Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 442

Qin Ming felt that the breath of the giant beast had not weakened much. Obviously, their two swords were not enough to hurt the giant beast too badly.


Shenhuo corpse was not idle. Under the control of the black robed body refiner, he directly came to the belly of the beast, swung his iron fist and blasted it directly.

Qin Ming can feel that the whole body of the giant beast rises slightly with the fist of the divine fire corpse.

But that\'s all. There was still no visible injury to the beast.

Monster defense is too strong!

Qin Ming didn\'t stay where he was. Before the beast locked them, he immediately drilled into the black air and changed places around the beast.

One shot for another.

Although this giant beast has amazing defense, it can\'t compare with them in speed and dexterity due to its huge size.

Just as Qin Ming was ready to try to kill the beast again, a layer of black mucus appeared in the cracks between the scales around the beast.

When the external aura touched this layer of mucus, it seemed to be eroded and disappeared one after another.

I don\'t know whether it was absorbed by the black mucus or wiped out.

Qin Ming is highly alert.

The next moment, the monster\'s body is like an air warship, and those black mucus are like a missile, shooting at everyone in all directions.

In its view, it is not difficult to eliminate these foreign mice, and it is impossible to escape. It is only a matter of time.

Seeing this, Qin Ming immediately retreated and retreated again. At the same time, an ice wall was erected in front of him, which accompanied him to move freely forward and backward.

Sword grass waved and upgraded the ice wall with his Dhara black ice.

When the black mucus hit the ice wall released by him, it seemed as if it had encountered ultra-high temperature and began to melt rapidly.


The ice wall broke, and the black liquid was still shooting out.

Qin Ming only felt difficult for a while. Even if he used the ice sword to cut off the black liquid shot at him, the ice sword was also contaminated and soon melted away.

However, the ice sword forged by sword grass with Tuoluo xuanbing can hold on for a while without being eroded immediately.

The nine pattern golden elixir burst out golden light, and the aura mixed with golden light spilled over the body surface, forming a layer of defense.

At the same time, Qin Ming made the whole body crystal armour.

After hiding from several waves of black liquor, Qin Ming was finally sprinkled with some black liquor.

This indiscriminate barrage attack is unavoidable for ordinary monks.

Even Qin Ming is no exception.

Fortunately, in the possession state of Tianji jade tiger, his outer crystal armor defense has also been greatly improved, and the black liquid has nothing to do with this glittering crystal armor.

But the children of Leiyin castle could not bear it and retreated one after another.

The thunder layer set up by the woman named Lanyu was eroded by the black liquid and stained on her body.

Lanyu gave a shrill scream, full of fear.

On her arm, the place stained with black liquid was rapidly melting into blood.

Lanyu\'s face is pale. After all, this is the battle participated by the monk of Shenhuo realm. She has not gathered a elixir and can\'t intervene at all.

In fact, it\'s Lei Xiao\'s fault. I shouldn\'t have let this son catch up.

Although Lanyu is not as good as Xiao Sheng and Liu xianger, who have gathered the nine grain golden elixir, their cultivation talents are also quite good. They have been cultivated as treasures in the hands of external forces.

Now that he has lost his arm, his talent will be greatly reduced. Lei Xiao is going to carry this pot.

"Stay back, don\'t come near here!" Lei Xiao said to Lanyu and Cheng Lin.

They quickly withdrew.

Cheng Lin had better luck. Not many black liquor came to him, but seeing Lanyu\'s bleak appearance, he dared not show off again. Looking at Lanyu, he asked, "are you okay?"

Lanyu\'s forehead was sweating, and she tried to resist bursts of severe pain. She took the healing medicine of Leiyin castle from the storage bag and stopped her injury quickly.

Staring at his empty left arm, he was silent. It seemed that he couldn\'t accept the blow for a while.

Even if she can return to Leiyin Castle safely, she who has lost an arm can be predicted to fall from the first echelon soon. Unless she meets a big opportunity, it is difficult to rise again.

I have to say that the result of her trip is unsatisfactory.

On the other side, the beast slowly lowered his head and glanced at Qin Ming\'s position.

Black air rolled around it, as if expressing anger.

Suddenly he opened his mouth and gave Qin Ming a roar that rang all over the world.

Like a dragon singing and a tiger roaring.

In this sound wave, Qin Ming wanted to stabilize his body, but he was inadvertently blown out.

Sword grass and black robed corpse refiners are no exception.

Qin Ming only felt the whole person hovering in the air, and finally rushed out of the range shrouded in black gas.

Without waiting for him to stop his retreat, after the sound wave, a huge flood of aura appeared, rolling towards Qin Ming.


A high mountain one kilometer away was hit by this aura torrent and fell down directly, breaking the rocks.

Moreover, some creatures and friars on the ground who were still fleeing were not spared. They were affected by the torrent spewed by the giant beast, and were directly crushed to pieces and even turned into a pool of blood.

"It really hurts. Is this the quintessence of the eighth class?" Qin Ming only felt pain all over. This time, he felt such pain for the first time after nine turn skill.

At the moment, although he was not directly annihilated after being impacted by this energy torrent, the crystal armor built on his body surface has peeled off like fragments.

No matter how strong the defense is, it can\'t resist the nuclear bomb dropped by the other party.

You should know that cangjue, the Nine Tailed divine fox at the beginning, was only at the upper level of the seventh level. Now the eight class monster we met is still above it.

Of course, this is only for the level. Cang Jue\'s real strength has not been witnessed by himself. He just thinks that since he is a Nine Tailed divine Fox family, his combat power is much stronger than most of the same level monsters.

Although Qin Ming condensed the nine grain golden elixir, his cultivation was almost meaningful after all. This giant beast monster can be said to be the most powerful monster he has ever fought against.

High up in the air, thunder emerged out of thin air, fell again, blasted on the back of the giant beast, and the lightning ran around the whole body of the giant beast.

Lei Xiao, Xiao Sheng and others now make another move.

Seeing Qin Ming working so hard, they can\'t stand by and ignore it.

After all, at present, they are in the relationship of advancing and retreating together. Only by working together can they have a chance of winning, and even win easily.

"The scales of this giant beast are too hard to be pierced by the power of thunder."

Lei Xiao was depressed. The destructive power of thunder was one of the best among many natural elements. It was the first time he had seen such a strong shell of this giant beast.