Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 443

"A group of miscellaneous fish, die for me and be swallowed by me!" the giant beast suddenly vomited and said in a voice.

The sound was so loud that it even overshadowed the sound of thunder.

Lei Xiao thought the beast was difficult to deal with, but why didn\'t the beast think these little things were difficult.

Both sides are angry, but they can\'t help each other in a short time.

The giant beast shook its tail, and a large amount of black gas was thrown out along its tail. It immediately shrouded Lei Xiao and others, eroding the power of thunder they released.

"This haze can devour natural elements. Be careful!" Lei Xiao shouted.

The three men immediately withdrew away, but the next moment, the big mouth of the beast didn\'t know when to come, and they would swallow Lei Xiao and the three men in one bite.

The sharp teeth were clearly visible, and the bright red flesh in the mouth was not as hard as the outer scale.

Lei Xiao\'s eyes were frozen. As the deacon of Leiyin castle, he would not be too wasteful. Making decisions in case of trouble is the most basic ability.

He took out a piece of purple Rune paper.


Put your hands together and press the talisman paper into your palm.

The next moment, a purple thunder gun appeared in the palm of his hand and quickly extended to more than two meters.

Without time to think more, Lei Xiao held the thunder gun in his hand, gathered his whole body strength, and knew that the fire in the sea was burning.

He flung out his long gun.


The long gun twisted the space and plunged into the mouth of the beast in an instant.

Compared with the big mouth of a giant beast, this thunder lance is like a very humble toothpick.

But it was such a small long gun that directly penetrated the big mouth of the giant beast from the inner hole, leaving a blood hole in its head.

Purple thunder runs through its flesh and blood and destroys it, making it roar again.

This time it really hurt.

I have to say that Lei Xiao, the deacon of Leiyin castle, still carries a lot of treasures.

Although these Rune paper thunder spears are only one-time Lingbao, they are surprisingly powerful and can even change the war situation at a critical moment.

Taking advantage of the moment when the beast was distracted, the three immediately retreated out of the range swallowed by the beast.

Then the three fought back again. There was no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the three. With the injuries on the giant beast, their offensive gradually played a role.

The giant beast fell into passivity, and the scales on his body could not bear the blows of the three people for many times. What was electrified by the power of thunder changed from black to scorched black, and even gradually disintegrated.

On the other hand, Qin Ming has also rejoined the battle. The sword power is displayed at close range and directly cuts the scales of the giant beast without reservation.

But at the same time, the ice sword in his hand finally couldn\'t bear the power of his sword and broke directly.

Although with his understanding of the way of ice, the firmness of the condensed ice sword is much higher than that at the beginning, there is still no way to compare with those magic weapons. It is inevitable to break.

Qin Ming wanted to chase and cut a few more swords, but now he can only retreat.

Feeling the limit of ice sword again, he became extremely eager to take advantage of the sword.

In fact, there was also a broken sword from the mysterious turtle of the heaven, earth and cloud sect in his storage bag.

Besides, the texture is absolutely tough, comparable to or even better than the best Lingbao.

This sword is like a star in the dim sky. It will no longer burst into dazzling light and charm after experiencing the catastrophe.

The giant beast\'s claws suddenly looked at him and chased him through the air.

In a hurry, Qin Ming took out the broken sword directly.

At present, only the broken sword can bear the sword meaning attached to it.


Qin Ming\'s eyes were black and his momentum was high. With his powerful strength and physique, he just stopped the giant beast.

Compared with the broken sword, the sharp claw is really small, but it just makes the sharp claw unable to be stored.

The sound of the sword was like a Kunpeng soaring up with great momentum.

"Cut the sky!"

Tianji jade tiger is still attached to it. Cut it off with a broken sword. Infinite sword light directly cuts back this sharp claw together with the giant beast.

The scales on the claws broke layer upon layer and shed blood again in the air.

He looked at the broken sword in his hand with some surprise.

At the beginning, he also used this broken sword. Although its power was not small at that time, later, when he fought with the ancient man family and other levels, the broken sword seemed not so strong, and the increase of sword Qi was not as good as ice sword.

In the final analysis, this is just a broken sword with a broken handle. It has already lost its sword Yun.

However, he suddenly found that after he came to this Reiki world, the remnant sword absorbed the external Reiki without his knowledge, as if it had recovered some of the past divine light.

There was no rust or crack on the light blade. On the hilt, the original fuzzy characters gradually appeared.

It is a word "dry".

No matter what you think, this broken sword is related to the heaven, earth and cloud sect.

The giant beast\'s huge pupils stared at the broken sword in Qin Ming\'s hand with some surprise. It seemed that they didn\'t find it so sharp.

On the other hand, Lei Xiao\'s offensive was not interrupted, and the injury on the giant beast was increasing.

In fact, those powerful monks in Shenhuo realm can fight against Class 8 monsters, and both sides will not be suppressed by the same level.

Of course, this refers to those really powerful fire friars.

The water in this area is too deep, and the range of strength is quite large. Ordinary holy fire monks can\'t compare with those really powerful holy fire monks.

Even the Deacon Lei Xiao from Leiyin Castle doesn\'t belong to the really powerful ranks.

It\'s really difficult for him to deal with these eight order monsters alone.

Fortunately, they were a group of people working together, especially Qin Ming, who completely showed his strength, which forced the giant beast to this point.

"My God, it\'s true or false. Someone really crushed this black mountain beast to the town."

"These people are so strong. I\'m afraid they all have the cultivation of Shenhuo realm, and even have passed it!"

"But I dare to shoot the monsters in Montenegro. Where did they come from?"

In the distance, the monk who was fleeing couldn\'t help but stop listening to the movement behind him.

They heard the meaning from the angry roar of the giant beast in the distance.

The beast seems to have been suppressed and injured.

In this black mountain territory, the name of this grinding beast is still quite loud. There is no doubt that it is of the same rank as the eighth class.

Coupled with its huge size, it is more like a symbol of Montenegro\'s power.

Where it often appears and can be seen from a distance will frighten all creatures.

The number of monks swallowed by it over the years is unknown and can only be described by thousands.

It is one of the great demons in Montenegro.

Now it is the first time that they have seen this grinding beast eat flat.

No wonder they take the risk to stop and confirm. It\'s really rare.