemy. He immediately released the thunder light all over the sky and smashed it down.

The ghost, who was not too afraid of the sword light, was somewhat afraid of the thunder light falling from the sky and chose to retreat.

"Interesting, it\'s the son of Leiyin castle in the middle ages." the ghost suddenly disappeared, and the voice seemed to come out of the void.

The black evil spirit around gathered from all directions and enveloped everyone.

Qin Ming only felt a chill all over him.

This kind of black evil spirit is extremely corrosive. If ordinary people stay in this black evil spirit for a long time, not only their temperament will become violent, but also their body will gradually demonize, and finally lose their reason, leaving only endless madness.

Cheng Lin and Lan Yu are weaker. Now they look a little nervous in the face of the invisible enemy.

Suddenly, Liu xianger suddenly shot, the thunder turned into a whip and threw it out fiercely.


One end of the whip suddenly burst out a huge electric light, beating the virtual shadow out again.

"Nine grain golden elixir! Good! Good!" the ghost hissed.

Just now, he wanted to attack Liu xianger alone there again, but as he saw, he failed again.

This made him a little angry. When would he become so passive.

The black evil spirit became restless again, and the ghost\'s body gradually faded. Different from before, he left a faint shadow this time, so that he would not disappear completely.

His whole body was covered with cold blue light, and his breath was not hidden at the moment. It was released and put great pressure on everyone.

In this state, Qin Ming feels most dangerous.

"I remember, he is a black mountain ghost!" the black robed body refining man suddenly said.

Black Mountain Ghost is as famous as evil ghost and evil ghost.

It is said that he is a veritable ghost from hell. He can freely enter and leave hell and the nether world. He is also the most strange existence in Montenegro.

"Ghost?" Qin Ming has never heard of this man, but judging from the reaction of the body refining man in black robe, this is also a cruel role.

However, it seems that this man was restrained by Lei Xiao\'s thunder method. He was a little tied up before and didn\'t show his due ruling power.

Just as Qin Ming thought like this, the ghost breath disappeared in a moment.

"So fast!" even Qin Ming couldn\'t catch the ghost\'s shadow at that moment.

The next moment, Cheng Lin\'s eyes gradually relaxed. Behind him, it was the ghost.

Cheng Lin\'s vitality has gradually disappeared.

In his chest, a black arm was inserted there, and a beating heart was bleeding in his palm.

"I wanted to catch you all alive, but now it seems unrealistic. I think adults will forgive us." the ghost said slowly, and the blue pupil seemed to reflect the other world.