Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"It's a great rain..."

Song Jinyu sat in the pavilion, quietly listening to the sound of the rain falling on the lotus leaves.

"Good what? I can't go out now! " Today, he wanted to take song Jinyu to the lake for fishing.

but now the rain has damaged Ya Xing. Song Jinyu said with a smile, "you have to wait."

After the rain stops, he pulls the bell and looks for MINGYE carefully all the way. Finally, he sees a huge dead locust tree.


In the direction of her hand, Zhongli MINGYE sees a lot of dense "things" growing on the trunk of the tree. "That's Auricularia!"

Song Jinyu ridiculed him. "He said that he had learned a lot and didn't even know Auricularia." Unable to bear it, she gently pinched her ear and approached: "do you know the crime of ridiculing the prince?"

"Do you know?"

Smart eyes with a smile, looking at him.


"Well, well, you are the best! Go and pick, I'll make you delicious food Zhong Li flies up to MINGYE. Soon, he picks a lot of them.

He practiced lightness skill for decades, and now he uses it to pick fungus for song Jinyu.

"Can you cook?"

Zhongli MINGYE sees that she cleans the fungus, cuts it, and prepares peanuts.

The people in the kitchen were pushed aside by her.

"Later, you will know that fungus is a good thing."

Fry the peanuts with oil and let them cool. When the vinegar is ready, mix the fungus and peanuts together.

I found the blue and white porcelain plate.

Give it to Zhong Li MINGYE. His bright eyes are like this plate of agaric. "Try it!"

Two people in the room on a stack of "cold mixed fungus", drink a jar of peach blossom wine. When he is slightly drunk, Zhong Li Ming Ye suddenly says, "now, are you happy?"

Song Jinyu was drunk and said with a smile, "happy!" These two days are really happy. They are the most relaxed time since the death of master and Yanfei.

Holding a small head, he looks at Zhong Li MINGYE seriously. No matter how complicated the world is, the man around her will always make her the simplest and most precious happiness.

"Tomorrow, I'll take you to hunt hares?"


Zhongli MINGYE looks at her, sleepy, and takes her away. Before I went to bed, I still thought about beating the hare. I couldn't help laughing.

This is what song Jinyu should be happy with.

"Now that the crown prince is banned, why don't you take advantage of the victory and pursue it?" Ji Qinglin's words are very tempting. But after years of immersion in chaotang, Zhongli Shuoyi will not be too stupid.

"To this day, the father and the emperor have not yet decided to abolish the crown prince. If I act rashly, I will make him suspicious. " Besides, when he recalled last year, he was almost in a dead end. He was not as reckless as he used to be.

He heard the voice of Chaozhong. Unfortunately, the emperor still had some illusions about the prince. So it's just confinement, and there's no intention for the next step.

Rong Shuanger can't help being angry when she sees mingruyi. Every time I meet you, you always have to laugh at yourself.

"what if I can't get married? What do you have to do with Wang Ye? "

Ming Ruyi shook her fan, "tut You are so fierce, who dares to marry you? "

Rong Shuanger came back from the countryside and met with Ming Ruyi. "Lord, you are really free. Earlier, frost son offended me, so I'll give you a bad time." She thought about it and thought about it. What she offended the king of Zhongzhou was just under his banner.

Nowadays, the situation is better than people, so it's better to take a soft one first.

The woman's cunning eyes make Ming Ruyi look straight. He thinks of song Jinyu, who is so cunning as a fox.

Now he and his wife are in the summer in Chuang Tzu, and they want to come to love my concubine. Suddenly feel some taste, and then look at Xiang rongshuang'er, there is some complexion.

When they were in a standoff, suddenly a horse ran over. Rong Shuanger couldn't avoid it. Her horse raised the sky and hissed and threw her directly.

Holding the reins, rongshuang'er was dragged forward by the frightened horse.

If mingruyi sees something bad, she immediately uses her lightness skill.

Fly to the runaway horse, a hand to grab Rong Shuanger. Shocked, she held on to mingruyi's clothes tightly and trembled slightly,

"I thought you were really afraid of heaven and earth?" The teasing in the words gradually reassures song Shuanger.

Fall into that pair of frightened eyes, under the heart some unbearable, "don't be afraid! Hurry up, I will take you off the horse Finish this sentence, holding Rong shuang'er, he jumped down from the horse.

"More Thank you for your help

"I saved you more than once..." She teases Rong Shuanger thoughtfully. When mingruyi sees that her dress is torn,

she has to chuckle to her ear, "Miss Rong Da, your skirt is broken! Ha... "

Originally, because Ming Ruyi saved herself, she was grateful. As soon as this word came out, Rong Shuanger's face turned red and white, and she couldn't speak for a long time.Only the man was heard shaking the folding fan. "Send the young lady back to the house!" she said

"Lord, you..."

"My king, walk to work!"

The Phoenix eyes with a smile, the spring breeze swept away. Only Rong shuang'er is in a daze in the wind, inexplicably some heat on her face.


Cheng song is sent to Qingyuan army by Zhong Li MINGYE. He Yi receives his gift on his birthday. It was actually a short sword polished by myself.

She was in the palace, looking at the sword. Although the work is poor, but see the sincere heart. The man had never been able to speak, but he was not mean to her.

Song Jinyu said: "he is willing to give up the world for you. Starting from a small soldier, it's enough to see his heart. "


Before the maiden came in, she put away the dagger in a hurry and kept it by her pillow.

"What's the matter?"

"The third young lady in lingxiangfu committed suicide!"

"What..." Princess Heyi is a little inconceivable, "but for what?"

The maid of the Palace said: "it is said outside that miss Lingsan's heart is tied to Prince Yu. But he Yu is jealous and refuses to let Miss Lingsan enter the door."

He Yi was so angry that he was so angry that his thick skin was hard to be seen


The maid whispered: "fortunately, it was found in time and saved."

"I know that good people don't live long, but they live for thousands of years!" He Yi went to find Jia Guifei.

Her fourth brother and sister-in-law are in the suburbs for summer vacation. They are affectionate.

I don't have to be in such a bad mood. It happened that Shu Guifei was also there. Listening to Heyi's mention of this matter, she gave a faint smile, "don't worry Ye'er is not a fool... "

Jia Guifei looked at her with a glance, "Miss Ling San, she is really a Xiao to her mother."

"The royal family doesn't care about the rumors in the past, but only for Ling Xiang's face. Now I'll make her happy. "

"I'm afraid We should plan ahead of time for this matter! "

Not long after that, Jia Guifei, who temporarily replaced the queen to manage the six palaces, mentioned the matter separately at the palace party and reprimanded Mrs. Ling Xiang,

admonished Ling Xiangfu to take care of her daughter. If she dared to arrange Prince Yu and his wife again, she would go to qingdeng to accompany the ancient Buddha.

She was scolded by her daughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!