Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 412

"Master, this guy doesn\'t look very delicious either." the baby looked up and down at the monk, then concluded and said with a flat mouth.

"Find some delicious food for me next time. Now kill him for me." Qin Ming said slowly.

"OK." although the baby\'s interest was not high, he still responded.

After all, Qin Ming has promised him to find delicious ingredients for him.

The monk turned and was ready to escape. He was seriously injured and his arm was cut off. At this time, even a monk in Shenhuo realm like him could not fight with Jiancao Qin Ming.

"Cut the sky!"

The green ice sword was condensed from the sword grass. After the sword power enveloped the monk, he cut it off with a sword.

The monk was shocked to realize that the sword cut by the little baby behind him was not inferior to Meng Ming\'s attack.

Even if he resented and longed for revenge, he followed the footsteps of several brothers and was killed by Jiancao without much effort.

The ice sword in the baby\'s hand scattered, waved the dust that didn\'t exist on her hand, and jumped on Qin Ming\'s shoulder step by step.

"Master, I\'m awesome." the sword grass looks very flattering.

Qin Ming smiled and patted Jiancao\'s head to show encouragement.

The character of this sword grass is sometimes mature and sometimes just like a lively child. It seems very close to him.

His eyes fell on the monk\'s body. Anyway, the other party was also a powerful monk in the divine fire realm. Even if he was dead, the aura fluctuation emitted by him was still very strong.

Some sensitive spirits dare not approach the jungle at all.

It seemed that Qin Ming took two steps immediately.

After searching, he soon found a small black bag in the body, about the size of a palm.

His eyes lit up when he saw the small bag.

"Storage bag?" Qin Ming said to himself and couldn\'t help opening the bag.

As a result, a small dark space appeared in front of him.

It is very similar to the storage bag he got from the xuangui stone hall. The space in the black bag seems to be smaller, only about 50 or 60 square meters, about five meters high.

In addition, what surprised Qin Ming most was the things contained in the storage bag.

This is also a major reason why he chose to pursue and rob the wealth of the monk in the divine fire realm!

In ordinary times, even if he has sword grass, he may not have this opportunity. Now this is a rare situation.

In the storage bag, after removing some sundries, the first thing to see was the blood and flesh of a large number of corpses, which was dripping with blood.

Rao is Qin Ming, who is used to life and death, can\'t help frowning.

It can only be said that evil monks are worthy of evil monks. Qin Ming felt uncomfortable when he thought that these broken hands and feet might be their rations.

The mental force moved away, and then there were some bottles and cans.

Qin Ming takes out a small medicine bottle and opens it.

The medicine bottle was filled with a full bottle of Friar\'s blood essence with a very pungent smell of blood and a scarlet and thick liquid.

However, these are useless for Qin Ming. These blood essence can only have miraculous effects when cultivating those magic arts. Generally, swallowing it is not as effective as some strange blood of the fourth and fifth classes.

After counting, there are nearly 200 bottles in this storage bag. It\'s hard to imagine how many monks collected their blood essence.

Shaking his head, Qin Ming puts these blood bottles back, and then he will dispose of them.

In addition, in a corner of the space, there are many bright objects, which are meta crystals.

This was exactly what he needed. He directly poured out all the storage bags.

There are 178 lower grade yuan crystals and 287 middle grade yuan crystals.

In addition, there are three top-grade yuan crystals, which is undoubtedly a windfall for Qin Ming, who is already poor.

In particular, the three top-grade yuan crystals, converted into middle-grade yuan crystals, are about 300.

He had seen the price of the top-grade Lingfa in Lingbao Pavilion before, just a hundred middle-grade yuan crystals.

The monk is worthy of being a monk in the divine fire realm. The Yuan Jing savings in the storage bag are enough to buy several top spiritual methods.

In addition, there are several high-quality Lingbao, all of which are of great value.

Generally speaking, after killing the monk in the divine fire realm, Qin Ming directly completed his purpose of making money out of the city, and even exceeded it.

"Well," Qin Ming looked at a roll of bamboo slips taken out of his hand.

There was a seal on it, and his spiritual power could not penetrate it.

A few words are printed on the surface of the bamboo slips.

"Blood devil secret."

"Is this the set of sorcery they practiced?"

Qin Ming thought so, but because of the seal, he couldn\'t explore the contents for a moment.

However, he was not interested in the skill of eating human flesh and blood.

Although he is not a pilgrim, he also has his own basic principles and will not be easily broken.

After some observation, he took the bamboo slips back.

After disposing of the unwanted things in the storage bag, Qin Ming quickly left here without staying too much.

After about half an hour, a streamer fell from the sky and came to the jungle.

This person is the same as that Yuan long.

Afterwards, he also had doubts, so he went down the west mountain and searched everywhere.

He had a hand with the evil monk and could feel the breath of the other side that once existed here.

Turning his eyes, he soon found the buried body.

"Hmm? Was it the disciple of Qiankun cloud sect who took the lead in finding him?" Yuan Chang said secretly looking at the residual sword marks on it.

In his first reaction, Meng Ming appeared in his mind. He thought that the sword wound on the evil monk was left by him.

Mental strength swept, found that the other party\'s storage bag had disappeared, and shook his head and left.

"Where did the boy who left without saying goodbye go?"

At the moment, Qin Ming in his mouth is in trouble.

As soon as he left the jungle, he was blocked by Meng Ming.

Meng Ming\'s eyes drifted away from Qin Ming, and his eyes reflected the color of exploration.

"Elder martial brother, there are those evil monks on his body. Should we catch him together? Maybe there are other surviving evil monks." an inner disciple said in a bad tone, as if he was ready to start at any time.

Although they have just experienced a great war, it is not a big deal if they only deal with Qin Ming, who is only a reincarnation cultivation.

After all, they are all monks above judan territory.

"Eh, this is not the boy who drinks tea with us." another inner disciple thought Qin Ming looked familiar, and suddenly thought of it and said in surprise.