Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 413

"That\'s true." another inner disciple thought of Qin Ming, who had met once.

Meng Ming, the leader, stepped forward with a solemn look.

Qin Ming only felt that his whole body was swept by a powerful spiritual force.

"It\'s not the evil monk, it\'s just the smell of the evil monk." Meng Ming said, and then asked Qin Ming.

"Let me ask you, have you ever been in contact with those monks?"

Qin Ming thought about paying, then nodded, "there was a seriously injured monk passing by here, but he soon disappeared."

Then he pointed to the jungle behind him.

An inner disciple should fly to the jungle pointed by Qin Ming by the wind.

Meng Ming and his wife continued to stay with Qin Ming. Although they didn\'t say it clearly, they didn\'t intend to let Qin Ming leave.

In a moment, the former inner disciple flew back and said, "this boy didn\'t deceive us. I did feel the faint smell of the evil monk there, and even found a little blood."

"Go!" Meng Ming flew away first, and the two inner disciples followed him and headed for the jungle.

They may really be able to find the evil monk, but it\'s just a dead body.

Seeing that they had gone, Qin Ming did not stay, so he was ready to leave the land of right and wrong quickly.

However, at this time, a little distortion suddenly appeared in the void, just like a mirror was broken.

The next moment, a dark shadow stepped out of it and appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The shadow was dressed in blue and black. Surprisingly, his face seemed to be shrouded in a layer of clouds. Qin ming could not see his true face.

"It\'s so mysterious. You have to give yourself a code when you come out." Qin Ming looked up and down, alert.

The man suddenly appeared in front of him, obviously with an intention to him.

Name: Zero Stone

Race: Terran

Age: 48

Accomplishments: divine fire realm

Message: you have extraordinary Qi and blood, and your physique is like that of an ancestral witch. You have a set of blue falling and determined to roll up in your cultivation.

"Another monk in the divine fire realm, biluojue?"

Qin Ming\'s first reaction after exploring the person\'s attribute panel felt what was going on now.

Did the friars in the divine fire realm walk all over the ground? It is said that there are very few friars who have achieved good cultivation. How can he meet as many as five during his trip to the west mountain.

This had to give him a feeling that he was as angry as a dog.

Then he quickly focused on the final information introduction.

The man\'s practice of bilaojue reminds him of the mysterious bilaodian.

Is this person and this skill related to the Biluo hall?

In the distance, Meng Ming, who had just left for a long time, suddenly stopped and his eyes burst out.

"What\'s the matter, senior brother?" an inner disciple asked.

"Go back!" Meng Mingdi drank. As soon as he turned his body, he turned into a rainbow and flew towards the coming road, as if he felt something.

The two inner disciples were stunned. They looked at each other and followed up first.

They believe that Meng Ming will not do things for no reason.

On the other hand, Qin Ming is ready to take out the release spirit flag at any time. The other party is a monk in Shenhuo realm. In his hand, only xiaojiancao can compete with it.

"Cultivation, you have to improve as soon as possible." Qin Ming feels deeply that his cultivation is insufficient. Even if he has a very rare sword heart, his Kendo is just starting, and it\'s not time to really become powerful.

The code player was full of cold breath all over.

Although he couldn\'t see each other\'s face clearly, Qin ming could still feel that the other party was staring at him, and a piercing look was drifting away from him.

"Hand over the secret of the blood devil!" the man took the lead in opening his mouth. His voice was a little hoarse. He was a middle-aged male voice.

"What\'s the secret of blood devil?" Qin Ming didn\'t expect that the other party could know the name of the bamboo slip magic in his storage bag. Of course, he first defended and didn\'t admit it, although he felt it was of little use.

Sure enough, the man saw that Qin Ming didn\'t intend to admit it. His momentum soared instantly, and his killing intention almost spilled over the sky.

"Can\'t the people in Biluo hall sit down and talk well?"


Qin Ming\'s very sudden sentence made the other party\'s breath fluctuate, but then the momentum became stronger again.

"Well, since you know where I come from, you must also know our style. Today you have to hand over not only the blood demon secret method, but also your blood essence!"

After that, the man stopped talking to Qin Ming and turned into a wisp of smoke.

Qin Ming\'s pupil shrinks suddenly, "the heart of the sword is soul-stirring!"

The sea of knowledge is crazy, spewing mental power, covering the whole body and the ice sword in your hand.

The next moment, the man suddenly appeared in front of Qin Ming and stretched out his right hand into a claw.

All five fingers were stained with the leaping black fire, so they grabbed Qin Ming.

Just when he thought it was easy to capture a monk, Qin Ming suddenly became illusory, as if he were integrated with space.

"Hmm?" the code man said softly. Few things could surprise him, but there was something in front of him.

His hand directly passed through Qin Ming\'s body without resistance. The black fire leaping at his fingertips was still burning, but it had no effect on Qin Ming.

Qin Ming is like a 3D image, which is a false existence.

But the next moment, he won\'t think so.

Qin Ming cut it out with a knife, but the illusory ice sword gave him the greatest sense of threat.

Back away immediately.

"What a pity!" the ice sword wiped each other\'s body and fell down, and didn\'t hit the blow.

The disparity in accomplishments also led to this obviously unexpected opportunity, but Qin ming could not grasp the opportunity to kill the enemy.

Just as Qin Ming was ready to release the sword grass in this gap, another strong breath rushed here in the distance.

Qin Ming feels familiar. Under the perception of spiritual power, it\'s not just uncle Yuan Chang who plays snake separately.

The uncle jumped up from the snake and came to Qin Ming. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the code man.

"People of Biluo hall, they found that their dog leg was killed. Come and have a look?" Yuan Chang said impolitely, with a full sense of ridicule. It was obvious that he had a deep prejudice against the Biluo hall.

The code man didn\'t say a word and ignored Yuan Chang\'s provocation, but the black fire at the fingertips of his hands jumped more.

It seems that he is evaluating the combat effectiveness of the yuan long.

"Uncle, do you need my help?" Qin Ming asked quietly.

If Yuan Chang said he needed it, he would directly call out the sword grass, regardless of whether it was a sneak attack or not. Safety is the most important. After all, Yuan Chang came to rescue him, and he can\'t let Yuan Chang have anything to do.

"No, I\'m not the only one who doesn\'t deal with Biluo hall." Yuan Chang smiled and said.

Qin Ming was stunned, but then he understood what Yuan Chang meant.

He sensed three breath in the distance and was approaching here at top speed.