Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Ling Yufei felt her neck with the trace of white silk that day.

Ling Xiang came in and looked at her, both heartache and anger. Madame Ling was reprimanded by Jia Guifei, which was a warning.

But I saw that my daughter had no love on her face.

His legitimate children less, and now with his wife but a son and a daughter. Ling Yufei is his only legitimate daughter,

now doing such shameless things is also the result of the doting of Ling Xiang and his wife since childhood.

"Phil, you..."

"If the father has come to admonish his daughter, do not mention it." Ling Yufei's two eyes are godless, "my daughter is not a Yu prince in this life, and he will not marry him!"

Ling Xiang was angry, "you only know Prince Yu, but you have become a big joke in the capital city!" I thought this daughter was intelligent, but now I see her so stubborn.

Helplessly looking at her, "Yu Prince and his wife love each other deeply, even if you marry in, it is just a foil." Why? With the prestige of the Ling family, the son of the minister's family was left to her choice.

Ling Yufei, however, only identified Prince Yu and spread these rumors all over the place. Ling Xiang had to give up the idea of looking for her husband's family.

Instantly red eyes, "please father! My daughter only wants to be his wife in this life, even if Just a concubine. "

"If you can see the clock from MINGYE day by day, it's worth dying!"

"Asshole! My daughter of Ling family is going to be a concubine's room? You can think of it Ling Xiang was angry and worried about her daughter.

Had to brush off, did not see that Ling Yufei eyes across a determined.

That night, Ling three young lady's intimate servant girl once again found that she looked for shortsightedness. Mrs. Ling couldn't help it any longer, so she had to ask Ling Xiang.

"For the sake of her daughter, please help her."

After retiring the next day, Ling Xiang presented himself to the emperor alone.

The emperor looked at him helplessly. Ling Xiangsu came clean and honest, and never stood in the court. Deeply trusted by the emperor, she knelt down for the sake of Miss Ling San. Quite a bit of a surprise, "parents love their children, it is far-reaching plan."

"Ling Aiqing..."

"Old minister, please The emperor has done it! The little girl is infatuated. Now only when she is married into Yu's family will her innocence be preserved. "

The emperor is cold, and Zhong Li knows the feelings of Ming Ye towards song Jinyu. Now If you order Ling Yufei to enter the gate of Yuqin palace,

Zhong Li MINGYE gets the support of Ling Xiang.

he only hears from Ling Xiang that his daughter does not seek fame and is willing to be a concubine. Thinking of this, the emperor agreed to it verbally.

Ling Xiang was wise to protect himself for a lifetime, and now he can only lower his head for his daughter. The emperor is not without ridicule. Does ye'er really want to fight for that position?

Or to retreat for advancement?

He knows that among his sons, Zhong Li Ming Ye is the most outstanding in terms of strategy and scheming. However, he never competes or grabs, nor does he do anything out of the ordinary.

So Take Ling Yufei to try, it's not bad.

Ling Xiang was relieved after he got the emperor's instruction.

Frown again, ridiculous! The first lady of the prime minister's house is willing to be the concubine of Prince Yu!

Originally thought the emperor would pity, the worst is the position of the side concubine. Unexpectedly, the emperor did not think of this layer, but pushed the boat along the river. Ling Yufei's concubine's status was determined.

However, Ling Xiang thought that there was still room for maneuver. Then we can only discuss with MINGYE in Zhongli, and may be able to fight for the position of side imperial concubine for Ling Yufei.

He Yi listened to Jia Guifei and Shu Guifei talking about this matter, and angrily jumped, "this is simply deceiving people! Ling Yufei is really shameless! "

"He Yi Your fourth brother doesn't know about it yet. "

"It will be too late for him to know! How could the father agree? " He Yi is anxious. Song Jinyu is just a prefect official. Ling Yufei is a young lady from the prime minister's office.

Shu Guifei said with a smile, "the daughter-in-law of this palace is not simple."

So, a woman of elegant beauty naturally knows how to do it. It's just I hope it doesn't affect their feelings.

In lingxiangfu, in addition to Ling Yufei, she is in a good mood. Ling Xiang's husband and wife are both cold faced. After all, her daughter, as the legitimate daughter of the prime minister's residence, enters Yu's Prince's house as his concubine's room, which is really a disgrace to his face.

"Panic, mother."

"My daughter only wants a chance. If I enter the mansion, where can the humble Princess sit still?" Ling Yufei vowed, beautiful eyes flow, is all calculation.

Ling's wife looked at her, and more and more felt that Ling Yufei was very much like herself when she was young. Ling Xiang was once a flower seeker.

In order to win the blue eye, she did not hesitate to force her father to calculate the Ling family.

Jiaguifei, who originally had the intention of marrying Ling's family, went into the palace for the imperial concubine. Jiaguifei's character is gentle. Originally, Madame Ling and princess jiaguifei are friends in the boudoir.

Now, similar things happen to my daughter again. Mrs. Ling felt that for the sake of happiness, it was not so hard to accept to achieve her wish by any means.

Just a miss thorn historian!

When she goes to light a few more fires, it will be more than a concubine's room. Secretly thinking, Ling Yufei is proud. She is 18 years old, but the 15-year-old princess can compare with her?Song Jinyu looks at Zhong Li MINGYE in distress, "wait for the hare, that's you!" In the old days, it was the elder martial brothers who caught rabbits. She was only responsible for eating.

Now they have been busy for hours without even seeing a rabbit. Zhongli MINGYE is also helpless. He has never caught a rabbit in the battlefield before.

Finally, with the help of Chuang Tzu's steward, he caught one. It's the harvest of both of them.

the braised rabbit meat in brown sauce at noon made them enjoy themselves. “……”

Thoughtfully looking at the rabbit meat in front of her, "love Princess You have more meat. " With a strange look, song Jinyu purses her mouth and looks at Zhong Li MINGYE, puzzled.

"Eat more meat, better meat..."

"Bad smile close to her," or make a panic It's a panic? It's a panic?

What the hell is this?

Seeing his bad eyes, song Jinyu twisted her eyebrows and said, "you..." As expected, it is a pair of good skin under the cover, unable to match the essence of the literati scum.

Quietly swallow the rabbit meat, thinking about how to pull back this game.

But at the moment, others are standing tall and handsome, and there seems to be no place to attack. She looked at some hair, clock from Ming Ye gently wrung the beautiful cheek, "this meat all long face?"

The eyes fell on the chest somewhere beautiful, as if to see through her.


Song Jinyu reached out and called his eyes, "look again I'll dig your eyes Inexplicably a little shy,

fortunately, I got up and went out to eat.

But Shensi is still pondering, what does he mean by "scared"? , the fastest update of the webnovel!