Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 411

On the other side, the monk who narrowly escaped the disaster reconstituted his human form and looked a little ugly.

Although Meng Ming is only a disciple of a sect, his strength is far stronger than he expected.

I wanted to swallow someone before, but now it seems that the other party is not under his control, which is a little uncomfortable.

And the other party has a purpose to attack them.

This also shows that they have officially entered the sight of Qiankun yunzong and become enemies.

This is definitely not a good thing for them.

"Damn it, the other side has strong strength. Let\'s leave here first and come back after swallowing a few talented young people." he said to several contacts in the sea of consciousness.

The other four monks immediately received it in their minds at the same time.

Almost at the same time, the five turned into a black smoke and wanted to withdraw.

"Where do you want to go!" Yuan Chang saw each other\'s intention and waved his hands. A huge Pale Fire Dragon appeared and roared to swallow the black smoke.

In the endless fire, a sad cry came out. The black smoke seemed to evaporate and disappear in a few seconds in the belly of the fire dragon.

"Dead?" Qin Ming frowned slightly. Although the power of the fire dragon released by Yuan Chang was really amazing, he always felt that it was too simple for a monk in the divine fire realm to be burned.

After circling in midair, the fire dragon drilled back into yuan\'s long sleeve. If you look closely, you will find that the fire dragon was transformed by a white jade bracelet.

Yuan Chang touched the bracelet and frowned. He also had similar doubts, so he released his huge spiritual power.

However, they really can\'t feel each other\'s breath, just like they were really killed.

On the other hand, Meng Ming\'s battle is coming to an end.

The other party wanted to escape, but he found himself completely trapped in Meng Ming\'s sword array and couldn\'t escape, even if he turned into black smoke.

Meng Ming\'s sword is powerful. Although he didn\'t have the chance to get the heart of the sword, he has been vigorously cultivated by the sect all the year round. He has to go far in the way of sword than Qin Ming.

With one sword, the situation changes suddenly.

With the addition of the sword array, Meng Ming\'s sword is powerful enough to amaze Qin Ming, as if to tear the day apart.

The monk in the divine fire realm was finally defeated by Meng Ming\'s startling sword, and was quickly and neatly killed on the spot.

The corpse is in a strange place, and the breath is cut off. Unlike the monk before, there is no doubt that he can\'t die anymore.

Looking at the whole process, Qin Ming finally learned what Yuan Chang told him that the strength gap between monks in the same realm is really great.

Meng Ming can cut the monk in the same realm with one sword, which is enough to illustrate the problem.

It\'s not that the monk is too weak, but the core disciple of Qiankun cloud sect is too strong.

After the death of the monks in Shenhuo territory, the remaining three monks in judan territory had no way to live and were surrounded and killed.

These monks are extremely evil. I\'m afraid they have swallowed the flesh and blood of countless monks alive. If they die, they can act on behalf of heaven.

Meng Ming took his sword and the surrounding sword array dispersed.

Standing in the air, he looked majestic after the war, but he was quite brilliant.

Qin Ming looked at the four bodies falling to the ground. Only the monk in Shenhuo didn\'t leave a hair.

He always felt strange. Seeing that Yuanchang and others were circling around the bodies, he went down the mountain alone.

"Master, I found it."

Half a quarter of an hour later, the closed eyes of the sword grass suddenly opened and the fingers pointed to the north.

"Go!" Qin Ming said at once.

A big man and a small man suddenly turned into a Changhong and rushed in that direction.

He suspected that the monk was not dead before, so he planned to look for it. Unexpectedly, he really got something.

With the keen perception of sword grass, they found the trace of the monk.

"Master, although his breath is weak, it is still faster than we are now." the sword grass floats in the air and says.

Qin Ming nodded and his hands were full of tricks.

"The wind is blowing!"

A large number of wind elements appeared around the two people, floating like crystal ribbons.

At the same time, their bodies became extremely light and their speed soared, shuttling through the terrain.

Only a few remnants of them were left along the way.

The way of sword is his main way to strengthen at present. However, the wind element ability he obtained before is not completely abandoned. He will spend some time to study and understand every day. Of course, his energy is limited, so the excavation speed of wind element ability will be much slower than that of the way of sword.

This is also the reason why his wind element can only play an auxiliary effect in actual combat so far.

This disease is also a kind of application that he has studied very hard recently. It plays a great role in chasing and driving.

It can greatly increase Qin Ming\'s galloping speed, and with his continuous galloping, his speed will gradually improve more, and he feels faster and faster.

Soon, Qin Ming broke through his fastest speed per hour and continued to improve.

On the ground, in a dense jungle, a mass of black smoke suddenly fell from the sky and plunged directly into the jungle.

Black smoke constantly changed its shape. Finally, it seemed that it was not easy to turn back to human shape. It was the monk who fled.

At the moment, he looked quite embarrassed and covered with blood.

Obviously, even if he escaped under the fire dragon of Yuan Chang, it is inevitable to be injured.

Sword grass sensed that the breath of the other party was exhausted. It was really caused by injury.

His face was gloomy. As soon as he opened his mouth, he coughed up a lot of blood.

In the broken sleeve, the skin of the arm was almost black, and there was hardly a piece of good meat burned.

The injury is not serious.

"Damn it, sooner or later, I\'ll eat that guy alive!"

"And Qiankun yunzong! Hum!"

His soliloquy was imbued with a lingering resentment.

Suddenly, he suddenly turned his head and looked back.

The two piercing coldness turned into matchless sword light and stabbed him directly.

At the first sight of the sword light, his face changed greatly. He thought that Meng Ming was coming.

However, the sword light is different from Meng Ming, mixed with endless cold.


Hundreds of trees were cut off by the sword light and fell down.

Countless flowers and plants have been chopped into slag and scattered on the ground.

A bloody arm flew up and fell to the ground.

The monk in Shenhuo state covered his broken arm, looked at the visitor, gritted his teeth and endured the pain at the fracture.

The whole body was full of aura, trying to stop the cold from spreading from the wound and prevent it from invading all over the body.