Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"Ye'er, why are you doing this?"

Zhong Li Ming Ye smiles, "my father My son should have shared your worries, but... "

"All brothers are in front of this important event in the court. Please allow your children to be lazy for a while." The emperor's dragon body was restored, and now the crown prince is locked up. He was in a state of anxiety when the fourth Prince left the affairs of the imperial court.

The emperor can't see Zhong Li Ming Ye's idea for a moment. His sons are eager to hold on to his power, but Zhong Li gives up at this time.

There were ministers in the court who supported him, but he could not see Prince Yu's intention of competing for the crown prince.

Suddenly, he laughed, "I'm sure."

When song Jinyu heard that he had been away for half a month, he looked strange, "half a month? So long! " What do you want to do?

When she got into the carriage, she didn't respond.

"This Zhuangzi has been in charge for several years, and I haven't had time to go there once..." With a smile in her eyes,

Song Jinyu lifted the car curtain and looked out curiously. The mood is slightly elated. For the first time since the marriage, I feel so relaxed.

The hot wind outside the window blew in, and his clear hand pulled the curtain for her, "it's too hot. It's cooler on Chuang Tzu."

"If only he could come! She's in the palace day by day. I'm afraid it's even more boring. " Song Jinyu's joy infects Zhongli MINGYE. "What is she doing here?"

This sister is very discerning. She is from a child.

"I think I used to dig bird eggs with her and look for wild mushrooms." Speaking of her previous experience, song Jinyu's eyes were shining and drooping.

"This time, let's..."

Thinking back to the past, now things have changed. Her heart was not as relaxed and comfortable as before, only hatred tormented her day and night.

Occasionally a beam of light penetrated in, and the man grabbed her heart and refused to let go.

Looking at it secretly, Zhong Li Ming Ye closes his eyes and doesn't know what to think. Is he tired? Although song Jinyu didn't care about the important events in the imperial court, the crown prince was now banned and the undercurrent was surging in the court. The pressure of Zhong Li MINGYE may be much greater than her.

With that in mind, she sat closer. The pure hand is slender and draped on his wrist, quietly feeling the pulse for Zhong Li MINGYE. The pulse is strong and powerful. Fortunately, there is no problem.

Just to take it back, he caught him again, "hot..." She shrunk, two people paste so close, can not hot?

He pulled him into his arms.

It's hard to wait for her to care about herself. Zhong Li Ming ye can't let go of this opportunity easily.

When she got out of the carriage, her back was wet and her face was flushed. Looking at Song Jinyu in surprise, miaochui and Zhaozhao have a clear expression.

The man looked at her playfully, took song Jinyu's hand and went straight into Zhuangzi.

The whole villa is surrounded by a big lake, and the lotus is in full bloom at this time. There are servants shuttling back and forth to pick lotus pods.

Seeing that she is very interested in the lotus in the lake, Zhong Li MINGYE takes a boat and wanders with song Jinyu among the lotus flowers. "It's beautiful!"

"If only you had a brush, you could draw it."

Zhong Li MINGYE hears a move in his heart, then raises his hand and signals Qingfeng to take a pen and paper.

Song Jinyu was sitting in the bow of the boat when the sun was not strong. The light wind gusted on the lake, and the shadow of lotus leaves fell on the water. She suddenly lowered herself to find a lotus flower and sniffed it carefully.

she picked a lotus seed and picked the lotus heart carefully. Then put the lotus seed into the mouth, chew it slowly, feel the sweet juice, and feel more and more relaxed.

Looking up, I see Zhong Li Ming Ye is seriously painting. The sun is shining on him. There is a fine sweat on his beautiful face. She got up gently, approached, and put a lotus seed in his mouth.

She took a handkerchief and wiped away the sweat for him, "princess love You do this... "


Song Jinyu stops and looks at him with a sweet smile. Unconsciously, they have known each other for a long time.

Unconsciously, he was a little bit indulged in his woven love net.

Now Seems to be more and more obsessed with him. When the boat stopped in the lotus, there was no other sound around except for the sound of insects and birds, the green waves and the light wind coming slowly With a slight smile, the head gently leans on his shoulder,

just as it happens, the last stroke falls on the paper. A little bit inclined, as if a little more. But just this point fell in the shadow of the lotus leaf on the lake.

Song Jinyu in the painting is like a fairy sitting on the boat. She bit a lotus seed with her gentle and flowery temperament on the paper. Her smart eyes seemed to be able to speak.

Feng MOU with inexplicable emotions, he reached over Song Jinyu. "For many years, I have never made mistakes in painting..." Because of her small movements, this is a little bit more.

"That is, MINGYE, you can't blame me for your lack of concentration..."

She did not admit that it was deliberately disturbing his mind. Before he finished speaking, he had to swallow it. Because she couldn't say it,The boat quietly on the lake, the couple, like a pair of fairy couple, deeply kiss.

For a long time,

Zhongli MINGYE sighed in a hoarse voice: "go back and find a doctor to show you whether you are better." Hearing this, song Jinyu blushed.

Knowing what he meant,

she buried herself in Zhong Li MINGYE's arms and refused to make a sound.

Prince Yu took a rest for half a month. The news that the couple went to the mountain resort for summer vacation reached Ling Xiangfu. Ling Yufei angrily threw away his brush.

The uncompleted lotus painting is clearly a little down.

"They How cruel

In Ling Yufei's eyes of apricot kernel, the evil spirits flash out. Inexplicably, a little scared, "let me become a joke of the whole capital..."

"In this life, I must be in Yu's mansion!"

She ruthlessly destroyed the lotus. Servant girls came in one after another, cleaning up for Ling Yufei. Seeing her in a bad mood, people looked at each other and dared not say more.

Chengqin Wangfu, Yu Duan Yazheng coax the little prince. After Zhongli Shuoyi came in, he picked it up. "Lord I'm in a good mood today. "

"Now that the crown prince is out of power, my king is naturally proud."

"If it were not for my father's suspiciousness and prudence now, I'm afraid the king's further opportunity would come."

Zhong Li Shuoyi looked at Yu duanya, "it's been a hard time for you When the time comes, I will take your mother and your son for the summer

Then he told Yu duanya the news that Prince Yu and his wife went to the mountain resort for summer vacation. While saying this, he secretly observed her face.

Unexpectedly, Yu duanya did not have two colors, only said with a smile: "Prince Yu dotes on his wife, and the whole capital knows it." Eyes are not happy, deep buried in the bottom of my heart. She envies song Jinyu. She can win the bell from MINGYE wholeheartedly.

"My father complained that he didn't pay attention to the important affairs of the government. Just looking for fun... " It's good to save yourself.

Although the crown prince has been banned, it has not been abolished. Under the surging tide, the shrimps and fish that have surfaced on the surface are

otherwise, how could the emperor visit the prince every few days.

It's nothing.

The emperor's mind is hard to see. , the fastest update of the webnovel!