Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 444

The roar of the beast continued to shake between heaven and earth, and the battle around it continued. The surrounding mountains and rivers were destroyed one after another. They were fragile in front of these monks and strong men.

The movement here also attracted the attention of friars in the nether world, but they didn\'t dare to get close to here.

There is always a large amount of thunder around the beast, which limits its movement.

Qin Ming cut out one sword after another. After using this brand-new broken sword, he no longer worried that the blade could not bear his sword intention.

"If you can recast the broken sword..." Qin Ming deeply felt the sharpness of the broken sword and hoped to recast the sword and give full play to all its power again.

The fight against the beast lasted for several hours.

It has to be said that the giant beast, as the spirit of the eighth class, has tenacious vitality.

If it had not been for the same fighting capacity of several people who besieged it, it would not have fallen into a dilemma.

After the towering weather flame was gradually suppressed and extinguished by Qin Ming and others, the black mountain beast gradually couldn\'t support it.

This symbol of Montenegro may really fall here.

Even the black robed corpse refiner who participated in the battle sighed in his heart at this time. He seemed to have never thought that he would personally create this feat.

It would be a great feat to kill this beast in Montenegro.


There was thunder purgatory of Lei Xiao in the front, and then there was the sky breaking sword potential of Qin mingjiancao.

At the moment, even if the beast wanted to escape, he couldn\'t do it. He was only unwilling to roar and the sound waves hit all directions, but he could only make Qin Ming\'s body recover after a slight pause.

It\'s impossible to let go of a few people\'s killing heart.

Qin Ming cut out the sword again, and the infinite sword light fell down and cut on the grinding beast.

With only one roar, you can vaguely hear a crisp sound from the body of the beast, like a broken bone.

A deep sword wound straddled the back of the beast.

A lot of blood poured out like a blowout, including a lot of meat foam and bone fragments.

This time, it can almost be said that it hit the beast hard.

The scales on his body were wasted by several people for several hours. He had lost his unbreakable defense ability. Only then was he hurt like this by Qin Ming\'s sword.

Seeing this, Lei Xiao\'s eyes lit up, so he wanted to take advantage of the situation to form the final encirclement and suppression.

I\'m afraid the battle will come to an end.

It has to be said that in order to kill this eighth order monster, they all did their best without reservation.

The consumption of Lei Xiao was huge. Lei Xiao took out one pressing box bottom treasure after another from his storage ring, and all of them were used on this grinding beast, which brought about the current situation.

However, just as he was about to launch the final offensive, the sky suddenly changed again.

The air in the field seems to be frozen.

The perennial cloud above my head suddenly seemed to be torn a huge hole, but there was no sunlight transmitted from it.

A rumbling sound seemed to come from outside.


There was a strong momentum in the voice, which directly subdued Qin Ming and others.

"What\'s the situation!" Qin Ming was stunned. He only heard the voice, but he didn\'t see him.

But he only felt that after hearing the sound, his heart jumped violently and a sense of unease surged up.

Lei Xiao also changed his face, and the prepared attack was taken back. He looked up solemnly to the huge hole in his head.

Only the beast in the field made a cry for help after hearing this sound.

"What should I do?" Xiao Sheng asked.

Behind this sound, I\'m afraid it was sent by a powerful existence to warn them.

But now the beast is at the end of a powerful crossbow. If you let it go, I\'m afraid it will lead to endless future trouble.

Lei Xiao\'s thoughts turned a hundred times, and he was uncertain for a time, mainly because he didn\'t know who the owner of the voice was and where he was at the moment.

But just then, Qin Ming had taken the lead.

He raised his broken sword and killed the beast when he moved.

He doesn\'t care who the other party is. Since they have offended, there\'s no need to be timid.

Most of the other party will not forgive them because they let go of the beast.

Lei Xiao saw this and made a decision immediately.

"Kill first!"

After that, they will be ready to return to the middle ancient continent. They won\'t stay in the underworld much. They can\'t manage so much now.

When the sword light fell, the grinding beast roared in pain, and there was another long and narrow sword mark on the back, all the way to the abdomen.

At this time, a large number of evil spirits suddenly gathered in all directions, gathered under the hole, and formed a face nearly 100 feet long.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to be so presumptuous in our black mountain territory, I will punish you severely!"

The rumbling voice reappeared from this face, mixed with unquestionable dignity and a little anger.

"Hum, although this method of transmitting sound is excellent, it can scare ordinary friars. I\'m afraid I\'m still thousands of miles away. What can I do?"

Lei Xiao\'s background is also quite extraordinary. He saw through the other party\'s means. At the moment, he finished printing, which attracted Tianlei to smash the face condensed by the Qi of yin and evil.

Montenegro, a dark place.

On a huge old tree in the middle, a sitting old man suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly burst into a powerful aura.

The birds flying in the sky were covered by this aura and directly turned into a blood mist.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

In the distance of Montenegro, several streamers came quickly and fell under the old tree where the old man was. They turned into several men and women, half kneeling on the ground and lowering their heads.

"The beast is afraid of more or less misfortunes this time. Go and bring the people who killed the beast." the old man said slowly.

In terms of breath, these men and women are quite good, at least at the level of Shenhuo state, belonging to the rare strong.

There were some fluctuations in the eyes of several people. It seemed that they didn\'t expect that the beast would fall into crisis in Montenegro\'s own territory.

The old man is actually the old black mountain demon in the mouth of those friars, the ruler of the black mountain territory, synonymous with death and fear.

The beast is one of his mounts. Now he is aware that he is about to be killed. Naturally, he is very angry.


"Yes!" several people responded without hesitation, and then turned into streamer again and disappeared in the sky.

These people are all capable generals under the old demon seat. They all have combat power no weaker than the beast. This time, the old demon sent them to catch Qin Ming and others, which is enough to see the old demon\'s determination to catch people.

On the other side, a piece of sand covered the ground.

The huge body of the beast was falling there, and the blood still gurgled out and flowed all over the ground.

Under the perception, it can be found that the grinding beast has no breath at all. Under the siege of Qin Ming and others, it has completely declared its death.

"Get out of here as soon as possible," Lei Xiao said to himself, still in mid air.